Delete Operations in Doubly Linked List using JavaScript

This article will demonstrate how to perform delete operations in a Doubly Linked List Data Structure using JavaScript. We will see different approaches to deleting elements from the Doubly Linked List.

Steps to Delete Element Node from Doubly Linked List

A doubly linked list has two pointers that link it with the previous and next node. So if we have to delete an element node we have to modify the linking pointers as shown.

To delete the Node we have to follow these steps:

  • Traverse to the Node to be deleted and consider it the current node i.e. 3.
  • Link the next pointer of the previous node i.e. 45 the next node of the current node
    • =>
  • Link the prev pointer of the current node’s next i.e. 1 to the previous node i.e. 45.
    • next.prev => previous
  • Change the value of the current node to null to wipe it from the memory.
    • curr => null

Types of Delete Operations in a Doubly Linked List

  • Delete an element from the Start
  • Delete an element from the End
  • Delete an element at a certain position
  • Delete an element using the element value

These operations will modify the Doubly Linked List as Shown below:

Consider this Doubly Linked List:

After removing the first element:

After removing middle element:

After removing Last element:

Type 1: Delete an element from the Start

To remove node from start we have to access and shift the head pointer:

  • Consider if List is null then Output ‘List is Empty’. Else
  • Let a curr variable and assign head value to it
    • curr => head
  • Now, move/ shift the head pointer one step
    • head =>
  • Make the prev link of the head as null
    • head.prev => null
  • Assign null to the curr value to remove the node from memory.
    • curr => null



deleteStart() {
    if (this.head == null) {
        console.log("List is empty");
    let curr = this.head;
    this.head =;
    this.head.prev = null;
    let delValue =;
    curr = null;
    console.log("Removed element: " + delValue);

Type 2: Delete an element from the End

To remove node from start we have to access and shift the tail pointer:

  • Consider if List is null then Output ‘List is Empty’. Else,
  • Let a curr variable and assign tail value to it.
  • Now, move/ shift the tail pointer one step backward.
    • tail => tail.prev
  • Make the next link of the tail as null.
    • => null
  • Assign null to the curr value to remove the node from memory.
    • curr => null



deleteEnd() {
    if (this.head == null) {
        console.log("List is empty");
    let curr = this.tail;
    this.tail = this.tail.prev; = null;
    let delValue =;
    curr = null;
    console.log("Removed element: " + delValue);

Type 3: Delete an element at a certain position

To remove node from start we have to traverse to target node and then delete it:

  • Consider if List is null then Output ‘List is Empty’. Else,
  • Check if Target index is 0, then use the steps above for removing element at start of call the function deleteStart. Else,
  • Let a curr variable and assign head value to it.
    • curr => head
  • Now, Iterate n times to traverse and reach the target node.
    • curr =>
    • if current element become equal to null then return output “Not enough elements”
  • After completetion of loop Check if current element is same as tail call the deleteEnd method. Else,
  • Link the next pointer of the previous node the next node of the current node
    • =>
  • Link the prev pointer of the current node’s next to the previous node.
    • next.prev => previous
  • Change the value of the current node to null to wipe it from the memory.
    • curr => null



// Delete element at specific position
deleteAt(pos) {
    // If list is null or empty
    if (this.head == null) {
        console.log("List is empty");
    if (pos == 0) return this.deleteStart();
    // Create curr pointer to traverse
    let curr = this.head;
    // Travesre until reach the reqired element
    while (pos > 0) {
        // curr =;
        pos -= 1;
        // If list do not contain enough elements
        if (curr == null)
            return console.log(
                "Incorrect Position! Index does not exist."
        // Shift the poiter at every iteration
        curr =;
    if (curr == this.tail) return this.deleteEnd();
    // Create pointer for Elements before and after
    // the element is to be deleted
    let previous = curr.prev;
    let next =;
    // Remove element from given position = next;
    next.prev = previous;
    // To remove and display deleted data
    let delValue =;
    curr = null;
    console.log("Removed element: " + delValue);

Type 4: Delete an element using the element value

To remove node from start we have to traverse to target node and then delete it:

  • Consider if List is null then Output ‘List is Empty’. Else,
  • Check if Target valut is equal to head .data, then use the steps above for removing element at start of call the function deleteStart. Else,
  • Let a curr variable and assign head value to it.
    • curr => head
  • Now, traverse the list until list is finish or reach the target node.
    • curr =>
    • if current element become equal to null then return output “Not enough elements”
  • After completetion of loop, Check if current element is same as tail call the deleteEnd method. Else,
  • Link the next pointer of the previous node the next node of the current node
    • =>
  • Link the prev pointer of the current node’s next to the previous node.
    • next.prev => previous
  • Change the value of the current node to null to wipe it from the memory.
    • curr => null



// To delete element using value
deleteVal(val) {
    // If list is null or empty
    if (this.head == null) {
        console.log("List is empty");
    if ( == val) return this.deleteStart();
    // Create curr pointer to traverse
    let curr = this.head;
    // Travesre until reach the reqired element
    while (curr && !== val) {
        // Shift the poiter at every iteration
        curr =;
        // If list do not contain enough elements
        if (curr == null)
            return console.log(
                "Incorrect Value! Elements does not exist."
    if (curr == this.tail) return this.deleteEnd();
    // Create pointer for Elements before and after
    // the element is to be deleted
    let previous = curr.prev;
    let next =;
    // Remove element from given position = next;
    next.prev = previous;
    // To remove and display deleted data
    let delValue =;
    curr = null;
    console.log("Removed element: " + delValue);

Implementation of all delete operations

Example: In this example, we will insert some elements and show all of the above mentined approaches to delete element nodes.


