Deloitte USI Interview Experience for Risk & Financial Advisory

Company Name: Deloitte USI

  • Job profile:
    • Technology Analyst- Deloitte USI Risk & Financial Advisory (I got selected for this)
    • Analyst – Deloitte USI Consulting
  • Job type – Internship + Placement
  • Date of onboard- 31/8/22

Placement Process

  • Aptitude test for each role, every role had different sets of questions.
  • Pre-placement talk for candidates selected from aptitude only.
  • Personal interview and one PRANK ROUND(for selected candidates only)

Aptitude Round (4/9/22): An aptitude test was conducted on the AMCAT platform.

  • All the sections were adaptive and moving backward or skipping any question was not allowed. It was a 2-hour test, with 6sections Verbal, Quantitative, Logical Reasoning, Java, HTML, and basic programmingquestions (based on OOPs concepts).
  • As there was no negative marking, try to attempt every question. Don’t spend too much timeon a single question, just guess and move on.
  • The list of shortlisted candidates came out on the next day (i.e. 5/9/22)
  • 14 out of 77 were shortlisted
  • After 2 days, a pre-placement talk was conducted for the shortlisted students, and interviews were conducted on the same day.

Pre-Placement talk followed by Interview Round (7/9/22)

  • Pre-Placement talk (in the morning): We were briefed about the company and job role, what type of technologies are
    being used, CTC breakup, and general QNA at the end.
  • Interviewer: My turn came at 2:30 pm (supposed to be at 12:30 pm, but never mind).Don’t panic about delay times, utilize this time to revise all the things that can impressthem in one shot. Firstly, Akshay asked me whether I had my lunch or not, sorry for the delay and all. This was all to calm me down and give my best to him.
  • Tell me about yourself.
    The answer to this question should be crisp and give small light to yourachievements. Because you should drive your interview, not the interviewer. So, makehim ask what you know the best, otherwise, the interviewer will ask according tohis/her understanding and you will be blanked at some point
  • Who is our CEO and what was our Net worth for the recent year? These types of questions are just to check how much are you concerned about thecompany and whether are you serious about the company or not.
  • Basic Cyber Security question? As this role is more about cyber security so they want you to be aware of it too.
  • Current affair question about AKASA airline and DIGITAL bill talk in govt.? As I said above, you should be very good at current affairs of this industry
  • What is data breaching?
  • Three pillars of cyber security?
  • MD5 and RSA?
  • Crypto and its working?
  • Is blockchain fundamental?
  • IoT Fundamentals?
  • Why Deloitte?
  • Relate your skills to the job role
  • Why shift from hardware to software job? This should be career specific not trend specific
  • SDLC?
  • Exposure to cyber security?

Don’t worry, about the number of questions I was the one who was driving the interview by myself. If you don’t know the answer, try to give a smart approach to it. So, the interviewershould be satisfied.
It was my 6 or 7 interview so I was very well prepared for this. So, NO FEAR of rejections should be there anytime and a big smile While giving an interviewis big Brahmāstra for the placement drive. After 40 minutes of the grill, they called us for a PRANK GD round after 5 hours, and therethey selected 4 candidates out of 14. And I was one of them.

Important tips

  • Be prepared for the aptitude, because the topic is almost the same every year
  • Don’t waste time on solving everything; just try to get the most exact answeronly. Take only 20 seconds for one question to finish properly.
  • As it’s a client-centric job, you should be presentable, have good communication skills,and well-prepared nature.
  • There was no “SIR” or “ma’am” thing in my interview, be open to them all thetime
  • Deloitte interviews are more like a conversation. So, let it be that, don’t fake outanything
  • Show great interest in answering to show them this is your only dreamcompany to join.
  • Read your resume very well. Because you can get questions from that also.
  • Dress up well, also helps to build confidence.

Extra Remarks

  • Please be in touch with your TPCs and Always have good relations with yourTPCs
  • Please be prepared for the rejections in the first weeks of the placement drive. Because that will not just strengthen your personality but also reflects in your preparation
  • Everyone gets the job at the end so just give your best shot in every round.

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