D3.js Shapes Symbols API Complete Reference

The D3 is an abbreviation of Data-Driven Documents, and D3.js is a resource JavaScript library for managing documents based on data. D3 is one of the most effective frameworks to work on data visualization.

Shapes Symbols


D3.js symbol() Function

The d3.symbol() method constructs a new symbol generator with the default settings.

D3.js symbol.type() Function

The symbol.type() method takes a symbol type and sets the generator symbol that it will generate. The default symbol type, if not set, is d3.symbolCircle.

D3.js symbol.size() Function

The symbol.size() method can be used to change the size of the symbol.

D3.js symbol.context() Function

The symbol.context() function sets the rendering context and returns the symbol generator.

D3.js symbol.digits(digits) Function

The digits() method sets the precision for the symbol generator and returns the symbol generator for further use.

D3.js symbolCircle() Function

The d3.symbolCircle is a symbol type in D3.js. It is a normal circle that can be used, It is also the default symbol type.

D3.js symbolCross() Function

The d3.symbolCross property is a symbol type in D3.js. It is a cross-shaped symbol type that can be used.

D3.js symbolDiamond() Function

The d3.symbolDiamond property is a symbol type in D3.js. It is a diamond-shaped symbol type that can be used.

D3.js symbolSquare() Function

The d3.symbolSquare property is a symbol type in D3.js. It is a square-shaped symbol type that can be used.

D3.js symbolStar() Function

The d3.symbolStar is a symbol type in D3.js. It is a star-shaped symbol type that can be used.

D3.js symbolTriangle() Function

The d3.symbolTriangle is a symbol type in D3.js. It is a square-shaped symbol type that can be used.

D3.js symbolWye() Function

The d3.symbolWye is a symbol type in D3.js. It is a square-shaped symbol type that can be used.

D3.js pointRadial() Function

Returns the point [x, y] for the given angles in radians, 0 at -y (12a) and positive angles extending clockwise, and the given radius.

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