Deque meaning in DSA

Deque, which stands for Double Ended Queue, is a special type of queue that allows adding and removing elements from both front and rear ends.

Deque Data Structure

Characteristics: of Deque:

  • Dynamic size: The size of a deque can change dynamically during the execution of a program.
  • Linear: Elements in a deque are stored linearly and can be accessed in a sequential manner.
  • Double Ended: Elements can be added and removed from both the front and the rear end
  • Browser History: A deque can be used to store the history of recently visited web pages.
  • Text Editor: A deque can be used to undo and redo operations in a text editor.
  • Disk Scheduling: A deque can be used to schedule disk requests to improve disk performance.

To learn more about applications, please refer to this article.

  • Dynamic Size: The size of a deque can be adjusted dynamically during the execution of a program.
  • Versatility: A deque can be used as both a queue and a stack, making it a versatile data structure.

To learn more about advantages, refer to this article.

  • Complexity: The implementation of a deque is more complex than that of a queue or a stack.
  • Overhead: The overhead of adding or removing elements from both ends of a deque is greater than that of adding or removing elements from only one end.

To learn more about the advantages, refer to this article.

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