Daylight Saving Time (DST) 2024 : Start and End

In 2024, Daylight Saving Time (DST) is expected to start on the Second Sunday in March. This means Daylight Saving Time would begin on Sunday, March 10, 2024. On this day, clocks are set forward by one hour at 2:00 AM local standard time, which then becomes 3:00 AM local daylight time. This change effectively shifts an hour of daylight from the morning to the evening.

Daylight Saving Time 2024

Table of Content

  • Daylight Saving Time Meaning
  • Daylight Saving Time History
  • DST Around the World
  • DST Legislation in US
  • DST Start and End in USA 2024
  • DST History in India
  • Daylight Saving Time in Europe
  • DST 2024 in Canada
  • Daylight Saving Time Controversy
  • Daylight Saving Time Advantage
  • Daylight Saving Time Disadvantage
  • How to Prepare for the Shift?

In this article, you will find everything you need to know about Daylight Saving Time in 2024 from start to end in the US, UK, Canada, India, etc.

Daylight Saving Time Meaning

Daylight Saving Time refers to the process of moving clocks ahead by one hour in summer which means that daylight is longer into the night. The main idea behind DST is to shift the number of daylight hours we get into the evening.

Daylight Saving Time in any year starts on the second Sunday in March of any year and ends on the first Sunday in November each year. To give people the extra sun we’ve been talking about all summer, we shift the clocks an hour ahead in March. We then move the clocks back an hour in the fall to allow those who rise early to view the sunrise a little earlier in winter.

The concept of time, as defined by Webster’s Dictionary, doesn’t capture the Daylight Saving Time (DST). Time is precious, and with only 24 hours in a day, the manipulation of an hour in the name of DST becomes significant.

Daylight Saving Time History

Daylight Saving Time 2024

DST was standardized in 1966 under the Uniform Time Act. The goal for DST is to make more light into the day by moving clocks by an hour. This helps conserve energy since there is less requirement to use artificial light in the evening.

In the UK and the European Union, summertime starts on the last Sunday of March and continues on the last Sunday of October so daylight saving time is different for them.

The concept of changing clocks in accordance with the seasons dates back to the end of the 19th century. New Zealand entomologist George Hudson suggested it to save energy and extend the summer hours of daylight and would have been beneficial to his interest in collecting insect specimens after having finished work.

The concept was unable to gain momentum up to World War One when European states were looking for ways to save energy. Germany became the initial nation to implement the daylight savings time system in 1916. the US adopted it in 1918.

DST Around the World

Proposals to remain at standard-time or change to full-time DST are on the legislative agendas in the United States nearly every clock change. Since 2015 over 200 daylight savings resolutions and bills have been proposed in nearly all states across the US as per the National Conference of State Legislatures.

Many US states are currently introducing legislation that support permanent DST. But, they require approval from Congress before they can eliminate the change in time. To do this, Congress first has to adopt a federal law that allows States to follow DST throughout the year, since today’s law allows states to do away with DST.

DST Legislation in US

Legislative bodies in the state have contemplated the possibility of establishing year-round daylight saving time. However the law of the United States prohibits states from attempting to create a permanent daylight saving time.

  • States which have passed laws to guarantee the permanence of daylight saving time
  • Florida: Passed a law in 2018
  • 19 states have passed laws to put them on a permanent daylight saving time, if federal law permits it.
  • States that are awaiting legislation to allow perpetual daylight saving time
  • Iowa: Has pending legislation
  • Texas: Has pending legislation
  • Kansas introduced an act in 2019 to exclude the state from the effects of daylight saving time.
  • Kansas introduced an act in 2021 to establish daylight saving time as a permanent feature in the state.

DST Start and End in USA 2024

For the year 2024, based on this traditional schedule, DST in the USA would be expected to start and end on the following dates:

  • Start: DST would likely begin on Sunday, March 10, 2024.
  • End: DST would likely end on Sunday, November 3, 2024.

The majority of United States and Canada observe DST on the same days with the exception of a few. Hawaii is one of them. Arizona are two U.S. states that don’t observe daylight saving time. However Navajo Nation, in northeastern Arizona is a part of DST as per NASA. U.K. also observes daylight saving time.

DST History in India

India is not observing the concept of daylight savings time (DST) until 2023. India Standard Time (IST) is observed throughout the year.

The reason for this is that countries near the Equator don’t have large fluctuations in daylight duration between seasons. India lies so far to the south, that DST would be of no use.

DST has been in use but not since records started in 1970. DST information prior to 1970 isn’t accessible for India. DST expires on November 5 2023 at 2:00 am. Daylight Saving Time 2023 Australia In Australia the country of Australia, daylight saving time (DST) started on the 1st of October 2023 at 2 am. It will come to an end on the 7th of April, Sunday 2024 at 3 am.

