Data Architect Salary in India [2024]

Data architects are essential to the dynamic area of data analytics because they organize and manage data systems. They are becoming extremely important to companies as the need for data-driven decision-making grows. This article explores the potential earnings for Data Architects in India, delivering a thorough analysis as of 2024 and insightful information for prospective professionals.

Current Salary Trends for Data Architects

Current Salary Trends for Data Architects in India(2024)

According to the latest surveys and reports, the average annual salary for a data architect in India ranges between ₹12 lakhs to ₹25 lakhs, depending on experience, location, and the complexity of the job role. In 2024, Data Architect salaries in India are segmented as follows:

  • Entry-level: Approximately ₹6,00,000 per annum
  • Mid-level: Around ₹12,00,000 per annum
  • Senior- Level: Can exceed ₹20,00,000 per annum

Average Salary of Data Architects

The Average Data Architect Salary in India of April 2024 is a very respectable ₹20,000,000. This competitive number illustrates how important data architects are to helping businesses fully use data.

Monthly and Hourly Earnings

  • Monthly Salary: The salary range for data architects in India is ₹1,50,000 to ₹1,80,000 per month. The lower end of this range begins at around ₹1,20,000, while highly skilled applicants or those with specialized knowledge may be able to fetch monthly wages as high as ₹2,00,000.
  • Hourly Rates: Data Architects usually charge between ₹1,200 and ₹1,500 per hour for freelance or contracted work. These fees may change according to the particulars of the project, the intricacy of the job, and the expertise and skill level of the data architect.

Salary Distribution Across Industries

Data architects are in high demand in some industries, and industry-specific compensation varies:


Average Annual Salary

Information Technology (IT)


Banking and Finance


Retail and E-commerce










Comparison of Data Architect Salary vs. Similar Roles

Let’s compare the Data Architect pay to that of other comparable positions in the industry to get some perspective:

Comparison of Data Architect Salary vs. Similar Roles

As is clear, data architects make more money than database administrators and data engineers do. Their pay is on line with that of Data Scientists and Machine Learning Engineers, which is understandable given the importance of their work in data strategy and management.

Job Locations affecting Data Archtitect Salary

Here’s a general breakdown of How job locations in India can impact the salary of a Data Architect:















Data Archtitect Salary in India as per Experience

A profession as a Data Architect provides ample opportunity for financial advancement:

Years of Experience

Average Annual Salary

0-2 years


3-5 years


6-9 years


10-15 years


15+ years


Data architects earn much more money as their careers advance, which is commensurate with their level of experience, aptitude for leadership, and capacity to advance data-centric solutions within businesses.

Factors Influencing Data Architect Salaries in India

The pay for Data Architects in India is determined by a number of variables. Professionals may successfully negotiate their remuneration and manage their career trajectories by having a solid understanding of these components.

  • Experience: Experience is the main factor influencing wage variation. Starting wages for Data Architects at the entry level are around ₹12,00,000 annually, while those with 5–9 years of experience may make up to ₹18,00,000. Senior-level Data Architects who have worked for more than ten years may earn more than ₹25,000,000.
  • Location: An important factor in determining compensation is geographic location. Cities with a high cost of living and a concentration of software enterprises, including Bangalore, Mumbai, and Delhi, often provide higher pay. For example, the yearly salary of a Data Architect in Bangalore might be ₹2,00,000 more than that of a person in a tier-2 city.
  • Industry: A data architect’s pay is directly influenced by the industry in which they operate. Higher compensation is usually seen in industries that heavily rely on data, such as banking and IT. Manufacturing and healthcare come in second and third, respectively, with government sectors frequently offering somewhat lower pay but more benefits.
  • Company Size: Bigger businesses, especially global ones, often have bigger budgets and can pay greater wages. While they may have less resources, small and medium-sized companies may still be able to recruit people with competitive compensation.
  • Skills and Certifications: A Data Architect’s earning potential may be greatly impacted by the particular skill set and certifications they have. Higher pay are demanded for proficiency in developing technologies including machine learning, cloud computing, and big data analytics. Salary possibilities are improved by certifications such as Certified Data Architect (CDA) or Certified Data Management Professional (CDMP).
  • Education: Earnings expectations may be raised by educational credentials, especially a master’s degree in a related discipline like data analytics, information management, or computer science. A robust academic background indicates a firm grasp of data architecture concepts and procedures.
  • Leadership and Management Skills: Data architects who manage large-scale projects or take on leadership positions are often paid more. Strong management and leadership abilities are highly prized since they guarantee team productivity and effective project execution.


India offers attractive compensation opportunities for data architects, making this a financially beneficial career option. Because of the field’s dynamic nature, qualified workers are in great demand, which drives competitive compensation across sectors. Organizations are prepared to invest in skilled Data Architects because they understand the benefits of efficient data management as data becomes an indispensable asset.

Data Architect Salary in India 2024 – FAQ’s

What is the typical monthly pay in India for a data architect?

A. The average monthly compensation for data architects in India is expected to be between ₹1,50,000 and ₹1,80,000. This may change depending on a number of variables, including the Data Architect’s particular abilities, industry, location, and experience.

What effect does experience have on a data architect’s pay?

A. An important consideration in determining pay is experience. Data architects with five to nine years of experience may expect to make up to ₹18,00,000 annually, while entry-level candidates usually make around ₹12,00,000. Senior-level Data Architects with more than 10 years of expertise are paid the most, often more than ₹25,000,000 per year.

What is the difference in pay between India and other nations for Data Architects?

A. Salary possibilities differ across nations. Generally speaking, data architects in India make less money than their counterparts in the US, UK, or Australia, where starting annual wages range from $100,000 to $120,000. When drawing these kinds of comparisons, it’s crucial to take variations in buying power and cost of living into account.

What kind of incentives and perks are normal for Data Architects to get as part of their pay package?

A. Health insurance, retirement plans, and performance-based incentives are examples of possible benefits packages. Furthermore, profit-sharing plans and stock options are sometimes provided, especially in startup or tech firm cultures. Additional benefits might include paid certifications, flexible work schedules, or company-sponsored training and conferences.

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