Design Coupon and Voucher Management System

In today’s dynamic business landscape, companies continuously seek innovative ways to engage customers and drive sales. Coupons and vouchers serve as powerful marketing tools, offering discounts and incentives to encourage purchases. However, managing these promotions efficiently requires a robust Coupon and Voucher Management System. This article provides a detailed guide to designing such a system, covering various aspects from requirement gathering to implementation.

Important Topics for Coupon and Voucher Management System

  • Requirement Gathering for Coupon and Voucher Management System
  • Capacity Estimation for Coupon and Voucher Management System
  • Use Case Diagram for Coupon and Voucher Management System
  • HLD (High-Level Design) for Coupon and Voucher Management System
  • LLD (Low-Level Design) for Coupon and Voucher Management System
  • System Architecture for Coupon and Voucher Management System
  • Database Design for Coupon and Voucher Management System
  • Microservices Used for Coupon and Voucher Management System
  • APIs Used for Coupon and Voucher Management System
  • Scalability for Coupon and Voucher Management System

1. Requirement Gathering for Coupon and Voucher Management System

The first step in designing the system is to gather requirements from stakeholders including administrators, users, and developers. Key functionalities such as coupon creation, allocation, redemption, expiration, and user management need to be identified.

Additionally, requirements related to coupon rules (e.g., age restrictions, minimum cart value), voucher types (e.g., unassigned, pre-assigned), and administrative capabilities (e.g., creation, activation, deactivation) must be considered.

Functional Requirements for Coupon and Voucher Management System

  • Coupon Management: This includes functionalities such as creating new coupons, allocating them to users or specific demographics, managing their activation and deactivation, defining rules such as age restrictions or minimum cart value, and setting expiration dates.
  • User Management: User-related functionalities involve authentication, registration, and profile management. It also encompasses managing user roles and permissions, such as distinguishing between regular users and administrators.
  • Voucher Management: This involves functionalities for managing vouchers, including allocation, redemption, and tracking their status.

Non-Functional Requirements for Coupon and Voucher Management System

  • Performance: The system should be able to handle a large number of concurrent users and transactions without significant performance degradation.
  • Scalability: It should be scalable to accommodate growth in user base and transaction volume over time.
  • Reliability: The system should be highly available and ensure data integrity and consistency.
  • Security: Implement robust authentication mechanisms to protect user data and prevent unauthorized access.
  • Usability: The user interface should be intuitive and easy to navigate for both administrators and end-users.

2. Capacity Estimation for Coupon and Voucher Management System

Estimating the system’s capacity is essential to ensure it can handle the expected load without performance degradation. Factors such as the number of concurrent users, coupons, vouchers, and transactions per second need to be considered. Based on these estimates, the required infrastructure including servers, storage, and network bandwidth can be determined.

  • Traffic Estimation:
    • Estimate the number of concurrent users and transactions per second based on historical data or market research.
    • For example, if historical data shows an average of 1000 users accessing the system simultaneously and 500 transactions occurring per second during peak times, the system should be designed to handle at least that much load.
  • Storage Estimation:
    • Estimate the amount of data to be stored, including coupons, vouchers, user profiles, and transaction records.
    • Calculate the required storage capacity based on data volume and retention period.
    • For instance, if each coupon or voucher record occupies 1 KB of space and there are expected to be 1 million active coupons and vouchers at any given time, the storage requirement would be 1 GB.

3. Use Case Diagram for Coupon and Voucher Management System

A use case diagram helps visualize the interactions between actors (admin, user) and the system. Key use cases include:

  • Admin: Create coupon, allocate voucher, activate/deactivate coupon, view usage statistics.
  • User: View available coupons, redeem coupon, view voucher status.

Use Case Diagram

This diagram serves as a blueprint for the system’s functionalities and helps ensure that all requirements are addressed.

