CSS color Property

The color property in CSS is used to set the color of text, the background of the webpage, and also to set the color of borders.


color: color/initial/inherit;

Property Values:

1. color: It will set the color to the text which the programmer specifies in the CSS file. The color can be set to the text in 4 forms-

2. color-name: By directly specifying the name of the color like blue, green, yellow, white, black, etc.


color: name-of-the-color; 



<!DOCTYPE html>
        CSS color-name property
    //Below is an example of Internal CSS
        h1 {
            color: black;
        p {
            font-size: 20px;
            color: green;
        .gfg1 {
            font-size: 20px;
            color: red;
        .gfg2 {
            font-size: 20px;
            color: blue;
        CSS Color Property
        w3wiki: A computer science portal
    <p class="gfg1">
        w3wiki: A computer science portal
    <p class="gfg2">
        w3wiki: A computer science portal


3. RGB/RGBA Value: Here R stands for Red, G stands for Green, and B stands for Blue. The color will be assigned to the text by using the range of these values. These values range from 0 to 255. And, A stands for Alpha channel. Which represents the opacity or opaque of the color.


color: RGBA(value, value, value, value);



<!DOCTYPE html>
        CSS RGB value property
        h1 {
            color: RGB(0, 0, 0);
        p {
            color: RGB(0, 150, 0);
        .gfg1 {
            color: RGB(255, 0, 0);
        .gfg2 {
            color: RGB(0, 0, 255);
        CSS color property
        RGB(0, 150, 0)-This is the code for green color.
    <p class="gfg1">
        RGB(255, 0, 0)-This is the code for red color.
    <p class="gfg2">
        RGB(0, 0, 255)-This is the code for blue color.


4. Hexa-Decimal Value: It represents the value of the color in hexadecimal format. It should start with the prefix #. These values range from #000000 to #FFFFFF. And, If there is an alpha channel that defines the opacity of the color, then we will represent it by adding FF (if 100%) after the hex code.


color: #RRGGBBFF;



<!DOCTYPE html>
        CSS Hexa-decimal value property
        body {
            background-color: rgb(200, 200, 200);
        h1 {
            color: #000000;
        p {
            color: #00aa00;
        .gfg1 {
            color: #ff0000;
        .gfg2 {
            color: #0000ff;
        CSS color property
        #00AA00-This is the code for green color.
    <p class="gfg1">
        #FF0000-This is the code for red color.
    <p class="gfg2">
        #0000FF-This is the code for blue color.


5. HSL/HSLA values: HSL stands for Hue, Saturation, and Lightness. The range of hue will be from (0 to 360 degree), saturation means the Grey effect it ranges from (0 to 100%), and Lightness means the effect of light which ranges from (0 to 100%).


color: HSL(value, value, value);



<!DOCTYPE html>
        CSS HSL value property
        body {
            background-color: white;
        h1 {
            color: HSL(0, 0, 0);
        p {
            color: HSL(147, 50%, 47%);
        .gfg1 {
            color: HSL(0, 100%, 50%);
        .gfg2 {
            color: HSL(240, 100%, 50%);
        CSS Color property
        HSL(147, 50%, 47%)-This is the code for green color.
    <p class="gfg1">
        HSL(0, 100%, 50%)-This is the code for red color.
    <p class="gfg2">
        HSL(240, 100%, 50%)-This is the code for blue color.


6. initial: This value will set the value of the color to its default value.


color: initial;



<!DOCTYPE html>
        CSS color-name property
    <!-- CSS style-->
        h1 {
            color: black;
        p {
            font-size: 20px;
            color: initial;
        CSS Color Property
        w3wiki: A computer science portal


7. inherit: It will inherit the property of the color from its parent element.

Supported browsers: The browsers supported by the color property are-

  • Google Chrome 1.0
  • Internet Explorer 3.0
  • Firefox 1.0
  • Safari 1.0
  • Opera 3.5

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