Define Product Backlog, Releases, MVP in project management

In Product development and management using Agile Scrum methodologies several key aspects, scrum ceremonies, and key events mark the complete life cycle of a product. In this article, we will discuss 3 key terms from the development process, Product Backlog, Product Releases, and MVP (Minimum Viable Product) and their purpose and uses.

Product Backlog

In the Agile Scrum product development framework, the Product Backlog is a refined and well-defined, prioritized list of features, enhancements, and issues or bug fixes that the product team plans to work on during the upcoming sprints.

Features of Product Backlog

  1. Dynamic: The Product Backlog is a dynamic and evolving list of items that change over time based on the customer needs and market conditions.
  2. Flexible and Adaptable: The Product Backlog is highly flexible and adaptable to changing conditions and needs, as understood by the team and stakeholders as product development progresses.
  3. Prioritized: Backlog items are prioritized based on value and user need which are fully refined and ready for development.
  4. User-based: Product Backlog items emerge from end-user needs, expectations, and requirements referred to as user stories.
  5. Emergent: The Product Backlog is fully accommodative to emergent requirements and changes based on user needs. The product team keeps updating the list or adding new items as new requirements emerge.
  6. Detailed and Estimable: Each Product Backlog item should be detailed, and clear and have all required information to be understood by the development team to estimate and develop an accurate solution.
  7. Collaborative: The Product Backlog is created and refined by the collaborative effort of the Product team, stakeholders, and end users, headed by the Product owner.
  8. Continuous Improvement: Product Backlog evolves from continuous improvement based on the feedback and contributions made by stakeholders and end-users and other factors such as market conditions. The insights gained during development also add to the ongoing refinement of backlog items.

Components of Product backlog

The product backlog is considered as a living document of the specific product, which continues to evolve and reflects the updated changes derived from the product vision, roadmap, requirements, customer feedback, and current market trends. The key components of product backlog include the following items:

  1. Themes or Epics: High-level, overarching goals or features that provide a strategic context for the product backlog.
  2. User Stories: Short, user-centric descriptions of functionality, capturing end-user needs and expectations.
  3. Issues or Bugs to Fix: Identified problems or defects in the existing system that require resolution.
  4. Estimates Added: Effort estimates are assigned to each backlog item to facilitate planning and resource allocation.
  5. Acceptance Criteria: Clear conditions that must be met for a backlog item to be considered completed and accepted.
  6. Dependencies: Relationships or connections between backlog items that impact their sequence or execution.
  7. Definition of Done: Criteria outlining the quality and completeness standards that must be met for a backlog item to be considered “done.”
  8. Prioritized Based on Value or Urgency: Ranking of backlog items according to their importance or urgency in delivering value to the end-user or meeting project goals.

What is Product Backlog Management?

Product Backlog Management is a key activity in agile product development, which involves ongoing activities of an updated and prioritized list of backlog items that are ready and deliver value.

  1. Effective management of Backlog items ensures that the development team can work on the most valuable and impactful list of items to achieve the key objectives and goals.
  2. The key aspects of product backlog management include creating a prioritized list of backlog items of features, enhancements, and work items that are detailed, refined, estimated, and ready.

Who Manages the Product Backlog?

Product Backlog is owned by the Product Owner, who updates the backlog items to keep them updated and relevant in collaboration with the scrum product team. Product Backlog refinement meeting by the scrum team helps in making the Product Backlog items refined, smaller, clear, precise, and more relevant to create a list of a prioritized list of items that are ready and available for selection in the upcoming Sprint Planning event.

How to Create a Product Backlog?

Below are the steps in creating the Product backlog:

  1. Define Product Vision and Goals.
  2. Gather input from stakeholders.
  3. Add Themes and Epics or include issues and bug fixes.
  4. Create and Prioritize User Stories.
  5. Estimate Effort.
  6. Review and Refine continuously.
  7. Add the Definition of Ready and Definition of Done.
  8. Add Acceptance Criteria.

Benefits of Product Backlog

  1. Visibility: The Product Backlog has well-defined work items of user stories that can be worked on by the development team. This gives clear visibility to the product team and stakeholders which helps everyone understand the priorities and project progress.
  2. Prioritization of tasks: Product Backlog maintains a list of prioritized items that help the development team to deliver the most valuable and urgent items first.
  3. Incremental Value: The development team works on prioritized Product backlog items leading to the delivery of incremental value with each iteration of release.
  4. Sprint Planning: During Sprint planning, the prioritized and ready Product Backlog items help the product team select and add to the upcoming sprint.
  5. User-Centric: The User Stories in the Product Backlog are based on user needs and items that add value to the end users. So it is user-centric and fully refined and defined based on users’ requirements.
  6. Resource allocation and planning: The fully estimated backlog items help the product team plan future work and allocate resources based on the estimated time required to work on the backlog items.


