DE Shaw Interview Experience | On-Campus 2021

D.E. Shaw held an on-campus recruitment drive in my college for the position of QTE intern (2 months) in July 2021. There were three rounds for the selection process :

Round 1: Technical Test on Hacker Rank

Time: 95 minutes

There were a total of three sections in this test

  • The first section comprised of 14 Aptitude MCQs of easy to medium level difficulty to be completed in 28 minutes.
  • The second section is comprised of 12 Technical MCQs related to finding errors in the logic of C++ codes, guess the output of the code questions, DBMS, SQL, and related concepts to be completed in 17 minutes.
  • The third was a coding section which had two coding questions, with 20 minutes and 30 minutes for the first and second questions respectively. The two questions were : (i) Given an array of n integers, you can divide the array into sections containing k elements each (n is divisible by k). The score of each section is the product of the elements in that section. Find the maximum sum of scores of all sections that you can achieve. (Greedy)
  • Given that you have three items A, B, and C that you need to put them in a particular order such that there are no three consecutive same items. Given n queries of the form (a, b, c) where a, b and c are the number of items A, B, and C that you have, find the maximum number of A, B, and C items that you can order by following the above constraint. (Math, the constraints were low)

15 students were selected for round 2

Round 2: Technical Interview Round 1

Time: 60 minutes on Hacker Rank Code Pair

There were two interviewers, both of whom introduced themselves and told about their work in the company. After this, they asked for my introduction. The summary of the questions asked is :

  • Given sorted array find the first missing positive number ( )
  • Delete a given node of the linked list: the head is given ,head is not given, how to delete from memory also
  • Given an integer n you can perform the following two operations any number of times : (i) decrement n by 1 or divide n by any of its factors except self. Find the minimum number of operations to convert n to 0.
  • Find the number of pairs of integers in the array whose sum is equal to the given number (
  • Then they asked me some Questions from OOPS, OS: OOPS: Polymorphism, Inheritance, Class, and Object, OS: Deadlock, Paging, Segmentation,
  • One puzzle was asked: There are two traffic lights between your house and office. While going from your house to the office, you stop two times but while returning home from the office you stop only once. Given that the traffic lights are always red whenever you encounter them, how is this situation possible. He asked me to draw and explain my solution properly. (Hint: You don’t need to stop in a traffic light when you need to turn left).

Finally, 3 students were selected

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