Create a Tree of numbers [1, N] following K triplets (A, B, C) such that any path from A to C cannot contain B

Given an integer N representing numbers [1, N] and K restrictions in the form of triplets {A, B, C}, such that any simple path from A to C cannot contain B. The task is to create a Tree of numbers [1, N] following these K restrictions and print the edges of that tree. Assume that the tree always exists for the given set of restrictions. 


Input: N = 8, restrictions[] = {{1, 2, 3}, {3, 4, 5}, {5, 6, 7}, {6, 7, 4}}
3 4
3 5
3 1
1 2
2 8
8 6
8 7
Explanation: The tree formed following the given restrictions is:

           /   |  \
        4    5   1
                  /  \
                6    7

Input:  N = 8, restrictions[] = {{3, 2, 4}, {3, 5, 4}, {5, 8, 7}, {6, 1, 8}}
3 1
3 2
3 4
3 5
3 6
3 7
3 8


Approach: The basic catch in this problem is that for a tree each node can only have one parent. So, there’s always a node on which no restriction applies and it can lie between any two nodes. So, connect that node to all nodes to get the answer. Now to solve this problem follow the below steps:

  1. Create a boolean vector visited which will mark all node 1 with restrictions, and initialize it with 0.
  2. Iterate a loop for all restrictions and mark all nodes with 1 in the visited array that has restrictions.
  3. Store the value of node which have a 0 value in visited array as root.
  4. Connect all nodes with root.
  5. Print the answer according to the above observation.

Below is the implementation of the above approach:


// C++ program for the above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to print the tree following
// the given restrictions
void RestrictedTree(
    vector<vector<int> >& restrictions,
    int N)
    // Vector to track the restricted nodes
    vector<int> visited(N + 1, false);
    // Loop to mark the restricted node visited
    for (int index = 0;
         index < restrictions.size();
         index++) {
        int a = restrictions[index][1];
        visited[a] = true;
    // Variable to consider root node
    int root = -1;
    for (int index = 1; index <= N; index++) {
        if (visited[index] == false) {
            root = index;
    // Connecting all node to the root node
    for (int index = 1; index <= N; index++) {
        if (index != root) {
            cout << root << " "
                 << index << "\n";
// Driver code
int main()
    int N = 8;
    vector<vector<int> > restrictions = {
        { 3, 2, 4 },
        { 3, 5, 4 },
        { 5, 8, 7 },
        { 6, 1, 8 }
    RestrictedTree(restrictions, N);
    return 0;


// Java program for the above approach
import java.util.*;
class GFG
// Function to print the tree following
// the given restrictions
static void RestrictedTree(
    int N)
    // Vector to track the restricted nodes
    boolean visited[] = new boolean[N + 1];
    // Loop to mark the restricted node visited
    for (int index = 0;
         index < restrictions.length;
         index++) {
        int a = restrictions[index][1];
        visited[a] = true;
    // Variable to consider root node
    int root = -1;
    for (int index = 1; index <= N; index++) {
        if (visited[index] == false) {
            root = index;
    // Connecting all node to the root node
    for (int index = 1; index <= N; index++) {
        if (index != root) {
            System.out.print(root+ " "
                 + index+ "\n");
// Driver code
public static void main(String[] args)
    int N = 8;
    int [][]restrictions = {
        { 3, 2, 4 },
        { 3, 5, 4 },
        { 5, 8, 7 },
        { 6, 1, 8 }
    RestrictedTree(restrictions, N);
// This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar


# Python Program to implement
# the above approach
# Function to print the tree following
# the given restrictions
def RestrictedTree(restrictions, N):
    # Vector to track the restricted nodes
    visited = [False] * (N + 1)
    # Loop to mark the restricted node visited
    for index in range(len(restrictions)):
        a = restrictions[index][1]
        visited[a] = True
    # Variable to consider root node
    root = -1
    for index in range(1, N + 1):
        if (visited[index] == False):
            root = index
    # Connecting all node to the root node
    for index in range(1, N + 1):
        if (index != root):
            print(f'{root} {index}')
# Driver code
N = 8
restrictions = [
    [3, 2, 4],
    [3, 5, 4],
    [5, 8, 7],
    [6, 1, 8]
RestrictedTree(restrictions, N)
# This code is contributed by Saurabh Jaiswal


// C# program for the above approach
using System;
class GFG
// Function to print the tree following
// the given restrictions
static void RestrictedTree(
    int N)
    // Vector to track the restricted nodes
    bool []visited = new bool[N + 1];
    // Loop to mark the restricted node visited
    for (int index = 0;
         index < restrictions.GetLength(0);
         index++) {
        int a = restrictions[index,1];
        visited[a] = true;
    // Variable to consider root node
    int root = -1;
    for (int index = 1; index <= N; index++) {
        if (visited[index] == false) {
            root = index;
    // Connecting all node to the root node
    for (int index = 1; index <= N; index++) {
        if (index != root) {
            Console.Write(root+ " "
                 + index+ "\n");
// Driver code
public static void Main(string[] args)
    int N = 8;
    int [,]restrictions = {
        { 3, 2, 4 },
        { 3, 5, 4 },
        { 5, 8, 7 },
        { 6, 1, 8 }
    RestrictedTree(restrictions, N);
// This code is contributed by ukasp.


      // JavaScript Program to implement
      // the above approach
      // Function to print the tree following
      // the given restrictions
      function RestrictedTree(
          restrictions, N)
          // Vector to track the restricted nodes
          let visited = new Array(N + 1).fill(false);
          // Loop to mark the restricted node visited
          for (let index = 0;
              index < restrictions.length;
              index++) {
              let a = restrictions[index][1];
              visited[a] = true;
          // Variable to consider root node
          let root = -1;
          for (let index = 1; index <= N; index++) {
              if (visited[index] == false) {
                  root = index;
          // Connecting all node to the root node
          for (let index = 1; index <= N; index++) {
              if (index != root) {
                  document.write(root + " "
                      + index + '<br>');
      // Driver code
      let N = 8;
      let restrictions = [
          [3, 2, 4],
          [3, 5, 4],
          [5, 8, 7],
          [6, 1, 8]
      RestrictedTree(restrictions, N);
  // This code is contributed by Potta Lokesh



3 1
3 2
3 4
3 5
3 6
3 7
3 8


Time Complexity: O(N)
Auxiliary Space: O(N)


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