Crest Data System Interview Experience FOR Software Engineer (Intern + Full Time ) On-Campus

Online Test 3 sections:

1. Debugging ( 7 Questions)

  • Simple question just we need to find error in code and correct it.
  • Submitted around 3 to 4 successfully.

2. DSA ( 2Questions)

  • Easy to Medium level questions on DSA.
  • Both questions are based on Array and string.
  • Solved both and submitted them successfully.

3. DSA ( 2Question)

  • Medium to hard problem on DSA.
  • Attemptedased on sliding window, Graph.
  • Attempted 1 question and passed only 10 test cases another problem failed to attempt.

Selected for Technical Interview.

Out of 160, 40 students were selected.

Technical Rounds:

1st Round:

The panel consists two members. Asked me about my project. Ask me about which technology I used to build it. Basic question such as what is hoocks, what is stateless management. Asked me about every technology that I write in project tech stack and technical skills.

Asked me to write sudo code of binary search, one sorting algo, and detect palindrome.

An interviewee said that my communication skill is very weak. I should improve it. and also said that how can I communicate with their foreign client.

However, In the end selected for 2nd round.

1st round went on for 30 minutes.

In the end selected for 2nd round.

2nd round:

In the second round, there are two panel members. Asked me to delete nodes in a singly linked list without giving me a head pointer. I solved it successfully. They asked me also one logical question if we have 9 eggs and out of them one egg has less weight and the remaining has more and the same weight then how we can find that weight egg?

Also asked to write some basic array and string questions sudo code.I solved it correctly.

Selected for HR round.

HR Round:

asked me about my family background. what I do in my free time. Also asked me to that I have any plan for Mtech or not. In which I said that after two years i go for MTech. Because of this and weak Communication They rejected me.

In final announcement 16 students are selected.

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