Dev Scripter 2024 – Biggest Technical Writing Event By GeeksforGeeks

w3wiki proudly presents Dev Scripter 2024, an event that transcends conventional coding competitions. Dev Scripter is an opportunity to enhance your technical writing skills and earn a handsome income, whether you’re a student, graduate, working professional, or aspiring to build a career in technology. From February 9th to March 21st, participants will be part of a technical writing extravaganza, featuring different domains. This article provides a sneak peek into the event details, ensuring you don’t miss out on this unique opportunity.

Kudos!! The results for Dev Scripter 2024 are out now. Check out the Results Below

Dev Scripter 2024 – Results Announced

Top 30 Winners List:

Dev Scripter event holds the promise of abundant rewards for you if you are confident in your technical writing skills to influence, educate, captivate readers, and maintain their interest. Share your expertise and secure guaranteed goodies and thrilling incentives. So, what are you waiting for? Get an amazing opportunity to showcase your technical knowledge and writing skills – altogether. 

Event Details

The Dev Scripter 2024 will begin in the second week of February 2024 and will last until the third week of March 2024. Check out all the information below:

  • Event Start Date: 9th February 2024
  • Event End Date: 21st March 2024
  • Result Date: 17 Apr 2024

Note: Only the articles that are submitted before 21st March 2024 will be entertained and submission will close at 12 AM on 21st March 2024. 


This event is open to all categories i.e., Students, graduates, working professionals, or who are trying to create a career in technology can participate in this event. 


Apart from getting payments of published article during this event, you’ll also be rewarded the below items according to your winning rank:

  • 1st Prize → Tablet + GFG Course Coupon Worth INR 8000 + Goodies
  • 2nd Prize → Speaker + GFG Course Coupon Worth INR 6000 + Goodies
  • 3rd Prize → Alexa + GFG Course Coupon Worth INR 4000 + Goodies
  • 4th Prize → Smartwatch + GFG Course Coupon Worth INR 2000 + Goodies
  • 5th Prize → Smartwatch + GFG Course Coupon Worth INR 1000 + Goodies
  • 6th to 30th Prize → Event Specific Goodies (T-Shirt, Bag, Keyring, Diary, Pen, Stickers) 

Important Note:

  • Participation certificates will be awarded to all participants who have a minimum of 3 articles published in the event.
  • The participants will be eligible for rewards only if minimum 3 articles are published in the event

How to Participate in Dev Scripter 2024?

The process of writing and submitting the article for the Dev Scripter 2024 is very easy. Follow the below-mentioned steps:

  1. You can just directly go to the Write portal and click the Dev Scripter tab. It’ll take you to Pick Article from where you can pick the topic of your choice.
  2. You can also submit the article by adding the category – “Dev Scripter” to the article along with the tag “Dev Scripter 2024”. This is mandatory for the articles which are not picked from the Pick Topic list.
  3. The “Suggest button” is another option. You can suggest a topic and submit it here by selecting the category Dev Scipter, and our team will review it to see whether it is relevant to our event. If the article is approved, you can begin writing your article immediately. Please allow 42 hours (Working Days Only) for a response to your article suggestion.
  4. The articles Suggested after 10th March 2024 will not be considered for Dev Scripter.
  5. Author must include Dev Scripter Tag – “Dev Scripter 2024” and Category of required domain in each and every article before submitting it for review process.
  6. Refer to the guidelines – before starting to write the article.

General Guidelines For Dev Scripter 2024

A. Eligibility Related

  • This event is open to all.
  • Event participation will only be considered through WRITE portal only.
  • Don’t forget to check to see whether your topic is already on w3wiki.
  • Any article containing Plagiarised/AI-generated content, if found would be straightaway prohibited/discarded.

B. Submissions Related

  • Categories and Domains which are accepted:
    • Advance Java
    • Databases
    • DevOps
    • Web Technologies Projects 
      • JavaScript Projects
      • MERN Projects
      • React Projects
      • Node Projects
      • HTML CSS Projects
      • Next.JS Projects
      • Tailwind Projects
    • Web Design
    • Web Templates
    • Django Projects
    • Flask Projects
    • Machine Learning Projects
    • Data Science Projects
    • Natural Language Processing
    • Deep Learning
      • Computer Vision
      • Generative AI Projects
      • Transformer
    • Automated Testing
    • Search Engine Optimization
    • System Design
    • Product Management
    • Software Development
  • Any article present with the Dev Scripter tag will be reviewed on priority basis.
  • The eligible articles from the ‘Pick Section’ will automatically add the Dev Scripter Category and Tag to the Post. If a topic is picked and Dev Scripter Category and Tag is NOT automatically added, that domain is not eligible in the contest.
  • At any given time, only 5 articles(Draft + Pending + Awaiting + Review Queue) can be selected from the PICK section.
  • The pending article limit for any Picked and Non-picked article is 10 articles.
  • If the picked article is present in the draft and is not submitted within 4 days, it will be automatically discarded.
  • If the Picked article is present in the awaiting author section then it will be discarded in 3 days if not submitted with the required changes.
  • If the Non-Picked article is present in the awaiting author section then it will not be discarded automatically.
  • Any Non Picked article submitted under Dev Scipter category and tag will be considered for the event or not, will be decided by internal team.
  • Improvement of the existing article will not be accepted or considered as an entry for this event.
  • The Dev Scripter 2024 Tag must be included in the article; otherwise, the article will not be considered for event participation.
  • Any submitted article (Having Pending Status) on or before 21st March 2024 (midnight) under the Dev Scripter 2024 category will be only considered for the review process.
  • If anyone is submitting the article after 21st March 2024, then the article will be considered as a normal contribution and will not be counted under the Dev Scripter 2024.
  • In case you get feedback on your pending Dev Scripter 2024 article, or your article is in awaiting status during this event then make the suggested changes by 27th March 2024 and submit the article for the review process. After 27th March 2024, the awaiting status article will not be considered for the Dev Scripter 2024 event.
  • Any article submitted prior to 9th Feb 2024, whether it is in pending or awaiting author status will not be considered for the Dev Scripter 2024.

