Deloitte Software Developer Interview Experience

Deloitte is a globally recognized professional services firm known for its comprehensive range of services, including consulting, audit, tax, and advisory. With a strong emphasis on innovation, client-centric solutions, and fostering talent, Deloitte has established itself as a leader in the professional services industry. The company’s commitment to excellence, diversity, and driving positive change sets it apart in the competitive market.

Date of Interview: 12th April 2024

Interview Rounds:

Technical Screening: The interview process commenced with a technical screening round where I was evaluated on my programming knowledge and problem-solving skills. The interviewer inquired about my experience with various programming languages and requested details on specific projects I had undertaken.

Questions Asked:

  • Elaborate on the distinctions between object-oriented programming and functional programming.
  • Describe a challenging technical issue you encountered in a previous project and how you resolved it.
  • Code a binary search algorithm and analyze its time complexity.

Technical Interview: In the subsequent technical interview round, I engaged in an in-depth discussion with a senior software developer at Deloitte. We explored my software development expertise, including familiarity with different frameworks and tools. The interviewer presented me with a coding problem related to data structures and algorithms.

Questions Asked:

  • Detail a project where you implemented a complex algorithm and optimized it for performance.
  • Explain your approach to debugging and troubleshooting code in a team setting.
  • Write code to reverse a linked list and elucidate the logic behind your solution.

Coding Challenge: Following the technical interview, I participated in a coding challenge where I was tasked with solving a real-world scenario using object-oriented principles. I designed a solution on a whiteboard, showcasing my problem-solving abilities and coding proficiency.

Questions Asked:

  • Design a class hierarchy for a banking system encompassing accounts, transactions, and customers.
  • Implement a sorting algorithm and discuss its efficiency compared to other sorting techniques.
  • Explain the concept of polymorphism and provide an example from your coding experience.

Advanced Technical Round: Subsequently, I encountered an advanced technical round where I faced medium-level Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) questions and puzzles. The interviewer assessed my analytical thinking and problem-solving skills with complex scenarios.

Questions Asked:

  • Solve a medium-level DSA question involving tree traversal or graph algorithms.
  • Discuss a puzzle or brain teaser to evaluate logical reasoning and creativity.
  • Implement a data structure such as a priority queue or hash table and explain its application in a real-world scenario.


Despite showcasing my skills in the advanced technical round at Deloitte, the competition was intense, and I was not selected for the Software Developer position. While the outcome was not as anticipated, I valued the opportunity to engage with challenging DSA questions and puzzles, gaining valuable insights into the technical expectations at Deloitte.

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