Design Patterns Cheat Sheet – When to Use Which Design Pattern?

In system design, selecting the right design pattern is related to choosing the right tool for the job. It’s essential for crafting scalable, maintainable, and efficient systems. Yet, among a lot of options, the decision can be difficult. This Design Patterns Cheat Sheet serves as a guide, helping you on the path toward optimal design pattern selection. Simplifying complex concepts into easy insights empowers engineers to navigate design patterns confidently.

Important Topics for Design Patterns Cheat Sheet

  • What are Design Patterns?
  • When to Use Which Design Pattern?
  • When to Choose Creational Design Patterns?
  • When to Choose Structural Design Patterns?
  • When to Choose Behavioral Design Patterns?
  • Importance of Choosing the Right Design Pattern

What are Design Patterns?

Design patterns are reusable solutions to common problems encountered during software design and development. They represent established best practices for structuring code to address specific challenges in a standardized and efficient manner.

  • By following design patterns, developers can streamline the development process, enhance code clarity, and facilitate communication among team members.
  • Examples of design patterns include Singleton, Factory, Observer, Strategy, and many others, each helps to address distinct sets of problems.

When to Use Which Design Pattern?

Before we select a pattern, we must identify and understand the problem we have encountered, and based on that we can choose which sub-category of design pattern we can go for, Let us see in this Design Patterns Cheat Sheet, that in which scenario to choose which design pattern, that can effectively solve our problem:

Design Patterns Cheat Sheet

When to Choose Creational Design Patterns?

According to this Design Patterns Cheat Sheet, choose creational design patterns when object creation is complex, involves multiple steps, or requires specific initialization. They’re useful for promoting reusability, encapsulating creation logic, and decoupling client code from classes it instantiates.

  • Creational patterns enhance flexibility, making it easier to change or extend object creation methods at runtime.
  • Common patterns include Singleton, Factory Method, Abstract Factory, Builder, and Prototype. Use them to improve maintainability, readability, and scalability of your codebase.

We must choose Creational Design Patterns when the Problem is related to Object Creation.

When to Choose Creational Design Patterns

  1. Singleton: Makes sure there is just one instance.
  2. Factory Method: Assigns subclasses the task of instantiating objects.
  3. Abstract Factory: Constructs related object families without defining their concrete classes.
  4. Prototype: Clones objects to provide a template example.
  5. Builder: Helps in building the complex objects step by step.

When to Choose Structural Design Patterns?

According to this Design Patterns Cheat Sheet, choose structural design patterns when you need to compose objects and classes into larger structures while keeping them flexible and efficient. These patterns are useful for clarifying relationships between classes, managing object hierarchies, and altering interfaces without affecting clients.

  • Structural patterns promote code reuse, simplify system design, and enhance scalability.
  • They’re beneficial when dealing with complex systems, integration of new components, or refactoring existing codebases.

We must choose Structural Design Patterns when the Problem is related to Object Assembly.

When to Choose Structural Design Patterns?

  1. Adapter: Acts as a bridge between two incompatible interfaces
  2. Bridge: Separates the abstraction from the implementation.
  3. Composite: Handles single and composite objects equally.
  4. Decorator: Adds behaviors to objects dynamically.
  5. Facade: Helps in Simplifying the complex system interfaces.
  6. Flyweight: Shares common parts of state between multiple objects to reduce memory.
  7. Proxy: Controls the access to an object.

When to Choose Behavioral Design Patterns?

According to this Design Patterns Cheat Sheet, choose behavioral design patterns when you need to manage algorithms, communication, or responsibilities between objects. They’re useful for encapsulating behavior that varies and promoting loose coupling between objects.

  • Behavioral patterns facilitate code reuse, flexibility, and maintainability by defining how objects interact and communicate.
  • Use them to address scenarios like handling complex workflows, managing state transitions, or implementing communication between objects.

We must choose Behavioral Design Patterns when the Problem is related to Object Interactions.

When to Choose Behavioral Design Patterns?

  1. Observer: Observes and notifies changes in multiple objects.
  2. Strategy: Encapsulates the interchangeable algorithms.
  3. Command: Encapsulates requests as objects for decoupled execution.
  4. State: It Changes the behavior of object with internal state.
  5. Visitor: It separates algorithms from objects.
  6. Memento: Pattern to manage object state and actions.
  7. Iterator: It Sequentially accesses the elements of a collection.
  8. Mediator: Central controller managing communication between objects.
  9. Chain of Responsibility: Pass request through handlers until one handles it.
  10. Template Method: Defines the skeleton of an algorithm.

Importance of Choosing the Right Design Pattern

According to this Design Patterns Cheat Sheet, choosing the right design pattern is crucial due to:

  • Scalability: Ensures the architecture can accommodate growth without excessive restructuring.
  • Flexibility: Enables easy adaptation to changing requirements and future enhancements.
  • Maintainability: Facilitates code readability and comprehension, easing maintenance tasks.
  • Reusability: Promotes reuse of proven solutions, saving development time and effort.
  • Performance: Optimizes code execution and resource utilization for efficient operation.
  • Reducing Errors: Helps avoid common pitfalls and design flaws, leading to fewer bugs and issues.


With the help of this Design Patterns Cheat Sheet, selecting the appropriate design pattern is crucial for effective problem-solving in software development. By understanding the characteristics of different design patterns and analyzing the specific requirements and constraints of the problem at hand, developers can make informed decisions that lead to more maintainable, scalable, and efficient solutions.

Moreover, the choice of design pattern can significantly impact the readability, flexibility, and extensibility of the codebase. It allows developers to leverage proven solutions to common design problems, reducing the chances of errors and promoting code reusability.

FAQs related to Design Patterns Cheat Sheet – When to Use Which Design Pattern?

Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) related to when to use various design patterns:

Q. When should I use design patterns?

Design patterns should be used when you encounter recurring design problems in your software development process. They help in making your code more maintainable, flexible, and easier to understand.

Q. How do I know which design pattern to use?

You should choose a design pattern based on the problem you’re trying to solve. Each design pattern addresses a specific concern, such as object creation, behavior management, or structural organization. Understanding the problem and the characteristics of each pattern will help you make the right choice.

Q. Are design patterns applicable to all programming languages?

Yes, design patterns are applicable to most programming languages. While some patterns may be more commonly used in certain languages or environments, the concepts behind them are language-agnostic.

Q. Can I create my own design patterns?

Yes, you can create your own design patterns if you encounter a problem that is not addressed by existing patterns. However, it’s important to ensure that your pattern is well-documented, widely applicable, and follows established design principles.

Q. Should I always use design patterns in my code?

While design patterns can be very helpful, they should not be applied blindly. It’s essential to understand the problem you’re solving and whether a design pattern is the appropriate solution. Overusing patterns can lead to overly complex and difficult-to-maintain code.

Q. How do design patterns relate to software architecture?

Design patterns are often used within the context of software architecture to address specific concerns at different levels of abstraction. They help in organizing and structuring the components of a system to promote flexibility, scalability, and maintainability.

Q. Are there any drawbacks to using design patterns?

While design patterns can offer many benefits, they can also introduce complexity to your codebase, especially if used inappropriately. Additionally, relying too heavily on patterns without fully understanding their implications can lead to over-engineering.

Q. Where can I learn more about design patterns?

There are numerous resources available for learning about design patterns, including books, online tutorials, and courses. Additionally, studying real-world examples and practicing applying patterns in your own projects can help deepen your understanding.

Q. Can design patterns be combined or used together?

Yes, design patterns can often be combined or used together to address complex design problems. Understanding how different patterns interact and complement each other can lead to more robust and flexible solutions.

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