CSS Value String

A String in CSS is a text value assigned to a property. Strings are a sequence of characters enclosed in either single or double quotes.

'w3wiki' is a String
"w3wiki" is a String

quotes inside a string are not allowed and needs to be escaped with a \ like “this is a \”(double quote) “.

All text values other than the CSS keywords that are enclosed in double-quotes or single quotes are considered as strings in CSS. 

For example: 

content property in CSS takes in a String (contents to be inserted) as value.

<!DOCTYPE html>
        content: "Welcome to w3wiki";
    CSS Value/ String
<div id="insert">


Another example would be to assign background image. The URL to the background image would be enclosed in a double quote which indicates that the background-image property takes in a string value

<!DOCTYPE html>
body  {
  background-image: url("w3wiki.png");
  background-color: #cccccc;
<h1>CSS Value/String</h1>


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