4. HLD (High-Level Design) for Coupon and Voucher Management System

The HLD outlines the overall system architecture, focusing on scalability, reliability, and performance. Key components of the architecture may include:

  • Front-end: The front-end component is the user interface through which administrators and users interact with the system.
    • It may consist of a web application, mobile application, or both, depending on the target audience and platform preferences.
    • Administrators can access functionalities such as coupon creation, allocation, and management, while users can view available coupons, redeem vouchers, and manage their accounts.
    • The front-end communicates with the back-end services through API calls, sending requests and receiving responses to fulfill user actions.
  • Back-end:
    • The back-end comprises several microservices, each responsible for a specific set of functionalities.
    • Examples of back-end services include Coupon Service, Voucher Service, User Service, and Admin Service.
    • Each service encapsulates business logic related to its domain, such as coupon management, voucher allocation, user authentication, and administrative functions.
    • Microservices communicate with each other and with the database to fulfill user requests, either synchronously via RESTful API calls or asynchronously through message queues.
  • Database:
    • The database stores persistent data required by the system, including coupons, vouchers, user profiles, and transaction records.
    • Depending on the nature of the data and scalability requirements, the system may use one or more types of databases.
    • A relational database like MySQL or PostgreSQL may be suitable for structured data with complex relationships, such as user profiles and transaction records.
    • A NoSQL database like MongoDB or Cassandra may be preferred for storing unstructured data like coupons and vouchers, offering greater scalability and flexibility.
  • Caching Layer:
    • The caching layer improves system performance by storing frequently accessed data in memory.
    • It reduces the load on the database by serving cached data instead of fetching it from disk.
    • Redis or Memcached are commonly used caching solutions, offering fast read and write operations and support for distributed caching.
    • Cached data may include user sessions, frequently accessed coupons, and authentication tokens.
  • Message Queue:
    • The message queue facilitates asynchronous communication between different components of the system.
    • It decouples producers and consumers of messages, allowing components to operate independently and asynchronously.
    • Message queues ensure reliable message delivery, even in the event of component failures or network issues.
    • Asynchronous messaging can be used for tasks such as processing coupon redemptions, sending notifications to users, and updating system data.

illustrating the High-Level Design of the Coupon and Voucher Management System:

High Level Design

In the image, you’ll see a visual representation of the architecture of the Coupon and Voucher Management System. Here’s a breakdown of each component and their interactions:

  • The front-end component is depicted as the interface through which administrators and users interact with the system. Arrows indicate the flow of user actions, such as creating coupons, redeeming vouchers, and managing accounts.
  • The back-end services, represented by different colored blocks, encapsulate business logic related to coupon management, voucher allocation, user authentication, and administrative functions.
  • Arrows between the front-end and back-end indicate API calls made by the front-end to perform various actions, such as retrieving coupons, redeeming vouchers, and updating user profiles.
  • The database is shown as a central repository for storing data related to coupons, vouchers, users, and transactions. Arrows indicate data flow between the back-end services and the database for storing and retrieving information.
  • The caching layer and message queue are depicted as supporting components that enhance system performance and reliability. Arrows illustrate interactions between components, such as caching frequently accessed data and passing messages between microservices.

The HLD ensures that the system is designed to meet performance and scalability requirements while maintaining reliability and availability.

5. LLD (Low-Level Design) for Coupon and Voucher Management System

1. Coupon Manager

  • The Coupon Manager module is responsible for managing the lifecycle of coupons within the system.
  • It includes functionalities such as creating new coupons, allocating them to users or user groups, setting coupon rules, and tracking coupon usage.
  • The module interfaces with the database to store and retrieve coupon data, including coupon codes, expiry dates, usage limits, and associated rules.
  • Business logic within the Coupon Manager ensures that coupons are generated and distributed according to predefined rules, such as limiting the number of coupons per user or enforcing minimum purchase requirements.

2. Voucher Manager

  • The Voucher Manager module handles the allocation, redemption, and tracking of vouchers issued to users.
  • It generates unique voucher codes, associates them with specific promotions or campaigns, and tracks their usage status.
  • The module verifies voucher codes during redemption requests, ensuring that each voucher is redeemed only once and that it meets any applicable usage restrictions.
  • Voucher data, including voucher codes, status (redeemed or unused), and associated promotions, is stored and managed in the database.

3. User Manager

  • The User Manager module is responsible for managing user accounts, authentication, and profile information.
  • It handles user registration, login, password management, and account recovery processes.
  • The module ensures the security of user accounts by securely storing passwords, implementing password policies, and using encryption for sensitive data.
  • User profiles, including personal information, preferences, and transaction history, are stored and managed in the database.

