Database Operations in HIVE Using CLOUDERA – VMWARE Work Station

We are going to create a database and create a table in our database. And will cover Database operations in HIVE Using CLOUDERA – VMWARE Work Station. Let’s discuss one by one.


  • Hive is an ETL tool that provides an SQL-like interface between the user and the Hadoop distributed file system which integrates Hadoop.
  • It is built on top of Hadoop.
  • It facilitates reading, writing, and handling wide datasets that stored in distributed storage and queried by Structure Query Language (SQL) syntax.


  • Need to install Cloudera – vmware workstation.
  • Link to download for windows –


Cloudera enables you to deploy and manage Apache Hadoop, manipulate and analyze your data, and keep that data secure and protected.

Steps to Open Cloudera after Installation

Step 1: On your desktop VMware workstation is available. Open that.

Step 2: Now you will get an interface. Click on open a virtual device.

Step 3: Select path – In this step, you have to select the path and file where you have downloaded the file.

Step 4: Now your virtual environment is creating.

Step 5: You can view your virtual machine details in this path.

Step 6: Now open the terminal to get started with hive commands.

Step 7: Now type hive in the terminal. It will give output as follows.

[cloudera@quickstart ~]$ hive
2020-12-09 20:59:24,314 WARN  [main] mapreduce.TableMapReduceUtil: 
The hbase-prefix-tree module jar containing PrefixTreeCodec is not present.  Continuing without it.
Logging initialized using configuration in file:/etc/hive/conf.dist/
WARNING: Hive CLI is deprecated and migration to Beeline is recommended.

Step 8: Now, you are all set and ready to start typing your hive commands.

Database Operations in HIVE

1. Create a database


create database database_name;


create database Beginnerportal;


2. Creating a table


create database.tablename(columns);


create table Beginnerportal.geekdata(id int,name string);

Here id and string are the two columns.

Output :

3. Display Database


show databases;

Output: Display the databases created.

4. Describe Database


describe database database_name;


describe  database Beginnerportal;

Output: Display the HDFS path of a particular database.

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