Ddosify – High-performance load testing tool

Securing web applications is a challenging task in the era of the digital world. The web application should be tested in all the parameters to prove itself a bug-free web application. So testing is the technique to make bug-free applications. Ddosify is a testing tool that is used in the Load Testing of an application. Ddosify tool is developed in the Golang language and available on the GitHub platform fr free. The basic idea behind the Load Testing is that multiple requests are been sent to the application to check whether the application can handle the load on its server.

Note: As Ddosify is a Golang language-based tool, you need to have a Golang environment on your system. So check this link to download Golang in your system. – How to Install Go Programming Language in Linux

Installation of Ddosify Tool in Kali Linux OS

Step 1: If you have downloaded Golang in your system, verify the installation by checking the version of Golang, use the following command.

go version

Step 2: Get the Ddosify repository or clone the Ddosify tool from GitHub, use the following command.

go install -v go.ddosify.com/ddosify@latest

Step 3: Check the help menu page to get a better understanding of the Ddosify tool, use the following command.

ddosify -h

Working with Ddosify Tool on Kali Linux

Example 1: Basic Load Test on https://app.servdown.com target domain

ddosify -t https://app.servdown.com

In this example, we are testing on https://app.servdown.com target domain by applying some load on the server.

We have got the load results after the completion of the testing process.

Example 2: Load Test on https://w3wiki.net target domain

ddosify -t https://w3wiki.net

In this example, we are performing load testing on the https://w3wiki.net target domain.

Example 3: Applying some features while testing

ddosify -t https://w3wiki.net -n 1000 -d 20 -p HTTPS -m PUT -T 7

In this example, we are specifying some more tags while testing the target domain.

We have got the results after testing the target domain.

Example 4: Grepping the output from JSON file

ddosify -t target_site.com -o stdout-json | jq .avg_duration

In this example, we are prepping some information from the output JSON file. We have displayed the avg testing time which is 2.513s.

Example 5: Linear Load Type 

ddosify -t https://w3wiki.net -l linear

In this example, we are sending load to the target domain server in a Linear way.

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