CSS Masking

CSS Masking facilitates the various layers for masking over an HTML element, in order to partially or fully hide portions of the element. The CSS gradient, SVG image, PNG image, or SVG <mask> element can be used to define the mask layer image. To support the standard property by most browsers, the -webkit- prefix can be used.

The CSS gradient, SVG image, PNG image, or SVG <mask> element can be used to define the mask layer image.

Note: Use -webkit-mask-image property for WebKit-based browsers such as Chrome and Safari.


  • In the CSS Masking, SVG elements or images can be used as masks, for achieving flexibility in the creation of complex shapes.
  • Developers have control over the position of the mask using the mask-position property and can easily adjust the size of the mask using the mask-size property.
  • Masks can be changed dynamically using JavaScript to make interactive and animated effects.
  • Apply gradients as masks for smooth transitions between visible and hidden areas.

Table: The description of different components for Creating a Masking Layer in CSS are shown in tabular form below:

Components Descriptions
CSS mask-image Property The property mask image is used to create a transition between the transparent area and the opaque area.
Image as the Mask Layer The image as the mask layer can be used in CSS Masking. It is used for setting the mask-image property along with an image. The image can be used to define the mask layer image.
Gradients as the Mask Layer Gradients can be used as the mask layer to make a pleasing effect. The property uses mask-image with linear-gradient or radial-gradient as a value for showing or hiding portions of the element according to the value of the gradient.
SVG as the Mask Layer The SVG is used as a mask layer. Use element <mask>. SVG allows you to create complex shapes, gradients, and patterns for masking effects.
CSS Masking Property CSS masking has different properties mask-size, mask-repeat, mask-image, mask-origin, mask-position, and mask-mode.

Example 1: The below example shows the use of Gradients as the Mask Layer with the property mask-image.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" 
    <title>CSS Gradient</title>
        .imgbox {
                linear-gradient(to top, transparent 20%, black 90%);
                linear-gradient(to top, transparent 20%, black 90%);
            height: 400px;
            width: 500px;
            background-size: cover;
            background-position: center;
        .gfg {
            color: green;
    <h1 class="gfg">w3wiki</h1>
    <h3>Using Linear gradient as a mask layer:</h3>
    <div class="imgbox"></div>
    <a href=
        Click to see the original image


Example 2: The below example shows the Use SVG as the Mask Layer with the property mask-image.


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <svg width="500" height="500">
            <mask id="mask"
                <rect x="0"
                      fill="lightgreen" />
                <rect x="0"
                      fill="green" />
        <text x="25"
              style="stroke: none; fill: #000000;">
        <rect x="1"
              style="stroke: none; fill: rgb(171, 188, 19); 
                     mask: url(#mask)" />


Advantages and Disadvantages


  • CSS Masking can be animated, and provide smooth transitions for revealing or hiding content.
  • CSS Masks can be dynamically manipulated by using JavaScript to provide more interactive features.


  • Working with large images and complex masking structures may have a performance impact.
  • Most of the new browsers support CSS Masking but still, there is a lack of support in older browsers.

Browser Support

  • Chrome: 4.0 -webkit-
  • Firefox: 53.0
  • Opera: 15.0 -webkit-
  • Edge: 79.0 -webkit-

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