Create a Stopwatch using Bootstrap & JavaScript

A stopwatch tracks elapsed time, typically in hours, minutes, seconds, and fractions of a second. It can be started, stopped, and reset, providing precise timing for various activities, such as sports, experiments, or productivity tracking.



  • HTML, Bootstrap, and JavaScript were used to create the stopwatch.
  • Bootstrap is used for layout, including card structure. JavaScript manages stopwatch functionality.
  • Time values are updated every 10 milliseconds.
  • Event listeners trigger actions for start, stop, and reset buttons.
  • The stopwatch accurately increments seconds, minutes, and hours.
  • Single-digit values padded with zeros for consistency. Provides a visually appealing interface.
  • Enables tracking of elapsed time in various contexts.
  • Combines styling and functionality for effective stopwatch implementation.

Example: This example shows the implementation of the above-explained approach.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,
    <title>Bootstrap Stopwatch</title>
    <link href=
"" rel="stylesheet">
    <div class="container mt-5">
        <div class="card">
            <div class="card-body">
                <div class="row">
                    <div class="col-12 text-center">
                        <h1>Bootstrap Stopwatch</h1>
                <div class="row mt-5">
                    <div class="col-12">
                        <div class="card">
                            <div class="card-body">
                                <div class="card text-white bg-primary">
                                    <div class="card-body text-center" id="time">
                                        <span class="digit" id="hr">00</span>
                                        <span class="txt">Hr</span>
                                        <span class="digit" id="min">00</span>
                                        <span class="txt">Min</span>
                                        <span class="digit" id="sec">00</span>
                                        <span class="txt">Sec</span>
                                        <span class="digit" id="count">00</span>
                <div class="row mt-3 justify-content-center">
                    <button class="btn btn-success mx-2"
                    <button class="btn btn-primary mx-2"
                    <button class="btn btn-danger mx-2"
        let startBtn = document.getElementById('start');
        let stopBtn = document.getElementById('stop');
        let resetBtn = document.getElementById('reset');
        let hour = 0;
        let minute = 0;
        let second = 0;
        let count = 0;
        let timer;
        startBtn.addEventListener('click', function () {
            // Check if timer is not already running
            if (!timer) {
                timer = setInterval(stopWatch, 10);
        stopBtn.addEventListener('click', function () {
            timer = null; // Reset timer variable
        resetBtn.addEventListener('click', function () {
            timer = null; // Reset timer variable
            hour = 0;
            minute = 0;
            second = 0;
            count = 0;
        function stopWatch() {
            if (count == 100) {
                count = 0;
            if (second == 60) {
                second = 0;
            if (minute == 60) {
                minute = 0;
                second = 0;
        function updateDisplay() {
            document.getElementById('hr').textContent =
                hour.toString().padStart(2, '0');
            document.getElementById('min').textContent =
                minute.toString().padStart(2, '0');
            document.getElementById('sec').textContent =
                second.toString().padStart(2, '0');
            document.getElementById('count').textContent =
                count.toString().padStart(2, '0');


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