Define the Potential Difference between two points.

The potential difference between two points in an electric field is the measure of the electrical potential energy difference per unit charge between those points. It represents the work done to move a unit positive charge from one point to the other without producing any acceleration. Essentially, it’s the energy required to move a charge against the electric field.

Measured in volts (V), the potential difference is a key concept in understanding electrical circuits and phenomena. For instance, in a battery, the potential difference between its terminals drives the flow of electrons, creating an electric current. This difference is created by chemical reactions within the battery, establishing one terminal at a higher potential than the other.

In practical terms, the potential difference is what we commonly refer to as voltage. It’s crucial in determining how much energy is supplied to electrical devices, influencing their performance and efficiency. Understanding potential difference is fundamental in the fields of electronics, electrical engineering, and physics, as it helps in analyzing and designing electrical circuits and systems.

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