C++ Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic Operators in C++ are used to perform arithmetic or mathematical operations on the operands. For example, ‘+’ is used for addition, ‘‘ is used for subtraction,  ‘*’ is used for multiplication, etc. In simple terms, arithmetic operators are used to perform arithmetic operations on variables and data; they follow the same relationship between an operator and an operand.

C++ Arithmetic operators are of 2 types:

  1. Unary Arithmetic Operator
  2. Binary Arithmetic Operator

1. Binary Arithmetic Operator

These operators operate or work with two operands. C++ provides 5 Binary Arithmetic Operators for performing arithmetic functions:


Name of the Operators





Used in calculating the Addition of two operands



Used in calculating Subtraction of two operands




Used in calculating Multiplication of two operands




Used in calculating Division of two operands




Used in calculating Remainder after calculation of two operands




// C++ program to execute all 5
// arithmetic function
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
    int GFG1, GFG2;
    GFG1 = 10;
    GFG2 = 3;
    // printing the sum of GFG1 and GFG2
    cout<< "GFG1 + GFG2= " << (GFG1 + GFG2) << endl;
    // printing the difference of GFG1 and GFG2
    cout << "GFG1 - GFG2 = " << (GFG1 - GFG2) << endl;
    // printing the product of GFG1 and GFG2
    cout << "GFG1 * GFG2 = " << (GFG1 * GFG2) << endl;
    // printing the division of GFG1 by GFG2
    cout << "GFG1 / GFG2 = " << (GFG1 / GFG2) << endl;
    // printing the modulo of GFG1 by GFG2
    cout << "GFG1 % GFG2 = " << (GFG1 % GFG2) << endl;
    return 0;


GFG1 + GFG2= 13
GFG1 - GFG2 = 7
GFG1 * GFG2 = 30
GFG1 / GFG2 = 3
GFG1 % GFG2 = 1

2. Unary Operator

These operators operate or work with a single operand.

Operator Symbol Operation Implementation
Decrement Operator Decreases the integer value of the variable by one –x or x —
Increment Operator ++ Increases the integer value of the variable by one ++x or x++



// C++ Program to demonstrate the 
// increment and decrement operators
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
    int x = 5;
    // This statement Incremented 1
    cout << "x++ is " << x++ << endl;
    // This statement Incremented 1 
    // from already Incremented
    // statement resulting in 
    // Incrementing of 2
    cout << "++x is " << ++x << endl;
    int y = 10;
    // This statement Decremented 1
    cout << "y-- is " << y-- << endl;
    // This statement Decremented 1
    // from already Decremented
    // statement resulting in 
    // Decrementing of 2
    cout << "--y is " << --y << endl;
    return 0;


x++ is 5
++x is 7
y-- is 10
--y is 8

In ++x, the variable’s value is first increased/incremented before being utilised in the program.

In x++, a variable’s value is assigned before it is increased/incremented.

Similarly happens for the decrement operator.

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