Create a Dashboard in Tableau

Creating Dashboard in Tableau

In this article , we will be learning how to create a dashboard in Tableau. But before that let us understand the two important terms that are the main focus of this article,

  • Tableau: Tableau is a powerful data visualization tool that is used to analyze the data with the help of visual representations. It is well known for business intelligence. Data analysts, scientists, statisticians, and others can use Tableau, to see the data clearly and form an opinion based on the analysis of the data. Due to its ability to quickly process large amounts of data and create the necessary data visualization output, Tableau is quite well known.
  • Dashboard: A dashboard also consist of a number of views that allow you to compare various sets of data at once. A dashboard that displays all the views will be created if, for instance, you have a set of views that you merely evaluate each day and don’t need to travel to individual worksheets. Dashboards are accessed from the workbook’s lowest-level tabs similarly to worksheets. A sheet’s data is linked to any dashboards that contain it, so when you edit a sheet, those dashboards also change, and vice versa. The most recent data from the information source updates both sheets and dashboards.

Installing the Tableau

We can install tableau in >windows

The dataset that we will be working on in the following example is [Dataset].

For creating a dashboard in tableau and working with it , we need to follow some steps:

Launch the Tableau tool and connect the dataset with it. There are different options given if your dataset is Excel , JSON, PDF, etc. Click on sheet 1 to open the worksheet. When you click the sheet 1, you will get the whole dataset attributes on left side of the worksheet and the main worksheet to perform different tasks.

Sheet Button

Dashboard Button

After opening the sheet create the sheet according to the parameters you want to use to create the visualizations. In the example we used, we created sheet 1 as Profit by category in which we will be using category and sub – category as rows and profit as column in the sheet. After building the frame for sheet we will use the recommended visualization given in Show Me option to build graphs, charts, etc., as you wish. Then you can drag and drop the column in color to apply changes to the color of the representations accordingly.

Sheet 1 ( Profit by Category)

Next, sheet 2 as Profit by State , where we will be using state, country to plot a map graph and using longitude as columns and latitude as rows. Drag and drop the state and country attributes to the sheet and then the profit on the same sheet. The sheet will be showing the map that we will be using to build the dashboard. You can change color of the graph by dragging and dropping the profit column to color and choose accordingly.

Profit by State

In sheet 3, we will name it as Profit by product name (name according to your need to build the dashboard). We will be using profit, quantity as rows and product name as rows. Apply color by dragging and dropping the attributes to color to change the color accordingly. Represent the visualization from the Show me option.

Profit By Product Name

As now we are done with the sheets , let’s start with building dashboard. For this example, we will drag and drop all the three sheets on the dashboard and adjust them according to your need. To make the dashboard interactive , we can use filter option given on right side when you click on the sheet. As the dashboard will be interactive , we can use filters , if you need to see any specific information. There are many different features which can be used to create the dashboard to make your dashboards more interactive and impressive .


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