CSS break-inside property

The break-inside property lets you prevent a useless break within a multi-region context, multi-column layout, and in paged media. This property sets how region, column, or page breaks should behave inside a generated box. This property is ignored if there is no generated box.

Default Value: auto


break-inside: Keywor_values;
/* Or */
break-inside: Global_values;

Property values: This property accepts the properties values mentioned above and described below:

  • Keyword_values: This property refers to the values defined as auto, avoid, avoid-page, avoid-column, avoid-region, etc.
  • Global_values: This property refers to the values defined as initial, inherit, unset, etc.

Example: Below is the example that illustrates the use of break-inside property


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        .Container {
            column-count: 3;
            column-rule: 2px dotted coral;
        .Container ul {
            break-inside: avoid;
    <h1 style="text-align: center;
               color: green;">
    <div class="Container">
            Computer Science Portal !!
            Computer Science Portal !!
            Computer Science Portal !!
            Computer Science Portal !!
            Computer Science Portal !!
            Computer Science Portal !!
            <li>Computer Science Portal !!</li>
            <li>Computer Science Portal !!</li>
            <li>Computer Science Portal !!</li>
            <li>Computer Science Portal !!</li>
            <li>Computer Science Portal !!</li>
            <li>Computer Science Portal !!</li>
            Computer Science Portal !!
            Computer Science Portal !!
            Computer Science Portal !!
            Computer Science Portal !!
            Computer Science Portal !!
            Computer Science Portal !!


Supported Browsers:

  • Chrome
  • Firefox (partially supported)
  • Opera
  • Safari (partially supported)
  • Edge
  • Internet Explorer

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