Dataset for Image Classification

The field of computer vision has witnessed remarkable progress in recent years, largely driven by the availability of large-scale datasets for image classification tasks. These datasets play a pivotal role in training and evaluating machine learning models, enabling them to recognize and categorize visual content with increasing accuracy.

Dataset for Image Classification

In this article, we will discuss some of the famous datasets used for image classification.

What is Image Classification?

Image classification is a fundamental task in computer vision where the goal is to assign a label or category to an input image based on its visual content. This involves identifying and interpreting the objects, features, or patterns within the image to categorize it into one of several predefined classes.

List of Image Classification Datasets

  1. MNIST (Modified National Institute of Standards and Technology)
  2. CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 (Canadian Institute For Advanced Research)
  3. ImageNet
  4. COCO (Common Objects in Context)
  5. Fashion-MNIST
  6. SVHN (Street View House Numbers)
  7. Caltech 101 and Caltech 256
  8. PASCAL VOC (Pattern Analysis, Statistical Modelling and Computational Learning Visual Object Classes)
  9. CelebA (CelebFaces Attributes Dataset)
  10. FER-2013 (Facial Expression Recognition 2013)
  11. Tiny ImageNet
  12. Oxford 102 Flower Dataset
  13. Animals with Attributes 2 (AwA2)
  14. Stanford Cars
  15. MIT Indoor Scenes


ImageNet is a comprehensive image database organized according to the WordNet hierarchy, providing a vast resource for training machine learning models in object recognition. Spearheaded by Fei-Fei Li at Stanford University, it comprises over 14 million images labeled and categorized into more than 20,000 groups. Each image is annotated with labels and bounding boxes to indicate the presence and location of objects. A notable subset of ImageNet is the ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge (ILSVRC), which features approximately 1,000 images in each of 1,000 categories. ILSVRC serves as a benchmark in the field, significantly advancing the capabilities of image classification and object detection algorithms in computer vision.


  • Extensive Collection: Over 14 million images in more than 20,000 categories.
  • WordNet Organization: Categories are based on WordNet, enhancing structural clarity.
  • ILSVRC: Hosts the annual ImageNet Challenge to advance object recognition technologies.
  • AI Impact: Crucial for the development of CNNs and deep learning breakthroughs.
  • Research Tool: Widely used in academic and industrial machine learning research.


The CIFAR-10 dataset is an established collection of 60,000 32×32 color images split into 10 different classes, each containing 6,000 images. The classes represent various objects such as airplanes, cars, birds, cats, deer, dogs, frogs, horses, ships, and trucks. The dataset is divided into a training set of 50,000 images and a test set of 10,000 images, facilitating the development and evaluation of machine learning models in image classification tasks. Developed by Alex Krizhevsky, Vinod Nair, and Geoffrey Hinton, CIFAR-10 is derived from the larger CIFAR-100 dataset and is widely utilized in academic and research settings for benchmarking computer vision algorithms due to its manageable size and well-defined task structure.


  • Basic Composition: Contains 60,000 32×32 color images.
  • Class Variety: Split into 10 classes, each with 6,000 images.
  • Classes Included: Airplane, automobile, bird, cat, deer, dog, frog, horse, ship, and truck.
  • Training vs Testing: Divided into 50,000 training images and 10,000 testing images.
  • Usage: Widely used for training and testing machine learning models in computer vision tasks.


The MNIST dataset is a collection of 70,000 grayscale images of handwritten digits from 0 to 9, each sized at 28×28 pixels. It includes 60,000 training images and 10,000 test images, serving as a foundational benchmark for image processing systems in machine learning and computer vision. MNIST is crucial for training and testing algorithms in tasks like image classification, where models learn to recognize and classify digits. Developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), this dataset’s simplicity and moderate size make it ideal for beginners in machine learning. MNIST is widely used in educational settings to demonstrate the fundamentals of neural networks and image recognition, making it a staple in introductory machine learning courses.


  • Content: Consists of 70,000 handwritten digit images.
  • Resolution: Each image is 28×28 pixels, grayscale.
  • Classes: Digits from 0 to 9, making 10 classes in total.
  • Split: 60,000 images for training and 10,000 for testing.
  • Application: Commonly used as a benchmark for evaluating image processing systems and machine learning algorithms.


