Dictionary with Tuple as Key in Python

In Python, dictionaries are versatile data structures that allow you to store and retrieve data efficiently using key-value pairs. While it’s common to use simple types like strings or integers as keys, you can also use more complex data structures, such as tuples. In this article, we’ll explore five different methods to create and manipulate dictionaries with tuples as keys.

Dictionary With Tuple As Key Python

Below, are the ways to create a Dictionary With Tuple As Key Python.

Basic Initialization

In this example, in the below code, a dictionary named tuple_dict is initialized with tuples as keys and corresponding color values. When printed, it displays the key-value pairs representing fruits and their colors.


# Basic Initialization
tuple_dict = {('apple', 1): 'red', ('banana', 2): 'yellow', ('grape', 3): 'purple'}
print("Basic Initialization:")


Basic Initialization:
{('apple', 1): 'red', ('banana', 2): 'yellow', ('grape', 3): 'purple'}

Dictionary With Tuple As Key Using zip() Fucntion

In this example, in below code A dictionary named tuple_dict is created by zipping the keys and values using the zip() function, associating fruits with their colors. When printed, it displays the key-value pairs representing fruits and their colors.


# Using zip() Function
keys = [('apple', 1), ('banana', 2), ('grape', 3)]
values = ['red', 'yellow', 'purple']
tuple_dict = dict(zip(keys, values))
print("\n Using zip() Function:")


 Using zip() Function:
{('apple', 1): 'red', ('banana', 2): 'yellow', ('grape', 3): 'purple'}

Dictionary With Tuple As Key Using dict() Constructor

In this example, in below code A dictionary named tuple_dict is constructed using the dict() constructor with a list of tuple-key-value pairs. When printed, it shows the key-value pairs representing fruits and their colors.


# Using dict() Constructor
tuple_dict = dict([(('apple', 1), 'red'), (('banana', 2), 'yellow'), (('grape', 3), 'purple')])
print("\n Using dict() Constructor:")


 Using dict() Constructor:
{('apple', 1): 'red', ('banana', 2): 'yellow', ('grape', 3): 'purple'}

Dictionary With Tuple As Key by Iterating Over Items

In this example, in below code iterates over the items in the tuple_dict dictionary, printing each key-value pair in the format “key: value” for fruits and their corresponding colors.


# Iterating Over Items
tuple_dict = {('apple', 1): 'red', ('banana', 2): 'yellow', ('grape', 3): 'purple'}
print("\n Iterating Over Items:")
for key, value in tuple_dict.items():
    print(f"{key}: {value}")


 Iterating Over Items:
('apple', 1): red
('banana', 2): yellow
('grape', 3): purple

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