Decision Networks in AI

Decision networks, also known as influence diagrams, play a crucial role in artificial intelligence by providing a structured framework for making decisions under uncertainty. These graphical representations integrate decision theory and probability, enabling AI systems to systematically evaluate various actions and their potential outcomes. In this article, we will explore the components, structure, and applications of decision networks in AI.

Table of Content

  • What is a Decision Network?
  • Components of Decision Networks
  • Example of a Decision Network
  • Structure of Decision Networks
  • Representing a Decision Problem with a Decision Network
  • How to Structure a Decision Network?
  • Example of Representing a Decision Problem
  • Maximum Expected Utility
  • No-Forgetting Agent and Decision Network
  • Evaluating Decision Networks
  • Applications of Decision Networks in AI
  • Advantages of Decision Networks
  • Conclusion

What is a Decision Network?

Decision networks are graphical models used to represent and solve decision-making problems. They extend Bayesian networks by incorporating decision and utility nodes, allowing for a comprehensive analysis of decision scenarios.

Components of Decision Networks

A decision network consists of three types of nodes:

  • Chance Nodes: Represent random variables and their possible values, capturing the uncertainty in the decision-making process.

  • Decision Nodes: Represent the choices available to the decision-maker.

  • Utility Nodes: Represent the utility or value of the outcomes, helping to evaluate and compare different decision paths.

Example of a Decision Network

Consider a simple medical diagnosis scenario where a doctor needs to decide whether to order a test for a patient based on the likelihood of a disease and the cost of the test. The decision network for this scenario might include:

  • Chance Nodes: Disease presence (Yes/No), Test result (Positive/Negative)
  • Decision Node: Order test (Yes/No)
  • Utility Node: Overall patient health outcome and cost

The doctor can use the decision network to evaluate the expected utility of ordering the test versus not ordering it, taking into account the probabilities of disease presence and test results, and the utility values associated with different outcomes.

Structure of Decision Networks

The structure of a decision network is typically represented as a directed acyclic graph (DAG), where:

  • Arcs (Edges): Indicate relationships between nodes. Arcs pointing to chance nodes signify dependencies between random variables, arcs pointing to decision nodes signify information available at the time of decision, and arcs pointing to utility nodes represent factors influencing the utility.

Representing a Decision Problem with a Decision Network

To represent a decision problem with a decision network, the primary step is to construct a graphical model capturing the relationship between random variables, decision variables, and utility functions. The decision network consists of nodes representing these elements and directed arcs depicting dependencies between them.

Arcs in the Graph

  • Arcs to Decision Nodes: Represent information available when the decision is made.
  • Arcs to Chance Nodes: Represent probabilistic dependence.
  • Arcs to Utility Nodes: Represent what the utility depends on.

How to Structure a Decision Network?

To structure a decision network, follow these key steps:

  1. Define Variables and Functions: Identify random variables, decision variables, and utility functions crucial for the decision problem.
  2. Node Representation: Represent random variables as chance nodes, decision variables as decision nodes, and utility functions as utility nodes.
  3. Connect Nodes: Use directed arcs to represent dependencies between variables.
  4. Directed Arcs:
    • Arcs to decision nodes represent available information.
    • Arcs to chance nodes represent probabilistic dependencies.
    • Arcs to utility nodes represent utility dependencies.
  5. Ensure DAG Structure: Avoid cycles or feedback loops in the arcs to maintain a directed acyclic graph.
  6. Define Domains: Specify the domain for each random variable and decision variable. Utility nodes do not have domains.
  7. Conditional Probability Distributions: Provide conditional probability distributions for each random variable given their parents in the network.
  8. Utility Function: Define the utility function mapping the values of the variables it relies on to a real number representing the decision-maker’s preferences.

Example of Representing a Decision Problem

Consider a simple decision network for deciding whether an agent should take an umbrella when going out. The agent’s utility depends on the weather and whether he takes an umbrella. The agent can only observe the forecast and does not observe the weather directly. The forecast depends on the weather.

