Create integer variable by assigning binary value in Python

Given a binary value and our task is to create integer variables and assign values in binary format. To assign value in binary format to a variable, we use the 0b suffix. It tells the compiler that the value (suffixed with 0b) is a binary value and assigns it to the variable.

Input: Var = 0b1010
Output: 10
Input: Var = 0b11001
Output: 25

Note: To print value in binary format, we use bin() function.

Example 1: Simple demonstration of binary and decimal format


num = 10
# print num in decimal and binary format 
print ("num (decimal) : ", num)
print ("num (binary ) : ", bin (num))


num (decimal) :  10
num (binary ) :  0b1010

Example 2: Integer variable by assigning a binary value.


# Python code to create variable 
# by assigning binary value
a = 0b1010
b = 0b11001
#printing the values in decimal form
print("Value of a is: ", a)
print("Value of b is: ", b)
#printing the values again in binary form
print("Value of a in binary form", bin(a))
print("Value of b in binary form", bin(b))


Value of a is:  10
Value of b is:  25
Value of a in binary form 0b1010
Value of b in binary form 0b11001

As mentioned above that we use the 0b suffix. , It tells the compiler that the value (suffixed with 0b) is a binary value and assigns it to the variable. So printing the binary form using bin() function 0b is also printed it just tells that represented number is in binary form. If we have printed these in hexadecimal form instead of “0b”   “0x” would have been printed which is used to tell that number is represented in hexadecimal form.

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