In project management, a Release is a new version of software made available to users. The new version may represent a set of new features, enhancements, updates, and issue fixes. The release is considered stable and tested with the planned changes and fixes which are packaged and delivered to be available for end-users. Release is an essential part of the software development cycle and iterative development process which incrementally delivers value to customers.

Release Management Process

Release management in project management is the process of software release to the production environment on time and within budget while maintaining the existing production environment’s integrity. This process requires a complete collaboration among development, testing, and operations teams for error-free, reliable, and stable deliverables for the end users.

The Release Management process consists of the below key steps:

  1. Planning the release: The initial stage is release planning, where the entire process is structured from development to deployment.
  2. Feature and Code Freeze: The development part of the release process involves coding as per requirements and it is as specified in the release plan. The feature freeze is ensured to make sure only the specified changes are done and code freeze is implemented by restricting the changes to the code base except what is needed for the changes planned for the release.
  3. Testing Process: Once development is completed for the release, thorough testing is done to identify any bugs and errors. The QA team carries out different testing processes like unit testing, integration testing, and system testing to verify error-free release.
  4. Release Candidate: A release candidate, a version of the code base ready for release is created and deployed for User Acceptance testing
  5. User Acceptance Testing: User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is conducted by select users and stakeholders to verify if the changes in the planned release meet the expectations and if all the existing features are not disturbed.
  6. Deploying the Release: Once UAT is approved and signed off, the planned release is deployed to the production environment.

After deployment to the production environment, the final testing is done and made available for the live environment. Monitoring the software in a live environment to ensure everything works as expected. In case anything goes wrong, a Rollback plan is kept in place to allow you to return to the previous version. Communication and release notes are shared with users if everything works as expected and planned.

Release Notes

After the Release, the Release document is shared with users to inform the end users of what’s new, what is changed, and the improvements applied from the previous version. This is also called changelog which contains all features and changes done from the first version of the software.

Post-Release Support and Feedback

After the release, ongoing post-release support is provided to users for any issues, queries, or concerns regarding the changes applied. Also, feedback is collected from end users and analyzed to improve the release process.

MVP (Minimum Viable Product)

MVP stands for Minimum Viable Product in the Product Development context. An MVP is a concept that is related to developing and delivering a working product with minimal but must have basic features to review and receive feedback from early users. This strategy is to bring to the market quickly a simple functional version and to test the viability of a product idea. This helps to learn from user interactions and validate the acceptance and value of the product idea which can lead to iteratively improving the product based on actual usage and the value this can bring to customers.

Features of MVP

  1. Minimal Features: The MVP will only have essential features
  2. Quick to Market: The goal of an MVP is to launch a product quickly and effectively
  3. User Feedback: MVP goal is to get the required feedback and customer feel about the product you plan to build
  4. Risk Mitigation: Delivering an MVP helps mitigate the risk of investing in resources with Time and Cost Efficiency. Launching MVP with basic and key features with a small budget helps in risk mitigation.
  5. Market Validation: MVP can be used to test the market conditions for user needs and demands to see if the product planned will add value to customers and the company. This also provides early Learning and Validation to verify the product viability.
  6. Agile Principles: The concept of MVP aligns with Agile principles and Iterative development.

How to Plan and Build an MVP?

  1. Validate your idea: Before building an MVP, identify the problem the product will solve and validate your idea with market research and a reality check.
  2. Define the Vision and Objectives: Planning an MVP includes clearly defining the vision for the product and establishing key objectives for it. Define the problem or need the product targets to address and outline the desired outcome.
  3. Identify your target Users and Persona: Identify the target users and create a user persona by understanding their needs and specific requirements the MVP will deliver and the pain points it will solve.
  4. Define your MVP’s core features: Identify and define the key features and functionalities that address the need of the customer or the pain points it will solve and enhance user experience to bring value to the customers.
  5. Build your MVP: Develop the MVP with the features and functionalities identified for the MVP to make it usable, and reliable and solve the user problems or pain points.
  6. Test your MVP: Test the MVP with a group of selected and identified user groups or early adopters who will provide valuable feedback on what works and what will not.
  7. Analyze feedback: Analyze and plan for further iteration with additional features and improvements based on the feedback and suggestions received.

Conclusion: Product Backlog

In conclusion, the Agile Scrum methodology provides a structured framework for product development, with key components such as the Product Backlog, Releases, and Minimum Viable Product (MVP) playing crucial roles in the product lifecycle. The Product Backlog serves as a dynamic and user-centric repository of prioritized work items, enabling effective planning and continuous improvement. Releases mark milestones in delivering stable software versions through a meticulous process of planning, testing, and deployment. Finally, the MVP approach emphasizes launching a product quickly with minimal features to gather user feedback and validate market viability, aligning with Agile principles. Together, these elements contribute to a comprehensive and adaptive approach to product development and management in the dynamic landscape of technology and user needs.

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