Deloitte Interview Experience (On-Campus) 2023

Total number of rounds– 3
1. Online Test
2. Group Discussion (Case Study)
3. HR Interview

ROUND 1: Online Test

It was conducted on the SHL platform.

  • There were three sections: Aptitude, Reasoning, and English.
  • The test duration was 50 minutes, with the test window open for 2 hours (4:00 pm to 6:00 pm).

Tip: It is observed that candidates who answer the most questions correctly in the shortest amount of time are usually selected.

The results were announced after 6 days, and 51 out of 628 students were selected for the next round.

ROUND 2: Group Discussion (Case Study)

4-5 groups were formed, and each group was given a case study. The participants were required to act as a consulting firm, suggesting solutions to the client’s problem.

Case Study-

AutoWheels Ltd: Enhancement of Customer

Business Situation

AutoWheels Ltd. is a new and upcoming Indian electric automotive company that has a robust sales network throughout the country and has been posting impressive sales numbers over the last few quarters.

The electric automotive industry in the country is evolving presently and a lot of new companies are entering the market. Customers are not just making their decision to buy a vehicle based on the quality of the product and the reputation of the company. They also assess the service experience that the company offers, and this includes both pre and post-sales service. AutoWheels has so far focused mainly on improving the sales network. They have not established robust customer service processes and systems. Service is mostly being done through dealerships where customers visit physically and get their vehicle inspected/serviced etc.

The CIO of AutoWheels has been supplied with market and consumer research data which predicts a hefty growth rate for the companies that provide the highest levels of satisfaction in terms of pre and post-sales service. If service experience doesn’t improve, then sales will also be impacted. CIO knows that they cannot go big in terms of expenditure right now but wants to take incremental steps in elevating the post-sales service experience for the customers.

Problem Description

The CIO has engaged Deloitte to identify an approach to bridge the gap that exists between AutoWheels Ltd.’s service team and its customers. You (the candidate) are on the project and the project manager apprises you of the findings from initial interviews:

  • Service centres are largely manually operated with no digital integration of services whatsoever
  • Customers have an increasing adoption of smartphones, tablets, wearables and other digital devices
  • Research data shows that most customers prefer to get the vehicle assessment done before visiting the service centres
  • AutoWheels Ltd. has a basic service mechanism where customers can call the dealerships and get the service appointment booked
  • The company runs a lot of offers for the customers when they get their vehicles serviced but since there is no digital system in place, most of them do not get to know about them unless they visit
  • Several customers get their vehicles serviced by third-party service providers who provide better experience and more comfort. This can hamper the expansion plans of the company and also result in a loss of revenue for the company


  • Speak your ideas with confidence.
  • Listen attentively to other candidates.
  • Repeating a point that has already been made will be considered a negative contribution while expanding upon someone else’s point will be viewed positively.
  • Remember, you are working as a team; show compassion towards one another.
  • Avoid interrupting others when they are speaking, but seize opportunities to contribute when available.
  • You may politely point out potential drawbacks in suggestions made by team members.
  • Group discussions primarily assess your communication skills, confidence, command of English, and teamwork abilities.
  • If you present an idea that is later found to be incorrect or criticized by others, remain resilient. Accept feedback graciously and either propose alternative solutions or revise your initial suggestion.

The result was announced after 45 minutes, and 20 students were shortlisted for the next round.

ROUND 3: HR Interview

There were multiple interview panels, with each panel consisting of 2-3 interviewers.
As I entered, they asked me to sit and read my resume thoroughly, giving me some time to feel comfortable.

The following questions were asked from me:

  • Introduce yourself.
  • Have you done DSA? (I answered, “Yes.”)
  • Can you explain what classes and objects are? (I was informed that technical questions are not typically asked in Deloitte interviews, so I was not mentally prepared for such questions. Although I knew the answer, I stammered due to a lack of practice. They asked me to calm down and were polite and considerate throughout.)
  • What does the “ord” function do in Python? (Since my programming language was Python, they asked some questions related to it.)
  • What types of inheritance are supported in Python?
  • What are “Try and Except” used for?
  • What are inner join, left join, right join, and outer join? (I had mentioned SQL on my resume)
  • Write a query to join two tables in SQL.
  • Tell us about your MP3 music player project. (I described its functionality and the languages and libraries used in its development.)
  • Describe your duties as a social media manager, as mentioned in your experience section.
  • You have listed “problem-solving” as one of your soft skills. Can you share a real-life instance where you solved a problem?
  • (As I am an AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner, they asked me some questions related to it, but I didn’t know the answers.)
  • Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Although only one interview was initially scheduled, there were a few candidates about whom the interviewers were uncertain, so a second interview was conducted for those candidates. I was one of them.

In the next interview there was only one interviewer and the following questions were asked of me:

  • Tell me something about yourself that is not in your resume. (I said I enjoy listening to music.)
  • What types of songs do you like? Can you name a few?
  • What are your hobbies aside from those mentioned in your resume?
  • Here’s a guesstimate question for you: Suppose the population of Delhi is 50,000. How many 4-wheelers do you think could be there in Delhi? (I attempted to calculate based on assumptions, and they provided me with pen and paper for the task. Later, they asked me to explain my approach and discussed it with me.)


  • Confidence and communication are key.
  • It’s okay if you don’t know the answer to some questions. Simply acknowledge it and move on to the next question.
  • The questions asked during the interview are based entirely on what is written in your resume. Therefore, before attending the interview, read your resume thoroughly and be prepared for any type of question. The questions are not necessarily difficult; they are designed to assess your confidence and communication skills.
  • The interviewers are very humble and considerate, so there’s no need to panic.

The results were announced after an hour and I was selected.

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