Note: The article title should not be present or colliding with any of the pre-existing articles on GFG. To avoid this, kindly cross check the title of your article before submitting it for review.

C. Payment Related

  • All the payments will be processed to the author’s bank account after signing the offer letter generated by w3wiki.
  • 600 INR will be paid for each published article during this event.
  • If an author’s existing fixed pay is more than the fixed pay under the event i.e., INR 600, the maximum amount will be considered for the pay of the article.
  • We have different pay for certain domains during the event.
    • Machine Learning Projects: 800 INR/article
    • Data Science Projects: 800 INR/article
    • Web Technologies Projects: 800 INR/article
    • Deep Learning: 800  INR/article
    • System Design: 800 INR/article
    • NLP: 800 INR/article
    • Software Development: 800 INR/article
    • DevOps: 800 INR/article
    • Django and Flask Projects: 800 INR/article
    • R Machine Learning: 800 INR/article
  • w3wiki reserves the right to accept or reject any changes at any time and at any stage, without assigning any reason or incurring any liability to the participants. No claim whatsoever will be entertained/paid by the w3wiki to the participants.

D. Rewards Related

  • If a person has two or more articles in the Top 30 results, the highest-ranking article will be used to determine the winner rank.
  • The prize distribution process will begin 10 days(working) after the results are announced. Our team will send the winners an email with the necessary information such as name, Complete Address Details, etc. to their registered email addresses.
  • Minimum 3 articles should be published in the event to become eligible for participation certificate and rewards.
  • The payments and rewards are exclusively available to Indian contributors. However, if you are not from India, you can contribute articles to this event but would not be eligible for prizes.

E. Winners Related

The Top 30 winners will be chosen on the following parameters:

  • 30% Likes
  • 70% Internal Criteria – Will be decided by GFG review team based on the article’s complexity, clearity and how well written it is etc.

Note: In case of any doubt please connect us here.

Dev Scripter 2024 is more than just an event; it’s a code carnival, and you’re the main attraction. From February 9th to March 21st, 2024, join us for a Technical writing extravaganza that’s easy, breezy, and loads of fun. Go now and let’s get this writing party started! Time to script your success at DevScripter 2024!

FAQs: Dev Scripter 2024

1. Who can participate?

Anyone can participate in the Dev Scripter 2024 event. 

2. How many articles can I write?

You can write as many articles as you want as long as they are technical articles and not posted on our website already. 

3. How will I get paid?

If you are already an author on w3wiki then you can apply for payment as you normally would. If you are a new author, Go to the Work with Us tab, Click on Apply here on the Write portal to apply for an offer letter, and then click on the Remuneration tab on the Write portal to apply for payment. In both cases, the payment will be received in the first week of the following month. Here is an example, if Ajay applies for the remuneration at the Starting, Middle, or end of Feb 2024 then he will get the payment in the first week of March 2024.

4. Is there any minimum number of articles to participate in the event?

No, you can participate in the event by publishing at least one article and can apply for remuneration for it.

5. Is there any minimum number of articles to get the rewards and certificate?

Participation certificates and rewards will be awarded to participants who have a minimum of 3 articles published in the event.

6. What will be the last date to submit the article?   

The last date for article submission is 21st March 2024. However, you need to know if you submit the article on the last date and get feedback on it to make some changes then you’ll get 7 more days to make the required changes in the article and submit it again for the review process. 

7. Can I submit my article which I have published on another platform also?

No, the article must be unique, and original, and not be published on any other platform.  Also, it should be plagiarized-free.

8. After I submit the article, what process will take place?

Once you write and submit the article, then the status of your article becomes Pending. The team then reviews your article and gives you feedback in comments (if needed) under the article and saves your article status to Awaiting Author. After that, you’re required to make the changes as per the feedback and again submit the article for review and the status of your article becomes Pending again. Finally, after you have made all the required improvements, your article status becomes In Review, which means it has been approved. Also, when your article gets published, the status of your article becomes Published.

9. If I am already getting more than INR 600 per published article, then which amount will be considered for this event?

If you’re already associated with GFG and getting paid INR 600/published article, then you’ll receive the maximum amount that GFG is paying before this event. But you will get a chance to win some exciting prizes like Tablets, Alexa and GFG Goodies.

10. Can I receive payment through PayPal?

Currently, we accept payment transfers through Net banking/Transfer and do not entertain PayPal or another third-party app to transfer the remuneration.

11. During this event, my articles will also count for Internship?

Yes, your articles will be considered for the internship also.

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