4. Class Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams, Component Diagrams

  • Class diagrams illustrate the structure and relationships of classes within each module, including attributes, methods, and associations.
  • Sequence diagrams depict the flow of messages and interactions between objects or components during specific scenarios or use cases.
  • Component diagrams provide a visual representation of the physical and logical components of the system, including modules, interfaces, and dependencies.
  • These diagrams help developers understand the architecture and implementation details of the Coupon and Voucher Management System, facilitating efficient development and collaboration.

image illustrating the Low-Level Design of the Coupon and Voucher Management System:

Low-Level Design

In the image, you’ll see a visual representation of the detailed design of individual modules and components within the Coupon and Voucher Management System. Here’s a breakdown of each component and their interactions:

  • The image depicts each module (Coupon Manager, Voucher Manager, User Manager) as separate entities with defined functionalities and interactions.
  • Arrows represent data flow and interactions between modules, indicating how coupon, voucher, and user data are processed and managed within the system.
  • Class diagrams, sequence diagrams, and component diagrams are visualized to illustrate the structure, interactions, and dependencies of each module, providing developers with a clear understanding of the system’s design and implementation.

The LLD provides a detailed blueprint for the development of each module and component within the system, guiding developers in implementing the required functionalities and ensuring consistency and maintainability.

6. System Architecture for Coupon and Voucher Management System

Choosing the right system architecture is critical for the success of the system. Depending on the requirements and constraints, a microservices architecture or a monolithic architecture may be chosen. In a microservices architecture, the system is decomposed into smaller, independent services that can be developed, deployed, and scaled independently. This offers flexibility and scalability but requires careful coordination and management of inter-service communication. On the other hand, a monolithic architecture simplifies development and deployment but may lack scalability and flexibility.

7. Database Design for Coupon and Voucher Management System

Database design is crucial for the Coupon and Voucher Management System to ensure efficient data storage, retrieval, and management. Here’s an in-depth explanation of the database design considerations:

7.1. Database Types:

  • Relational Database: MySQL or PostgreSQL are popular choices for relational databases. They provide ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) compliance, strong data consistency, and support for complex transactions. Relational databases are suitable for structured data with well-defined relationships, such as user profiles, transactions, and coupon rules.
  • NoSQL Database: MongoDB or Cassandra are common NoSQL database options. They offer scalability, flexibility, and better performance for unstructured or semi-structured data like coupons and vouchers. NoSQL databases are suitable for scenarios where the data schema may evolve over time or where horizontal scalability is essential.

7.2. Database Schema Design:

1. Coupon Table: This table stores information about coupons, including coupon ID, code, type, rules, usage limits, expiry date, and status.






Primary key, auto-incremented



Unique coupon code



Discount value (e.g., 10% off)



Minimum cart value required for coupon



Expiry date of the coupon



Timestamp of coupon creation



Timestamp of last update

2. Voucher Table: Stores information about vouchers, including voucher ID, code, type, status (redeemed or unused), associated coupon ID, and user ID.






Primary key, auto-incremented



Unique voucher code


ENUM(‘unused’, ‘redeemed’)

Status of the voucher



Foreign key referencing the coupon ID



Foreign key referencing the user ID



Timestamp of voucher creation



Timestamp of last update

3. User Table: Contains user-related data such as user ID, username, email, password (hashed), profile information, and preferences.






Primary key, auto-incremented






Email address



Hashed password



First name



Last name



Timestamp of user registration



Timestamp of last profile update

4. Transaction Table: Records transaction details such as transaction ID, user ID, coupon/voucher ID, transaction amount, timestamp, and status.






Primary key, auto-incremented



Foreign key referencing the user ID



Foreign key referencing the coupon ID



Foreign key referencing the voucher ID



Transaction amount



Timestamp of transaction


ENUM(‘success’, ‘pending’, ‘failed’)

Transaction status

7.3. Normalization:

Normalize the database schema to reduce redundancy, minimize data anomalies, and ensure data integrity. This involves breaking down data into smaller, atomic units and organizing them into related tables.

