Deutsche Bank Interview Experience for Technology Analyst (Pune)

Online Coding Round: The DSA/Problem-solving round consists of three questions. The first was worth 20 points and the second and third were worth 50 points each, totaling 120 points. 1st Question (two-pointer) 2nd Question(hashmap) 3rd Question (Dynamic Programming) All Questions were Solved by me. Only 27 candidates were shortlisted.

Round 1: Technical Round 1 (40-45 mins): I was asked to “Tell me about yourself” as soon as the interview began. Then he asked me about different types of data structures. Then he asked me real-life examples of stack and queue. Then he asked me to implement a queue with two stacks (only approach). Then he asked me to write code to find the duplicate element. Then he asked me to find the frequency of duplicate elements. Asked me about the time and space complexity of my algorithm. Then he asked me to give a brief about my resume. Then he asked me how frontend and backend communicate with each other, Various HTTP requests, and what is https. Lastly, he asked me a puzzle ( it’s okay if you are not able to solve the puzzle they just want to know how you approach the given problem Go through the GFG puzzles. It might help you. If you know the answers don’t tell them directly. Explain the necessary steps. At last, the interviewer asked me Do you have any questions? (always ask questions)

Round 2: Technical Round 2 (45 mins):

  • Tell me about yourself
  • Project Discussion(10-15 mins)
  • Why did you use MongoDB instead of SQL.(if you are using any technology in your project make sure why you know why you selected that tech instead of another)
  • Can you implement MongoDB using Data Structure?
  • What are ACID properties in databases?
  • What is Indexing in DBMS
  • What is Encapsulation?
  • Coding question: Reverse the sentence by word. Eg, I am Narayan Gawas => Gawas Narayan am I
  •  Coding question: various methods to Swap two variable
  • Do you have any questions?(always ask questions)

Tip: please go through all the interview experience, because I got the same coding question that was asked before so I knew all the methods to solve the question.

Round 3: Professional Fitness Round(30 mins): The interviewer starts the interview by asking me “Tell me about Yourself”. Basically, all the questions were asked situation questions. Answer the question positively. Do not use any negative words. Do you have any questions? (always ask questions)

Round 4 : HR Round(15-20 mins):

  •  Again Interview starts with Tell me about yourself
  • Tell me your Strengths and weaknesses.
  • What are the values of DB.(please read all the values of DB from the website)
  •  Which soft skill needs improvement
  •  Why DB?
  •  Any plans for future study?
  • Do you have any questions? (always ask questions)

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