Define Oxidation.

Oxidation is a chemical reaction where a substance loses electrons, leading to an increase in its oxidation state. This process often involves the addition of oxygen to a compound, which is where the term originally comes from.

Oxidation has the following key aspects:

  • Loss of Electrons: In its most basic sense, oxidation is the loss of electrons by an atom, molecule, or ion. This is a fundamental concept in redox (reduction-oxidation) reactions.
  • Increase in Oxidation State: During oxidation, the oxidation state of the chemical species increases. This is due to the loss of electrons, which are negatively charged.
  • Combination with Oxygen: Historically, oxidation was defined as the combination of a substance with oxygen. Many reactions with oxygen, like the rusting of iron, are classic examples of oxidation.
  • Release of Energy: Oxidation reactions often release energy, making them exothermic. This is particularly evident in combustion processes.
  • Role in Corrosion and Combustion: Oxidation is a key process in both corrosion (like rusting) and combustion (like burning wood).

Understanding oxidation is crucial in fields like chemistry, biology, and materials science, as it plays a vital role in various chemical reactions and processes.

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