For example, ensure that each piece of data is stored in only one place to avoid duplication and update anomalies.

7.4. Indexes and Constraints:

  • Apply indexes on columns frequently used in queries to improve query performance. For example, create indexes on coupon code, voucher code, user ID, and transaction ID columns.
  • Define constraints such as primary keys, foreign keys, unique constraints, and check constraints to enforce data integrity, referential integrity, and business rules.

7.5. Scalability Considerations:

  • Choose a database solution that supports horizontal scalability to handle increasing data volumes and user traffic.
  • Consider the scalability features offered by the selected database, such as sharding, partitioning, replication, and clustering.

8. Microservices Used for Coupon and Voucher Management System

In a microservices architecture, the system is decomposed into smaller, independently deployable services that communicate via APIs. Key microservices may include:

  • Coupon Service: Responsible for coupon management including creation, allocation, and validation.
  • Voucher Service: Manages voucher allocation and redemption.
  • User Service: Handles user authentication, registration, and profile management.
  • Admin Service: Provides administrative capabilities such as coupon creation, activation, and deactivation.

Each microservice should have a well-defined responsibility and expose APIs for communication with other services.

9. APIs Used for Coupon and Voucher Management System

RESTful APIs are commonly used for communication between different components of the system. APIs should be designed to be simple, intuitive, and consistent. Key API endpoints may include:

  • /coupons: Retrieves a list of available coupons.
  • /vouchers: Retrieves a list of vouchers for a specific user.
  • /redeem: Redeems a coupon or voucher for a user.
  • /admin/coupons: Creates a new coupon or updates an existing coupon.

Sure, let’s provide detailed explanations along with example code for all the APIs used in the Coupon and Voucher Management System

1. GET /coupons:

This API endpoint retrieves a list of available coupons.

  • The `/coupons` endpoint is defined using Flask’s `@app.route()` decorator, specifying the HTTP method `GET`.
  • When a client sends a GET request to this endpoint, the `get_coupons()` function is invoked.
  • Inside the `get_coupons()` function, a list of coupon objects is created, each containing details such as ID, code, discount, and min cart value.
  • The list of coupon objects is then converted into a JSON format using Flask’s `jsonify()` function.
  • Finally, the JSON response containing the list of coupons is returned to the client.

Example Code (Python Flask):

import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

public class CouponController {

    // Sample coupon data
    private List<Map<String, Object>> coupons = Arrays.asList(
            Map.of("id", 1, "code", "SAVE10", "discount", 10, "min_cart_value", 50),
            Map.of("id", 2, "code", "WELCOME20", "discount", 20, "min_cart_value", 100)

    public List<Map<String, Object>> getCoupons() {
        return coupons;
from flask import Flask, jsonify

 app = Flask(__name__)

  @app.route('/coupons', methods=['GET'])
   def get_coupons():
        coupons = [
            {"id": 1, "code": "SAVE10", "discount": 10, "min_cart_value": 50},
            {"id": 2, "code": "WELCOME20", "discount": 20, "min_cart_value": 100}
        return jsonify(coupons)

    if __name__ == '__main__':
app.get('/coupons', (req, res) => {
    // Fetch coupons from database or external API
    Coupon.find({}, (err, coupons) => {
        if (err) {
            res.status(500).json({ error: 'Internal Server Error' });
        } else {




“id”: 1,

“code”: “SAVE10”,

“discount”: 10,

“min_cart_value”: 50



“id”: 2,

“code”: “WELCOME20”,

“discount”: 20,

“min_cart_value”: 100



2. GET /vouchers:

This API endpoint retrieves a list of vouchers for a specific user.

  • Similar to the `/coupons` endpoint, the `/vouchers` endpoint is defined with the `@app.route()` decorator, specifying the HTTP method `GET`.
  • When a client sends a GET request to this endpoint, the `get_vouchers()` function is called.
  • Inside the `get_vouchers()` function, the `user_id` parameter is extracted from the request URL using Flask’s `request.args.get()` method.
  • Based on the `user_id`, a list of voucher objects associated with the user is constructed.
  • The list of voucher objects is converted into JSON format using Flask’s `jsonify()` function.
  • Finally, the JSON response containing the list of vouchers is returned to the client.

