Decentralized Bank Smart Contract in Solidity

Solidity is an Object-oriented Programming Language for implementing Smart Contracts. It’s a High-Level Statically Typed Language like C. The solidity file has an extension .sol. The article focuses on discussing the decentralized bank smart contract in Solidity.

In the below example, the aim is to deploy a Smart Contract for Decentralized Bank System by using Solidity. In this contract, the Owner can add money (in the form of ETH, etc.) and he has certain functionalities like checking their Balance And Transferring to another Account. After performing the transaction owner can see the Balance.


  1. The first step is to deploy the smart contract using the Remix IDE. After writing the code compile the code. When it is successfully compiled then deploy it. 
  2. After deploying the contract a deployed Contract is obtained and then add the Amount as an owner. 
  3. If Owner has to transfer then add the receiver’s Address after that click on transfer. 


Step 1: Open Remix IDE.

Step 2: Click on File Explorers and Create a new WORKSPACE (by Clicking on the + icon).


Step 3: Click on File Explorers and select Solidity in the environment and create a new file Decetralized_Bank.sol by clicking on New File section.


Step 4: Add the solidity code in the Decentralized_Bank.sol file.


// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity >=0.7.0 <0.9.0;
contract DBank
    address Owner;
    // We are creating the Mapping for the Adding & Transfer Amount in Account
    // constructor for the address of the Owner
        Owner = msg.sender;
    // function for adding the Ethereum in Account
    function addBalance(uint amount) public returns(uint)
        // first we have to check the is it Owners Account or Not
        require(msg.sender == Owner, "Yes it is Owner Account !!");
        Balance[msg.sender] = Balance[msg.sender] + amount;
        return Balance[msg.sender];
    // function for Get the Balance from an Account
    function getBalance() public view returns(uint)
        return Balance[msg.sender];
    // to transfer the Amount from Owner to Recipient
    function Transfer(address recipient, uint amount) public
        // check the Self account is or not
        require(msg.sender != recipient, "Can't Transfer !! Self Account.");
        // check the owner has balance is available or not
        require(Balance[msg.sender] >= amount, "No, We Can't Transfer. Insufficient Balance !!");
        _transfer(msg.sender, recipient, amount);
    function _transfer(address From, address To, uint Amount) private
        Balance[From] = Balance[From] - Amount;
        Balance[To] = Balance[To] + Amount;

Step 5: Build a smart contract that contains all the details of the Bank with the help of Remix IDE by clicking on the file name. also check the compiler version at the top.


Step 6: After successful compilation, to deploy the contract, select the Environment Remix VM (London) before clicking on the Deploy button. And the Contract Should be selected as Decentralized_Bank.sol


Step 7: If the contract is successfully deployed then the deployed contract is obtained. Open the deployed contract and add the student details and transact it.



1. Add Balance and Check Balance

Add the Balance in DBank Press on Transact. it will show in the all transaction tab (bottom size). after adding get the balance as the amount that are we adding


2. Transfer Balance and Check Balance

If the owner has to transfer money to another account then he required the address of the account and a sufficient amount of balance so that the transaction should be successful,


3. Transaction information


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