Decimal.Negate() Method in C#

This method is used to get the result of multiplying the specified Decimal value by negative one.

Syntax: public static decimal Negate (decimal a);

a: This parameter specifies the decimal which will be converted.

Return Value: A decimal number with the value of a, but the opposite sign. But zero, if a is zero.

Below programs illustrate the use of Decimal.Negate(Decimal) Method:

Example 1: When a is positive

// C# program to demonstrate the
// Decimal.Negate(Decimal) Method
using System;
using System.Globalization;
class GFG {
    // Main Method
    public static void Main()
        // Declaring the decimal variable
        Decimal a = 127.97m;
        // using Negate() method;
        Decimal value = Decimal.Negate(a);
        // Display the negative value
        Console.WriteLine("The negative value "+
                             "is : {0}", value);


The negative value is : -127.97

Example 2: When a is negative

// C# program to demonstrate the
// Decimal.Negate(Decimal) Method
using System;
using System.Globalization;
class GFG {
    // Main Method
    public static void Main()
        // Declaring the decimal variable
        Decimal a = -12.39m;
        // using Negate() method;
        Decimal value = Decimal.Negate(a);
        // Display the value after
        // using negate method
        Console.WriteLine("The value is : {0}",


The value is : 12.39

Example 3: If a is zero.

// C# program to demonstrate the
// Decimal.Negate(Decimal) Method
using System;
using System.Globalization;
class GFG {
    // Main Method
    public static void Main()
        // Declaring the decimal variable
        Decimal a = 0.00m;
        // using Negate() method;
        Decimal value = Decimal.Negate(a);
        // Display the Negate value
        Console.WriteLine("The Negate value "+
                           "is : {0}", value);


The Negate value is : 0.00



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