Dell Technologies Interview for Technical Support Engineer | On-Campus Sep 2020 (Virtual)

Hello, all in the following article I’m putting my interview experience at Dell Technologies. At first, it comes for another job profile but after giving online tests they have changed the job profile. So the question contains 80% similarity for the Technical Support Engineer online test.

Round 1/Online Test

The questions are mostly from computer networks. There are two sections. One is aptitude which covered data interpretation, normal apti question they are in total 10 questions, and 15 minutes. Another section was technical that contains 35 questions mostly from computer networks, os,cloud computing(very less 1,2) of 35 minutes. some questions are like:

  • which one of the given storage device is used in cloud architecture
  • which could be the reason for FTP being used to transfer files b/w different servers
  • some question from RAID 0,1,5,10

Verdict: 24 out of 150 has got selected in this round, I was one of them!

Round 2(Technical Interview)

This round lasts for approx 30-40 minutes. The questions are:

  • Introduce yourself
  • what subjects you have prepared for this(tell all subjects focusing on OS, CN more)
  • What you have studied in CN
  • what are different type of format
  • how do you copy the content of 120 TB to a 32 TB hard drive laptop
  • two devices are connected via switch one is wireless and another wired. will data transfer if yes how, if no why?
  • if the device is not in n/w then one device sends data to that device via a switch, what happens to data?
  • what are drivers
  • What is registry
  • questions from the processor (latest one), What you are using + specialty of that
  • TCP/IP protocol
  • how content is copied from disk to memory?
  • any questions from me? (ask the question don’t be silent here)


Answer question by explaining the scenarios based question that you know or at least tell what you have been thinking about that. If you haven’t any idea about it just say straightforward sorry sir/ma’am I don’t know this. 

Verdict:10 has been selected out of 24. I was one of them!

Round 3(Managerial Interview)

This lasted for 35-40 minutes. The question asked was not technical. It all about what you have written in your Resume. The question is like:

  • How’s your day going?
  • Explain any of your project(i have mentioned 4 so he told me to explain the other two also, excluding one)
    • I have explained my minor project on ml
    • and another two on android
  • What’s your daily routine
  • do you like traveling
  • What have you asked in the previous round?
  • what do you know about the job profile
  • are you interested in higher studies
    • on this, he asked me a question for my answer or justify your answer here
  • is any of your project is teamwork?
    • if teamwork.they ask your role
  • What do you do as a data analyst?
    • I had some internships so they asked the above from there
  • Strength
  • Any questions(always ask one)

Verdict:4 out of 10 has been selected, I was one of them.


Be very loyal to your resume at least. Thoroughly go through everything you have written on it. Give answer patiently whatever you know about and be ready to justify your answers

Round 4(HR Interview)

This round lasted for 20-25 minutes. The interviewer was very friendly. Normal questions were asked. The questions are like:

  • How’s your day going(as the processes now come to an end starting from 9:30 in the morning to 10:00 pm)
    • tell whatever you feel but it should be a positive answer
  • What have you asked in the previous round
    • basically, he is asking how’s my experience till then
  • what you have done in this lockdown
  • how do you handle an angry client
  • any question(always ask one)

Verdict: All 4 got selected, I was one of them.


Answer calmly every question, and keep a smile on your face. I have prepared from GFG they helped me a lot.especially the Last moment notes of every CS subject Thanks, GFG.✨

That’s it Thank you

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