Deutsche Bank Interview Experience Software Development (On-Campus) 2023

Deutsche Bank visited our campus and was open for all branches, without any GPA criteria. They were hiring interns for software development roles for the summer of 2023.

The Hiring Procedure was quite straight forward consisting of:

  1. Online Coding Round
  2. Technical Interview
  3. Pro-fit/Managerial Round
  4. HR Round

Online Coding Round

The first round was an online assessment round of 1 hour and 30 mins conducted on the HackerEarth platform.

  1. The test had two medium-level questions. First, was a DP question and second was a variation of the next greater element problem.
  2. The test had 20 MCQs across all core CS topics including Operating Systems, DBMS, Computer Networks and OOPs.

14 students were shortlisted for the next round, only those students were selected who achieved 100% accuracy.

Tip: Do the coding questions first and attempt MCQs later on. Do not take MCQs for granted as you will need to solve every one of them correctly.

Technical Round

The interview started with my introduction. Then, the interviewer asked me to share my screen and display my projects, as they weren’t deployed, along with a quick walkthrough after which I was interviewed on CS fundamental topics like Operating Systems, DBMS and OOPs.

Some of the Core questions include:

  1. ACID properties in DBMS.
  2. Differences between DDL, DML and DCL along with examples.
  3. Pillars of OOPs along with real-life examples.
  4. Deadlocks in OS.

After that, I was given two basic coding problems (Kadane’s algorithm and reverse linked list) and was expected to run them on my system which I did properly.

This round lasted for around 45 minutes and after an hour I got the call for round 2.

6 students were shortlisted for next round.

Tip: Core Concepts are equally important(some times more) in any interview. Interviewers generally ask easy DSA problems.

Pro-Fit/Manegerial Round

This round assessed the candidate’s ability to handle difficult situations invloving conflicting scenarios while working and included various situation-based problems like, “Tell me about your most challenging project.”, “What would you do if you had to choose between a valuable client and project accuracy.” I was also asked various small questions in between to judge the flexibility and spontaneity of my responses. Besides this the interviewer also asked a little bit of resume based questions to me.

This round lasted for around 20 minutes and after half an hour I got the call for round 3.

4 students were shortlisted for next round.

Tip: Practice in front of a mirror, the art of responding spontaneously and correctly. Speak slowly and correctly.

HR Round

This Round was a general HR round and I was asked various questions revolving around my daily lives and my knowledge of the banking industry. A small discussion on the importance of OTP in developing countries like India was done and this concluded the round.

This round lasted for 15 minutes. And we were supposed to wait for the final selections.

Tip: Do not argue with the HR on any topic, instead try to listen to their point and find points to agree upon.

Final Verdict : Selected

All 4 of us were offered a summer SDE intern at Deutsche Bank Operations India.

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