// Doubly Linked list Node
class Node {
    // Constructor to create a new node
    // next and prev is by default initialized as null
    constructor(val) {
        // To store the value = val;
        // To link the next Node = null;
        // TO link the previous Node
        this.prev = null;
// Doubly Linked List
class DoublyLinkedList {
    // Constructor to create a new linked list
    constructor() {
        // To contain the first item of the list
        this.head = null;
        // To contain the last item of the list
        this.tail = null;
    // To check if the list is empty
    isEmpty() {
        if (this.head == null) return true;
        return false;
    // Method to add item at the last of doubly linked list
    insertEnd(val) {
        // Create a temporary variable
        let temp = new Node(val);
        // If the list is empty link assign
        // new node to both head and tail
        if (this.head == null) {
            this.head = temp;
            this.tail = temp;
        // else add item to the tail and shift tail
        else {
            temp.prev = this.tail;
   = temp;
            this.tail =;
        console.log("inserted at end", val);
    insertStart(val) {
        // Create a temporary variable
        let temp = new Node(val);
        // If the list is empty link assign
        // new node to both head and tail
        if (this.head == null) {
            this.head = temp;
            this.tail = temp;
        // else add item to the head and shift head backward
        else {
   = this.head;
            this.head.prev = temp;
            this.head = temp;
        console.log("inserted at start", val);
    // method to insert value at given index
    insertAt(val, pos) {
        // If the index is 0 use insertStart
        // method to insert value as 0 position
        if (pos == 0) return this.insertStart(val);
        let index = pos;
        let curr = this.head;
        // Iterate to the element present
        // just before given index
        while (pos > 1) {
            pos -= 1;
            // If list do not contain enough elements
            if (curr === null)
                return console.log(
                    "Incorrect Position! Index does not exist.",
            // Shift the pointer at every iteration
            curr =;
        // After reaching required index create new node
        let temp = new Node(val);
        // Insert node at the required position =;
        temp.prev = curr; = temp; = temp;
            "inserted at index",
    // To traverse and display the list
    display() {
        // Check if the List is empty
        if (!this.isEmpty()) {
            // traverse the list using new current pointer
            let curr = this.head;
            console.log("Required list is");
            while (curr !== null) {
                // Display element
                // Shift the current pointer
                curr =;
    displayRev() {
        // Check if the List is empty
        if (!this.isEmpty()) {
            // traverse the list using new current pointer
            let curr = this.tail;
                "Required list in reverse order is"
            while (curr !== null) {
                // Display element
                // Shift the current pointer
                curr = curr.prev;
    // Delete element at Start
    deleteStart() {
        if (this.head == null) {
            console.log("List is empty");
        let curr = this.head;
        this.head =;
        this.head.prev = null;
        let delValue =;
        curr = null;
        console.log("Removed element: " + delValue);
    // Delete element at End
    deleteEnd() {
        if (this.head == null) {
            console.log("List is empty");
        let curr = this.tail;
        this.tail = this.tail.prev; = null;
        let delValue =;
        curr = null;
        console.log("Removed element: " + delValue);
    // Delete element at specific position
    deleteAt(pos) {
        // If list is null or empty
        if (this.head == null) {
            console.log("List is empty");
        if (pos == 0) return this.deleteStart();
        // Create curr pointer to traverse
        let curr = this.head;
        // Travesre until reach the reqired element
        while (pos > 0) {
            // curr =;
            pos -= 1;
            // If list do not contain enough elements
            if (curr == null)
                return console.log(
                    "Incorrect Position! Index does not exist."
            // Shift the poiter at every iteration
            curr =;
        if (curr == this.tail) return this.deleteEnd();
        // Create pointer for Elements before and after
        // the element is to be deleted
        let previous = curr.prev;
        let next =;
        // Remove element from given position = next;
        next.prev = previous;
        // To remove and display deleted data
        let delValue =;
        curr = null;
        console.log("Removed element: " + delValue);
    // To delete element using value
    deleteVal(val) {
        // If list is null or empty
        if (this.head == null) {
            console.log("List is empty");
        if ( == val)
            return this.deleteStart();
        // Create curr pointer to traverse
        let curr = this.head;
        // Traverse until reach the reqired element
        while (curr && !== val) {
            // Shift the poiter at every iteration
            curr =;
            // If list do not contain enough elements
            if (curr == null)
                return console.log(
                    "Incorrect Value! Elements does not exist."
        if (curr == this.tail) return this.deleteEnd();
        // Create pointer for Elements before and after
        // the element is to be deleted
        let previous = curr.prev;
        let next =;
        // Remove element from given position = next;
        next.prev = previous;
        // To remove and display deleted data
        let delValue =;
        curr = null;
        console.log("Removed element: " + delValue);
// Create new Doubly Linked List
const dll = new DoublyLinkedList();
// Add elements in the list
dll.insertAt(65, 3);
// Display the list
// Delete element prestent at index 3
// Delete element node from start
// Delete element node from end
// Delete element node with input value
// Display the reverse list


inserted at end 25
inserted at end 27
inserted at start 17
inserted at start 29
inserted at index 3 value 65
Required list is
Removed element: 65
Removed element: 29
Removed element: 27
Removed element: 25
Required list is

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