Fashion-MNIST is a dataset designed as a more challenging replacement for the original MNIST dataset. It consists of 70,000 grayscale images of 10 different fashion items such as T-shirts, trousers, pullovers, dresses, coats, sandals, shirts, sneakers, bags, and ankle boots, each sized at 28×28 pixels. Like MNIST, it is divided into a training set of 60,000 images and a test set of 10,000 images. Created by Zalando Research, Fashion-MNIST serves the same purpose as the traditional MNIST—facilitating benchmarking and experimentation in machine learning and computer vision—but with a focus on fashion products. This dataset is commonly used in academic and research settings to develop, train, and test advanced image classification algorithms.


  • Content: Includes 70,000 grayscale images of fashion items.
  • Resolution: Each image is 28×28 pixels.
  • Classes: 10 different categories, including T-shirt/top, Trouser, Pullover, Dress, Coat, Sandal, Shirt, Sneaker, Bag, and Ankle boot.
  • Split: Divided into 60,000 images for training and 10,000 for testing.
  • Purpose: Designed as a more challenging replacement for the traditional MNIST dataset, used for benchmarking machine learning models in computer vision.

Stanford Dogs

The Stanford Dogs dataset is a collection specifically designed for fine-grained image classification, focusing on distinguishing between different dog breeds. It contains 20,580 images representing 120 different dog breeds, curated from the ImageNet dataset. Each breed includes a varying number of images, aiming to provide a comprehensive set for developing and testing machine learning models that can accurately identify and differentiate dog breeds based on visual cues. The dataset was assembled by the Vision Lab at Stanford University and is widely used in the computer vision community for both educational and research purposes. The diversity and specificity of the breeds make it a challenging and valuable resource for advancing the capabilities of image recognition systems in recognizing fine-grained categories.


  • Content: Contains 20,580 images of dogs.
  • Breed Variety: Features 120 different dog breeds.
  • Image Sources: All images are taken from the ImageNet database.
  • Annotation: Includes annotations for each image, specifying the breed.
  • Usage: Primarily used for fine-grained image classification tasks, focusing on distinguishing between closely related dog breeds


The Food-101 dataset is a collection specifically designed for the task of food recognition, which is a subset of image classification aimed at identifying various types of dishes. It contains 101,000 images divided across 101 different food categories, with each category featuring 1,000 images. This dataset was created to help develop and evaluate machine learning models that can accurately recognize and categorize different food items from images, a task that presents challenges due to the high variability in food appearance, cooking style, and presentation.

Developed by the Vision Group at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich), Food-101 is used primarily in academic and research settings. It serves as a benchmark dataset for food recognition technologies, which are applicable in areas such as dietary monitoring and automated culinary systems. The dataset not only aids in improving the accuracy of image-based food recognition models but also encourages advancements in computer vision techniques tailored to the complexities of real-world food images.


  • Content: Consists of 101,000 high-resolution images.
  • Categories: Features 101 food categories.
  • Image Per Category: Each category has 1,000 images.
  • Purpose: Designed for food recognition tasks, to develop and test algorithms for automatic food recognition.
  • Challenge: The dataset provides a challenging set of images, often with varied lighting, composition, and presentation styles typical of real-world scenarios.

Caltech 101

The Caltech 101 dataset is a collection of approximately 9,144 images divided into 101 object categories, plus an additional background category. Categories span a wide range of objects, including animals, household items, vehicles, and plants, with about 40 to 800 images per category. Each image is roughly 300 x 200 pixels in size. Developed by the California Institute of Technology, this dataset is primarily used for computer vision research in object recognition. The diversity of categories and the moderate size of the dataset make it suitable for testing and benchmarking image recognition algorithms, especially for those new to machine learning and computer vision.


  • Content: Includes approximately 9,144 images.
  • Categories: Features 101 object categories plus one background category.
  • Images Per Category: Varies from about 40 to 800 images per category, with most categories having about 50 images.
  • Purpose: Used primarily for computer vision tasks including object recognition and categorization.
  • Characteristic: Known for its diversity in image representations and relatively small sample size per category, posing a challenge for deep learning models without overfitting.


UCF101 is a dataset designed for action recognition in videos, making it a fundamental resource for research in the field of video processing and understanding. It consists of 13,320 videos spanning 101 action categories, including a variety of human activities such as playing instruments, sports, and performing exercises. Each video clip is labeled with a single action class and provides a rich source of dynamic visual information.

Developed by the University of Central Florida (UCF), UCF101 serves multiple purposes, primarily facilitating the development and evaluation of action recognition algorithms. The dataset is challenging due to variations in camera motion, object appearance, and pose, background clutter, and lighting conditions. Its diverse range of activities and real-world scenarios make it a popular choice for benchmarking the performance of video analysis models, especially in the context of understanding and predicting human actions from video data.