Daylight Saving Time in Europe

The majority of Europe is currently in daylight saving time. It began around 1 a.m. GMT on the final Sunday of March. The daylight saving time expires (winter timing) around 1 a.m. GMT on the October’s last Sunday of or the 29th of October, or. 29th, 2023 at which point clocks were pushed one hour back. DST will resume on March 31 2024, as per

  • The majority of European countries follow DST With the exclusion from Russia, Iceland and Belarus as per For the United Kingdom, DST is known as British Summer Time (BST).
  • DST is also known as Central European Summer Time (CEST) in Austria, France, Poland, Spain, Germany, Italy, Hungary, Norway, and Switzerland.
  • Daylight saving begins around 2 a.m. in the morning local time in these countries, and clocks move forward an hour, and then shifted forward to 3 a.m.
  • This time of 2 a.m. clock shift is observed for Bulgaria, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania and Romania that use DST Eastern European Summer Time (EEST).
  • In the summer months throughout Ireland, DST is called Irish Standard Time (IST) and begins with 1.30 a.m. Local time.
  • The clocks move forward one hour and then shifted to 2 a.m.
  • The same change in clocks occurs throughout Ireland’s Canary Islands, the Faroe Islands and Portugal and is known as DST Western European Summer Time (WEST).
  • But it is possible that it is possible that those in the European Union may propose an end to the clock changes as a recent poll revealed that 84 percent of 4.6 million people who were surveyed stated they would like to eliminate clock changes according to according to the Wall Street Journal reported.
  • If legislators and member states are in agreement that they want to end clock changes, EU members can decide to maintain the EU in winter time or in summer time according to the WSJ.

DST 2024 in Canada

For the year 2024, based on this traditional schedule, DST in Canada would be expected to occur as follows:

  • Start: DST would likely begin on Sunday, March 10, 2024.
  • End: DST would likely end on Sunday, November 3, 2024.

Nine of the 10 provinces of Canada follow the daylight savings time. The territories and provinces in Canada which remain at standard time throughout the year are: a few regions in Canada’s province British Columbia, parts of Saskatchewan Northwest Ontario along with east Quebec according to

Additionally, Yukon made DST permanent in 2020. The areas that are located in British Columbia that don’t use DST are: Chetwynd, Creston, Dawson Creek, Fort Nelson and Fort St. John. In Saskatchewan, there are only Creighton as well as Denare Beach observe DST, according to

Daylight Saving Time Controversy

The majority of North America along with Europe adheres to the practice but the majority of other countries particularly those near the equator do not.

The practice has been criticized since its beginning and many countries have accepted and rejected it numerous times.

Egypt declared in March that it will reintroduce daylight savings time following a gap of seven years to improve energy efficiency. Japan thought about adopting the system in 2020 Olympics but resisted the idea because of the lack of public acceptance and technical difficulties.

Daylight Saving Time Advantage

Here are some of the advantages of Daylight Saving Time:

  • DST conserves energy by setting clocks forward by an hour in the spring and by an hour in autumn. Therefore, the supporters of DST argue that it is an extended period of daylight in the evening.
  • People will complete their day-to-day tasks one hour earlier and the additional hour of daylight will mean less energy consumption.
  • Longer hours of daylight can inspire individuals to take advantage of more time outdoors, which could benefit local economies as they increase purchases at restaurants and retailers.
  • With longer daylight hours in the night, it could be fewer crimes and accidents in comparison to nighttime.

Daylight Saving Time Disadvantage

While DST has many advantages, it could also be a disadvantage.

  • Some find it unsettling since they have to alter their schedules as well as their internal body clocks.
  • Sleep patterns changes can cause short-term health issues, such as fatigue and sleep disturbances.

How to Prepare for the Shift?

Here are some tips for a smooth adjustment during the shift:

Gradual Shift: Tweak your sleep schedule in the week leading up to the change, adjusting bedtime and wake-up times in 15-minute increments.

Embrace Sunlight: Seek plenty of morning light after the time change to help regulate your daily rhythm.

Relax and Unwind: Allow yourself extra time to wind down in the evenings before the shift to promote restful sleep.

Embrace the Outdoors: Make the most of the extra daylight hours in the evening with outdoor activities and social gatherings.

Wrapping Up

Daylight Saving Time in 2024 is scheduled to start from March 10, 2024 and end on November 03, 2024, signifying the shift in clock settings aimed at optimizing daylight hours. With the benefits and drawbacks of this practice, ongoing discussions regarding the need for its continuation, modification, or potential abolition. Understanding the implications of these time adjustments allows individuals and communities to prepare and adapt to the changing schedules and varying daylight hours that DST brings each year.

Related Resources:

FAQs on Daylight Saving Time 2023

1. What is Daylight Saving Time (DST)?

Daylight Saving Time is the practice of setting the clock forward by one hour during warmer months to extend evening daylight and conserve energy.

2. When does Daylight Saving Time start and end in 2023?

In 2023, DST started on Sunday, March 12, and will end on Sunday, November 5.

3. Why do we change the clocks for Daylight Saving Time?

The clocks are changed to make better use of natural daylight during the evenings and reduce energy consumption.

4. How does DST impact our daily routine?

DST can affect sleep patterns and daily schedules, as it shifts one hour of daylight from the morning to the evening.

5. Are all countries following Daylight Saving Time?

Not all countries observe DST. Its adoption varies across the globe, with some countries following it and others not.

6. What are the benefits of Daylight Saving Time?

Benefits include longer evening daylight, potential energy savings, and increased opportunities for outdoor activities.

7. How do I prepare for the time change due to DST?

Adjusting your sleep schedule gradually before the change can help. Also, updating all manual clocks is essential.

8. Has there been any controversy regarding DST?

Yes, DST has been a subject of debate regarding its actual benefits and impact on health and productivity.

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