Daffodil Coding Test Interview Experience (On-Campus)

I am dividing the complete experience into three parts

  • All about Exam
  • Interview Questions
  • HR Round

All about Exam: As Daffodil visited our campus so they have taken a coding test in our college labs. In that test, they have given us two coding problems which we have to solve within 1 hour. We have to do this problem on the hacker earth platform. We have to write the whole code by ourselves there is no main function provided.


  • Trapping Rain Water
  • This is related to cards we have given 5 cards with their suits and we have to print yes if they all are consecutive and are from at least 2 suits otherwise we have to print No.

I was able to solve both problems within 20-25 minutes.

Result of Coding Test: After around 1-2 hours I got a call from my TPO to come for a technical interview. And the result was like the students who were able to solve 1.5 questions got an interview call.

Technical Interview:

  • The mode of the interview was online mode and they have taken interviews on their laptops.
  • The interview starts with my introduction.
  • After the intro interviewer told me to share my screen and he dropped a question statement into the chat box.
  • Question: Find the second largest from the non-repeating elements of the array.
    • He told me to open any online editor I have opened code chef for this and did this question within a couple of minutes
    • After this he asks me to dry run can he also gave me an input array and ask me to run this and show me the output
    • After this question, he gave me another question
  • Question: Given a matrix find the sum of both of its diagonals and an element should be considered only once.
    • Firstly I have done this by taking two traversals of the matrix and after this, he ask me to do this in 1 traversal
    • After this, I have done this in 1 traversal and he ask me to dey run this and gave me an input matrix and ask me to run and show me the output.
    • After this, he was satisfied with both the questions and told me that I can leave now.
    • This is all about the technical interviews.

After around 30 minutes I got a call from my TPO to come for the HR round.

HR Round:

  • HR round began with my introduction and my family introduction
  • After this, She asked me about my hobbies and told me about the company location and all.
  • After this, She asked me to show my resume and from my resume, she asked me about my training and my projects.
  • After it, She discussed the package and offered me an offer letter

And that is all about Daffodil’s on-campus hiring process.

Result: Selected

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