  • Content: Contains 13,320 videos of human actions.
  • Action Categories: Features 101 action categories.
  • Video Diversity: Includes a wide range of activities such as sports, playing musical instruments, and daily activities.
  • Purpose: Primarily used for action recognition and understanding in video sequences.
  • Challenge: Provides a challenging dataset for video-based machine learning models due to the variation in camera motion

Street View House Numbers (SVHN)

The Street View House Numbers (SVHN) dataset is a collection of digit images sourced from Google Street View images, designed for developing robust digit recognition models. It contains over 600,000 full-color digit images that are derived from real-world, varied backgrounds, providing a challenging alternative to the simpler MNIST dataset. SVHN offers two formats: the first has digits centered in 32×32 pixel images, and the second provides images of full house number sequences with each digit boxed and labeled. This dataset is ideal for training machine learning algorithms to recognize digits in uncontrolled, everyday environments, enhancing capabilities in practical applications like automated information retrieval.


  • Content: Contains over 600,000 digit images obtained from real-world house numbers in Google Street View images.
  • Resolution: Images are in color, and include various digit sizes and qualities, often with multiple digits per image.
  • Format Variations: Available in two formats:
  • Format 1: Full numbers with bounding boxes around each digit.
  • Format 2: Cropped digits, where each image focuses on a single digit.
  • Purpose: Used for developing and testing machine learning models for digit recognition, particularly in real-world, cluttered image contexts.
  • Challenge: The dataset poses a challenge due to variations in lighting, digit styles, occlusions, and environmental conditions.


The COCO (Common Objects in Context) dataset is a foundational tool for the computer vision community, designed to facilitate object detection, segmentation, and captioning tasks. It includes over 330,000 images, more than 200,000 of which are labeled, featuring complex scenes with multiple objects in natural contexts. COCO provides rich annotations, such as object bounding boxes, segmentation masks, and detailed image captions. This dataset supports a broad range of applications and research in image understanding and has spurred advancements in AI by serving as a benchmark for annual challenges that push the limits of object recognition and image captioning technologies.


  • Content: Features over 330,000 images with more than 200,000 labeled.
  • Categories: Includes 80 object categories and more than 1.5 million object instances.
  • Annotations: Provides rich annotations such as object segmentation, bounding boxes, and keypoint detection for each object.
  • Variety of Tasks: Supports a wide range of vision tasks including object detection, segmentation, and captioning.
  • Purpose: Designed to advance the state-of-the-art in object recognition by placing objects in the context of their natural environment, with complex scenes and multiple objects per image.

Open Images

Open Images is a diverse and large-scale dataset designed for computer vision research, hosted by Google. It contains approximately 9 million images annotated with labels spanning thousands of object categories. The dataset is known for its rich annotations, including image-level labels, object bounding boxes, object segmentation masks, visual relationships, and localized narratives that provide textual descriptions of image content. Open Images supports a variety of computer vision tasks such as object detection, visual relationship detection, and segmentation. It is particularly useful for training and evaluating models due to its wide variety of annotated objects and complex scenes, making it a valuable resource for advancing image recognition technologies.


  • Content: Comprises over 9 million images annotated with labels.
  • Categories: Features a diverse range of approximately 6000 categories.
  • Annotations: Rich annotations including image-level labels, object bounding boxes, object segmentation masks, visual relationships, and localized narratives.
  • Scale and Diversity: One of the largest and most diverse datasets available, with images collected from a variety of sources and scenarios, intended to represent a broad spectrum of everyday scenes.
  • Purpose: Serves multiple computer vision tasks such as object detection, visual relationship detection, and instance segmentation, supporting the development of more robust and versatile AI models.

Dataset for Image Classification FAQs

How are image classification datasets used?

Image classification datasets are used to train machine learning models, particularly deep neural networks, to recognize and classify images into predefined categories. These models can then be used for a variety of applications, such as object recognition, face recognition, and medical image analysis.

How are image classification datasets collected and labeled?

Image classification datasets are typically collected by compiling images from various sources, such as the internet, databases, or crowd-sourcing platforms. These images are then manually labeled by annotators who assign each image to a specific category or class based on its content. Labeled datasets are essential for training machine learning models to accurately classify images.

What are some challenges associated with image classification datasets?

Some challenges associated with image classification datasets include:

  • Limited Diversity: Datasets may not represent the full range of possible images, leading to biased models.
  • Imbalanced Classes: Some classes may have significantly fewer examples than others, affecting the model’s ability to learn.
  • Noisy Labels: Incorrect or inconsistent labeling can negatively impact model performance.
  • Large Scale: Managing and processing large-scale datasets can be computationally intensive and require efficient data handling techniques.

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