CVENT Interview Experience for Software Engineer 2023

CVENT India came to our campus for both Internship and full-time employee roles in August 2023. I was eligible to sit for the FTE role (4th year).

The overall hiring process was divided into 4 phases:

  • 1. Aptitude and CS Fundamentals test
  • 2. Coding Round
  • 3. Technical Interview 1
  • 4. Technical Interview 2

There was no such specific HR round conducted, in the second technical Interview, only the interviewer asked about some HR questions but not more than that.

 Aptitude and Computer Science Fundamentals Test

We had to do 30 questions in 30 minutes. The test included:

  • C/C++ File I/O questions
  • C/C++ Code snippet questions
  • Java Basics questions (mostly File I/O)
  • Aptitude-based questions

I was able to get shortlisted for the coding round.

Coding Round

There was just one question to be answered in 30 minutes:

Given minLength and maxLength, return the count of all the strings you can generate by appending the ‘x’ character cntOne times and ‘y’ character cntTwo times, such that the length of the string should be between minLength and maxLength inclusively. Since the number can be very large, return it modulo 10^9 + 7.
For example: minLength = 2, maxLength = 3, cntOne = 1, cntTwo = 2. The answer to this is 5.

It was simply a twisted version of the Coin Sum Problem, just having two coins i.e., cntOne and cntTwo and we have to generate the number of possibilities from 1 to maxLength. At last, return the sum from [minLength, maxLength].

I was able to pass this round as well. Next came the technical interview round.

Technical Interview I

The interviewer asked me for an introduction, the following are the things she asked:

  • Tell me about any one of your projects in detail.
    It was a Movie Recommender System, I had prepared for this question (As one always has to do ? )
  • Favorite Programming Language: I told C++, and she asked why. I talked about its efficiency, It’s a mid-level programming language so we can easily access the memory and has less syntax than Java(Sorry Java Users ? ) She asked that if you have to tell these things to a fresher, then how will you tell? Just told that for a beginner/fresher, C++ is a good choice as it gives you choices to do CP, DSA, and Time-Specific Projects like Banking applications and basically everyone prefers C++ in terms of implementing high-scale technology.
  • DSA Question: Given a NxN chessboard, return the minimum number of jumps for a knight at (x, y) to reach (a,b).
    I told her about the Backtracking approach, she looked happy with that. She asked me to code it and send her the code on chat. She herself tried some test cases on that code. Altogether, I implemented this question correctly :).
  • Object-Oriented Programming: She asked about the basic pillars of OOPs. Differentiate between Abstraction and Encapsulation using a single example. Write code for Public Inheritance and see the way the constructors are called in the derived class.

The interview ended with a small discussion on her experience with CVENT.
I was pretty sure that I would go to the next round because she looked fairly happy with my answers to the questions ?

Technical Interview II

This one was a short one, just 30 minutes. The previous went on for 1 hour and 30 minutes (approx.).

  • 1. The interviewer didn’t ask for any introduction, straight away “You look like you may go for higher studies” I answered diplomatically that I currently have no plans, and then he asked, “In five years then?” Then, simply I don’t want to rush to get degrees but get actual practical experience by working with an organisation.
  • 2. DSA question: Given an array with 0 and 1, find the maximum subarray of ones bounded by zeroes on both sides.
    It was a simple question, he just asked me to implement it, NO APPROACH required he said, he could understand the code I write he said. I said okay. The test case is [1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1] and the answer it gave was 3.
  • 3. Puzzle: Given a NxN chessboard give me a formula of how many bishops can there be placed on this chessboard such that no two bishops attack each other.

After some time my college indicated that you have been selected and I was the only one who got selected :). I think that in the first interview “““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““they decided to hire me, it was just a formality with the second round. Anyway, Hope it was helpful to you buddy Have a great interview ahead ?


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