Example Code (Python Flask):

import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

public class VoucherController {

    // Sample voucher data
    private List<Map<String, Object>> vouchers = Arrays.asList(
            Map.of("id", 1, "code", "VOUCHER123", "status", "unused", "user_id", 1),
            Map.of("id", 2, "code", "VOUCHER456", "status", "redeemed", "user_id", 2)

    public List<Map<String, Object>> getVouchers(@RequestParam Long user_id) {
        List<Map<String, Object>> userVouchers = new ArrayList<>();
        for (Map<String, Object> voucher : vouchers) {
            if (voucher.get("user_id").equals(user_id)) {
        return userVouchers;
from flask import Flask, jsonify, request

 app = Flask(__name__)

  @app.route('/vouchers', methods=['GET'])
   def get_vouchers():
        user_id = request.args.get('user_id')
        # Example voucher data (replace with actual data retrieval logic)
        vouchers = [
            {"id": 1, "code": "VOUCHER123", "status": "unused"},
            {"id": 2, "code": "VOUCHER456", "status": "redeemed"}
        user_vouchers = [
            voucher for voucher in vouchers if voucher["user_id"] == int(user_id)]
        return jsonify(user_vouchers)

    if __name__ == '__main__':
app.get('/vouchers', (req, res) => {
    const userId = req.query.user_id;
    // Authenticate user (e.g., using JWT)
    User.findById(userId, (err, user) => {
        if (err || !user) {
            res.status(401).json({ error: 'Unauthorized' });
        } else {
            // Fetch user's vouchers from database
            Voucher.find({ userId: userId }, (err, vouchers) => {
                if (err) {
                    res.status(500).json({ error: 'Internal Server Error' });
                } else {






“id”: 1,

“code”: “VOUCHER123”,

“status”: “unused”,

“user_id”: 1





“id”: 2,

“code”: “VOUCHER456”,

“status”: “redeemed”,

“user_id”: 2



3. POST /redeem:

This API endpoint redeems a coupon or voucher for a user.

  • The `/redeem` endpoint is defined with the `@app.route()` decorator, specifying the HTTP method `POST`.
  • When a client sends a POST request to this endpoint, the `redeem_voucher()` function is called.
  • Inside the `redeem_voucher()` function, the voucher code to be redeemed is extracted from the request JSON body.
  • The voucher code is then processed (e.g., marked as redeemed) in the backend system.
  • Finally, a JSON response indicating the success or failure of the redemption process is returned to the client.

Example Code (Python Flask):

import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PostMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
import java.util.Map;

public class RedeemController {

    public Map<String, String> redeemVoucher(@RequestBody Map<String, String> request) {
        String voucherCode = request.get("voucher_code");
        return Map.of("message", "Voucher " + voucherCode + " redeemed successfully");
from flask import Flask, jsonify, request

 app = Flask(__name__)

  @app.route('/redeem', methods=['POST'])
   def redeem_voucher():
        voucher_code = request.json['voucher_code']
        # Redeem voucher code (replace with actual redemption logic)
        # For example, update the voucher status to 'redeemed' in the database
        return jsonify({"message": f"Voucher {voucher_code} redeemed successfully"})

    if __name__ == '__main__':
JavaScript'/redeem', (req, res) => {
    const voucherCode = req.body.voucher_code;
    // Verify voucher code (e.g., check against database)
    Voucher.findOne({ code: voucherCode }, (err, voucher) => {
        if (err || !voucher) {
            res.status(404).json({ error: 'Voucher not found' });
        } else if (voucher.status === 'redeemed') {
            res.status(400).json({ error: 'Voucher already redeemed' });
        } else {
            // Mark voucher as redeemed in database
            voucher.status = 'redeemed';
  , redeemedVoucher) => {
                if (err) {
                    res.status(500).json({ error: 'Internal Server Error' });
                } else {
                    res.json({ message: `Voucher ${redeemedVoucher.code} redeemed successfully` });


POST request to /redeem

response will be


“voucher_code”: “VOUCHER123”



“message”: “Voucher VOUCHER123 redeemed successfully”


4. POST/admin/coupons:

This API endpoint creates a new coupon.

