Deloitte (USI) Interview Experience for SDE (On-Campus)

Deloitte(usi) came to our college in August for the role of Software Development Engineer (SDE).

There were three rounds

Round 1:

It consisted of aptitude, reasoning, English, computer fundamentals, and coding assessments. The aptitude and reasoning sections were quite challenging, while the coding round was relatively easier. There were twelve test cases for each coding problem (two coding problems in total), and you had to pass all of them.

The candidates who proceeded to the next round were those who cleared the aptitude round, which meant students who scored well in aptitude were able to advance, even if they didn’t pass all the test cases in the coding round. Some students performed exceptionally well in coding, passing all the test cases, but still did not make it to the second round due to their weaker aptitude scores.

Round 2:

It was the technical round, the recruiters asked questions related to our CVs, such as our soft skills and hard skills. They primarily focused on our projects and the details we had mentioned on our resumes. This round lasted for about 15 to 20 minutes.

Round 3:

It was the HR round. In this round, they inquired about our career goals, and academic achievements, and assessed our mental abilities and decision-making capacity. They also presented us with puzzles to solve.

In summary, service-based companies like Deloitte emphasize problem-solving skills in aptitude and reasoning rather than focusing heavily on coding and Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA). If you clear the initial rounds, which include aptitude, reasoning, and coding, subsequent rounds become relatively easier, provided you have the necessary knowledge and can support what you’ve mentioned on your CV during interviews.

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