Dark Web – Crossing the virtual line


Dark Web and the Deep Web have subsequently affected the society in either way, which we can say a good way and a bad way. If you cut an onion you will find many layers, if we put it in our real life It will seem like reaching to its core part is a little bit difficult for us. This thing describes the anonymity which is the core part of Dark web or Dark Net. When it comes to the term Darknet it can be described as a portion of the internet which is not clean and not public. The dark web is associated with the tor. Anonymity is the most important part of the Darkweb, there are many examples to look upon some of them are Silk road, marinas web which is best known for drug marketing.
A student or teen curious of learning new things and planning to learn about hacking may come to these words and that curiosity may lead him to access the Other side of the internet, now there can be two cases that either the person will see something explicit and Mate addicted to it because of his evil or maybe sharp mind or maybe the person gets scared of those things.
The article completely focuses on how to access the deep web, its advantages and disadvantages, dos and don’ts and how to prevent children from the impacts of the dark web.

What is Deep Web?
To understand Dark web properly we first need to understand what is deep web. The deep web can be understood as “below the surface” which is not completely dark. Search engines like google use several links to show you proper results according to what you actually want, relevant content and keywords. These are called surface webs which are clean enough.
If you wanted to search something from a public library you cannot do that just by typing title in your search bar. The information which you need is located below the surface or the deep web. The reason that search engines are not able to do so is that there are no links. what you will need to do is that first go the public library website and find content in the website servers.

Information that deep web holds:

  • Personal email account content
  • Private database contents
  • Legal documents
  • Social media accounts
  • Contacts
  • And many more

What is Dark Web?

In the scenario of Dark Web, it is a completely different thing. Do not assume that those private pieces of information were a part of Dark Web. The crime starts from here.

The access part is completely different in case of the dark web, you need to be highly anonymous while accessing the dark web. It uses onion router hidden service protocols which are provided by tor services. TOR which is derived from The Onion Router. If you have ever peeled an onion you must have encountered many layers, the same is the concept of tor. The Dark Web servers are hidden and thus clean web search engines cannot access them. Identifying the Dark Web link is very simple, it ends with .onion rather than .com or .org which are parts of the clean web.

Things found on Dark Web:

  • Illegal sales: The Dark web has many accounts which are obtained illegally. The accounts can be Bank accounts, Hacked Netflix and other accounts for which sale is done. You can obtain huge information regarding login credentials etc.
  • Illegal Substances: Illegal substances like Drugs, chemicals, and many other substances can be found there.
  • Weapons and Other items: Dangerous weapons, Guns, and many other things are on sale there.
  • Dangerous Services: Some very Dangerous services like Murder-for-hire, human trafficking, child pornography are found on Dark web.
  • The Dangers of Dark web:
    Just gaining access is not enough, there are many dangers after accessing the dark web, they may be the danger of people or the hidden viruses that can completely destroy your data and privacy.
    The dangers may be as follows:
    Viruses: These websites are the one on which we can’t trust, they can infect your devices with dangerous viruses of many different types, downloading content from there id really a risk. So, download the software only when you know what you are doing and where.
    Hackers: There are many hackers in the dark web, you can hire them to do illegal activities but don’t ever trust them also, they are always willing to hack you also and cheat you.
    Webcam hijack: Websites on the dark web may try to get remote administration Tool also called as “RAT”.

    Do’s and Dont’s of the Dark Web:
    It is good that you try to understand the anonymity and test it through accessing deep web or dark web. But you must know that government does not want that you are on the dark web, they are trying to shut down the dark web business and it is highly illegal to purchase any product from the dark web.
    You must be very careful regarding these issues and your privacy. No one is responsible if you do illegal activities and are being caught or got hacked by hackers.

    How to Access the Dark Web?
    To access the dark web everyone must first take care of anonymity, there are many safe ways to access to the dark web and to safely do that you must consider the first thing which is the tor browser. You also need to use a good VPN, it could be paid Nord VPN or phantom VPN which is free.

    Introduction to the TOR: The TOR is the abbreviation for The Onion Router, which is an open source and free software for anonymous communication, developed by The TOR Project inc. The TOR Project inc. is a non-profit organization based in Massachusetts founded by computer scientists Roger Dingledine, Nick Mathewson and five others. This project is funded by the general public through donations and is also sponsored by organizations like the US Department of State Bureau of Democracy, Rose Foundation for Communities and the Environment, Mozilla, Open Technology Fund, Sida – Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, etc.
    TOR uses core technology that routes web traffic through several layers of relay servers. Through the secure tunnel of Tor, the user can access public and hidden dark web sites without losing his / her sensitive information like IP address, location, and personal data stored in cookies. The layer of tor prevents DNS leaks (you can try a DNS leak test on the web and see results).
    If you are a Linux user you can install the tor service through apt-get install tor and start a proxy chain which keeps on changing your IP address zone, just type “proxychains firefox www.bing.com(search engine)”.This uses the tor service which helps proxychains to shift the IP ranges frequently.
    While accessing Dark web you must keep in mind the anonymity for being secure from phishers and hackers.

    All you need to do is just download tor browser but consider that you download it from the official website. Please note that you only download it from the official website.

    The deep web is made for anonymity where you can protect your personal information but not your bank accounts are private, banks know that you have logged in. In the case of dark web, it is highly illegal but in some cases helpful place, the wrong side addict of dark web can be dangerous for everyone.

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