  • Similar to the `/redeem` endpoint, the `/admin/coupons` endpoint is defined with the `@app.route()` decorator, specifying the HTTP method `POST`.
  • When a client sends a POST request to this endpoint, the `create_coupon()` function is called.
  • Inside the `create_coupon()` function, the details of the new coupon are extracted from the request JSON body.
  • The new coupon details are then processed (e.g., stored in the database) in the backend system.
  • Finally, a JSON response indicating the success or failure of the coupon creation process is returned to the client.

Example Code (Python Flask):

import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PostMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
import java.util.Map;

public class AdminCouponController {

    public Map<String, String> createCoupon(@RequestBody Map<String, Object> couponData) {
        // Logic to create coupon in the database
        return Map.of("message", "Coupon created successfully");
from flask import Flask, jsonify, request

 app = Flask(__name__)

  @app.route('/admin/coupons', methods=['POST'])
   def create_coupon():
        # Parse request data to extract coupon details
        coupon_data = request.json
        # Create a new coupon (replace with actual creation logic)
        # For example, insert the coupon details into the database
        return jsonify({"message": "Coupon created successfully"})

    if __name__ == '__main__':
JavaScript'/admin/coupons', (req, res) => {
    // Authenticate admin (e.g., check admin credentials)
    if (!req.user || !req.user.isAdmin) {
        res.status(403).json({ error: 'Forbidden' });
    } else {
        const couponData = req.body;
        // Save new coupon to database
        const newCoupon = new Coupon(couponData);, savedCoupon) => {
            if (err) {
                res.status(500).json({ error: 'Internal Server Error' });
            } else {
                res.json({ message: 'Coupon created successfully', coupon: savedCoupon });


POST request to /admin/coupons

response will be


“id”: 3,

“code”: “SUMMER25”,

“discount”: 25,

“min_cart_value”: 75



“message”: “Coupon created successfully”


These examples demonstrate how to implement all the APIs used in the Coupon and Voucher Management System using Python Flask framework. They provide simple and lightweight solutions for handling HTTP requests and responses, allowing clients to interact with the server to retrieve, redeem, and create coupons and vouchers.

Authentication mechanisms such as OAuth2 or JWT should be implemented to secure API endpoints.

10. Scalability for Coupon and Voucher Management System

Scalability is critical for ensuring the system can handle growing demand and maintain performance. Horizontal scaling can be achieved by deploying multiple instances of microservices behind a load balancer. Cloud services such as AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud can be used for auto-scaling based on demand. Additionally, caching mechanisms such as Redis or Memcached can be used to reduce database load and improve performance.

  • Deploy multiple instances of microservices behind a load balancer to distribute incoming traffic evenly across instances.
  • Use auto-scaling mechanisms provided by cloud platforms to automatically add or remove instances based on demand.
  • Upgrade hardware resources such as CPU, memory, and disk space to handle increased workload and data processing requirements.
  • Optimize database performance by adding more powerful database servers or increasing the capacity of existing servers.

3. Caching

  • Implement caching mechanisms such as Redis or Memcached to cache frequently accessed data and reduce database load.
  • Use content delivery networks (CDNs) to cache static assets and improve the delivery of web content to users.

4. Database Scaling

  • Utilize database scaling techniques such as partitioning, sharding, and replication to distribute data across multiple servers and improve read and write performance.
  • Consider using managed database services provided by cloud providers for automated scaling, maintenance, and monitoring.
  • Decompose the system into smaller, independently deployable microservices that can be scaled independently based on workload and resource requirements.
  • Use message queues or event-driven architecture to decouple services and improve scalability, fault tolerance, and resilience.

By implementing these scalability strategies and leveraging appropriate components, the Coupon and Voucher Management System can effectively handle growing demand, maintain performance, and ensure a seamless user experience.

11. Conclusion

Designing an efficient Coupon and Voucher Management System requires careful planning, consideration of requirements, and adherence to best practices in system design and architecture. By following the steps outlined in this guide, businesses can build a robust system that effectively manages promotions, enhances customer engagement, and drives sales.

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