Representing a Decision Problem

Variables and Domains

  • Weather: {norain, rain}
  • Forecast: {sunny, rainy, cloudy}
  • Umbrella: {take_it, leave_it}


  • P(Weather = rain) = 0.3
  • P(Forecast | Weather):

Utility Function

  • u(Weather, Umbrella):

Maximum Expected Utility

MEU, i.e. Maximum Expected Utility, is a basic principle in decision theory and artificial intelligence. The MEU directs decision-making by suggesting to choose the option that maximizes the expected utility. The MEU suggests selecting the action that is expected to yield the highest utility value while considering the probabilities of different outcomes.

Assume an action (a), then the formula for the expected utility (EU) for that specific action is:

[Tex]EU(a) = Σ (U(s, a) * P(s | a))[/Tex]


  • U(s, a) defines the utility of being in a state (s) after taking an action (a). The obtained value is numerical and it reflects preference for that action.
  • P(s | a) represents the probability of ending up in a state (s) given an already occured action (a).

MEU only takes the maximum of the expected utility for all possible actions that was calculated:

[Tex]MEU = max(EU(a_1), EU(a_2), ..., EU(a_n))[/Tex]

here a1, a2, a3, .., an are the available actions.

Steps to Calculate Expected Utility

  1. Specify Actions and States: Define likely actions and states for the decision network.
  2. Allocate Utility Values: Assign utility values to each state-action pair.
  3. Specify Probabilities: Use conditional probability relationships to specify the probability of each state occurring given a specific action.
  4. Multiply Utility and Probability: Multiply the utility of each action by its corresponding probability.
  5. Sum Products: Sum the products to find the expected utility of each action.
  6. Repeat: Repeat for all available actions.
  7. Select MEU: Choose the action with the highest expected utility..

No-Forgetting Agent and Decision Network

No-Forgetting Property

A no-forgetting agent remembers previous decisions and associated information, ensuring coherent decision-making in an ordered manner.


  • Ordered Decisions: Decisions are made in a specific order.
  • Memory: Stores information about past decisions.
  • Informed Choices: Considers past experiences to inform future choices.

Structure and Implications

  • Ordered Decision Nodes: Arranged in a specific sequence.
  • Parent-Child Relationships: Preceding decision nodes are parents of subsequent nodes.
  • Information Flow: Information flows through the network, influencing subsequent choices.

Evaluating Decision Networks

To ensure optimal functioning, evaluate decision networks using these steps:

  1. Verify Structure: Ensure the network structure accurately reflects the real-world problem.
  2. Sensitivity Analysis: Observe changes in output after modifying probabilities or utilities.
  3. Validate Recommendations: Compare network predictions with real-world data.
  4. Compare Networks: Analyze different decision networks for the same problem to find the most desirable outcomes.

Applications of Decision Networks in AI

Decision networks are widely used in various AI applications, including:

  • Medical Diagnosis: Assisting doctors in making diagnostic and treatment decisions.
  • Robotics: Enabling robots to make decisions in uncertain environments.
  • Finance: Helping financial analysts make investment decisions under uncertainty.
  • Game Theory: Analyzing strategic interactions in competitive environments.
  • Operations Research: Optimizing resource allocation and scheduling decisions.

Advantages of Decision Networks

  • Comprehensive Framework: Integrates probability and utility theory, providing a robust framework for decision-making under uncertainty.
  • Clarity and Visualization: Offers a clear visual representation of decision problems, making complex scenarios easier to understand and analyze.
  • Optimization: Facilitates the identification of optimal decision strategies by evaluating expected utilities.


Decision networks are powerful tools in AI, enabling systematic and informed decision-making in uncertain environments. By integrating chance, decision, and utility nodes, they provide a comprehensive framework for evaluating and optimizing decision strategies. From medical diagnosis to robotics and finance, decision networks have broad applications, making them an essential component of modern AI systems.

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