DATENAME() Function in SQL Server

DATENAME() function :

This function in SQL Server is used to find a given part of the specified date. Moreover, it returns the output value as a string.

Features :

  • This function is used to find a given part of the specified date.
  • This function comes under Date Functions.
  • This function accepts two parameters namely interval and date.
  • This function can also include time in the date section.
  • This function returns the output in string form.

Syntax :

DATENAME(interval, date)

Parameter :

This method accepts two parameters as given below.

  • interval –It is the specified part that is to be returned. Moreover, the values of the interval can be as given below.
year, yyyy, yy   = Year, which is the specified year.
quarter, qq, q   = Quarter, which is the specified quarter.
month, mm, m     = month, which is the specified month.
dayofyear, dy, y = Day of the year, which is the specified day of the year.
day, dd, d       = Day, which is the specified day.
week, ww, wk     = Week, which is the specified week.
weekday, dw, w   = Weekday, which is the specified week day.
hour, hh         = hour, which is the specified hour.
minute, mi, n    = Minute, which is the specified minute.
second, ss, s    = Second, which is the specified second.
millisecond, ms  = Millisecond, which is the specified millisecond.
  • date –It is the specified date which is to be used.

Returns :

It returns a given part of the specified date.

Example-1 :

Using DATENAME() function and getting the year part of the specified date.

SELECT DATENAME(year, '2021/01/06');

Output :


Example-2 :

Using DATENAME() function and getting the month part of the specified date.

SELECT DATENAME(month, '2021/01/06');

Output :


Example-3 :

Using DATENAME() function and getting the day part of the specified date.

SELECT DATENAME(day, '2021/01/06');

Output :


Example-4 :

Using DATENAME() function and getting the hour part of the specified date which includes time as well.

SELECT DATENAME(hour, '2021/01/06 05:30');

Output :


Example-5 :

Using DATENAME() function and getting the second part of the specified date which includes time as well using a variable.

SET @date = '2019/06/05 07:37:54';
SELECT DATENAME(second, @date);

Output :


Application :

This function is used to find the given part of the specified date.

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