D E Shaw Interview Experience | Set 9

  • Telephonic:
    1. JD (Job Description)
      • What are storage classes (Explained all different kinds of storage classes)
      • Whats register
      • How static affects life and scope of a variable
      • why can’t we refer to a static variable from outside file as extern.
    2. Difference between paging and segmentation
    3. What is fragmentation, what is internal and external fragmentation
      • Steps of writing a code to executing it as a program (Detailed steps like lexical symantic analysis, pre-processing, intermediate code generation, linking, loading)
      • How to distinguish when to use static bindings and dynamic bindings.
      • Details about pre-processing
      • What happens when we write #include after pre-processing details.
      • Difference between #include and #include “stdio.h”
    4. What happens to a program having system-calls (Context switching, needed to explain in detail)
    5. Deadlock, deadlock avoidence
    6. Trashing
    7. Some very simple algo questions like find intersection point of two linked lists, Address of node is given to be X, how to delete X
    8. Different kinds of scheduling algorithms
    9. When stack overflow happens.
      • Inheritance
      • What is the difference between runtime polymorphism and compile time polymorphism
      • How compiler internally achieves runtime polymorphysm
      • How is the entry stored in VTable
    10. Explain the structure of Inode table.

    Face to face Interviews:
    They are all two on one interviews

  • Round 1:
    1. Job Description
    2. What is BST, How can we know if a tree is BST or not. Provided 2-3 solutions. One Simple inorder traversal, limiting case occured. Then NextMax, nextMin for every element. Asked to optimize, was not able to do it.
    3. Given a paragraph, print all anagrams together. Solution, Modify DS as:
      class newWords{
          string origWord
          string sortedWord

      Sort the paragraph on the basis of sorted word, we’ll get all anagrams together.

    4. DBMS, Said no but Interviewer insisted to tell about ACID property. Asked to write code to ensure atomicity.
    5. Just a bit about authentication
    6. Structure of an Inode table entry
    7. Linux command to know unique words in a File
    8. Implement priority queue, write code. [Implemented using array]
    9. Find nth maximum element in a BST. Modified Inorder traversal LPR (Left, parent, right) to RPL. Write a working code.
    10. What are clustered and unclustured DB
  • Round 2:
    1. Job description with used cases.
    2. Operator overloading with used cases.
    3. Design a structure to address employees in an organization. Used Runtime polymorphism concepts to desigthe n classes.
    4. The Stock Span Problem Reached halfway but was not able to complete the solution.
    5. Find minimum in stack at anythe point of time.

    Some small questions.. I can’t recall. Contrary to the feedback I got from people, they were very

  • HR Round:
  • Tell me something about yourself which I cannot get from CV
  • Tell me some interesting things about college
  • How do you like Hyderabad
  • Why do you want to switch job when after conversation I think you are having a great time in Samsung
  • You have any idea what we work on.
  • Why so much code? [I mentioned codechef, topcoder and github in my CV]
  • What are the best and worst moments of your college.

All Practice Problems for D-E-Shaw !

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