Detect Encoding of CSV File in Python

When working with CSV (Comma Separated Values) files in Python, it is crucial to handle different character encodings appropriately. Encoding determines how characters are represented in binary format, and mismatched encodings can lead to data corruption or misinterpretation. In this article, we will explore how to detect the encoding of a CSV file in Python, ensuring accurate and seamless data processing.

What is Encoding?

Encoding is the process of converting text from one representation to another. In the context of CSV files, encoding specifies how the characters in the file are stored and interpreted. Common encodings include UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, and ASCII. UTF-8 is widely used and supports a broad range of characters, making it a popular choice for encoding text files. ISO-8859-1 is another common encoding, especially in Western European languages.

How To Detect Encoding Of CSV File in Python?

Below, are examples of How To Detect the Encoding Of CSV files in Chardet in Python.


First, we need to install the Chardet library if you haven’t already:

pip install chardet

Example 1: CSV Encoding Detection in Python

I have created a file named example.txt that contains data in the format of ASCII (we can use .txt, .csv, or .dat)


In this example, below Python code below utilizes the chardet library to automatically detect the encoding of a CSV file. It opens the file in binary mode, reads its content, and employs chardet.detect() to determine the encoding. The detected encoding information is then printed, offering insight into the character encoding used in the specified CSV file (‘exm.csv’).


import chardet
# Step 2: Read CSV File in Binary Mode
with open('exm.csv', 'rb') as f:
    data =
# Step 3: Detect Encoding using chardet Library
encoding_result = chardet.detect(data)
# Step 4: Retrieve Encoding Information
encoding = encoding_result['encoding']
# Step 5: Print Detected Encoding Information
print("Detected Encoding:", encoding)


Detected Encoding : ascii

Example 2: Text File Encoding Detection in Python

I have created a txt file named exm.txt that contains data in format of UTF-8


In this example, below This Python code utilizes the `chardet` library to automatically detect the encoding of a text file (‘exm.txt’). It reads the file in binary mode, detects the encoding using `chardet.detect()`, and prints the identified encoding information.


import chardet
# Step 2: Read CSV File in Binary Mode
with open('exm.txt', 'rb') as f:
    data =
# Step 3: Detect Encoding using chardet Library
encoding_result = chardet.detect(data)
# Step 4: Retrieve Encoding Information
encoding = encoding_result['encoding']
# Step 5: Print Detected Encoding Information
print("Detected Encoding:", encoding)


Detected Encoding : utf-8


Detecting the encoding of a CSV file is crucial when working with text files in Python. Incorrect encoding can lead to data corruption and misinterpretation. By using the chardet library, you can automatically detect the encoding of a CSV file and ensure that it is properly handled during file operations. Incorporating encoding detection into your file processing workflow will help you avoid potential issues and ensure the accurate handling of text data in Python.

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