List of Countries Bordering Russia

List of countries bordered by Russia are Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia, and North Korea. Relations between Russia and its neighboring countries vary widely, influenced by historical, cultural, economic, and geopolitical factors.

While some neighbors maintain cordial diplomatic ties and engage in mutually beneficial cooperation, others experience tensions and conflicts from territorial disputes, historical grievances, or competition for regional influence.

In this article, we have provided the list of countries bordered by Russia, along with their length of border, population, capital, and other details.

Table of Content

  • Russia – Overview
  • List of Countries Bordered By Russia
  • Map Showing Countries Bordering Russia
  • Norway
  • Finland
  • Estonia
  • Latvia
  • Lithuania
  • Poland
  • Belarus
  • Ukraine
  • Georgia
  • Azerbaijan
  • Kazakhstan
  • China
  • Mongolia
  • North Korea

Russia – Overview

Russia is the largest country in the world, spanning Eastern Europe and Northern Asia.

  • The population of Russia is 146.5 million, making it the ninth most populous country.
  • It covers around 17.1 million square kilometers of landmass.
  • Moscow is the capital.
  • Russian is the official language, with numerous regional languages also spoken.
  • It is rich in natural resources, particularly oil, gas, and minerals, making it one of the world’s leading exporters.
  • Formerly it was the Russian Empire and later the Soviet Union, Russia has a rich historical and cultural heritage.
  • It possesses one of the world’s largest military forces, with global influence.
  • It faces challenges such as economic diversification, political stability, and relations with neighboring countries and global powers.

List of Countries Bordered By Russia

The list of countries bordered by Russia is as follows:


Length of Border




1,313 km


294 km


217 km


227 km


210 km


1,312 km


1,576 km


894 km


338 km


7,644 km


4,209 km


3,485 km

North Korea


Map Showing Countries Bordering Russia

Russia Map

1. Norway

Russia and Norway share a land border in the Arctic region. The exact length of this border is difficult to determine due to the remote and harsh nature of the terrain, but it is approximately estimated to be around 196 kilometers.

  • The population of the country is 5.4 million
  • The area of the country is 385,207 square kilometers
  • The capital of the country is Oslo
  • The official Language of the country is Norwegian
  • Historically, Norway and Russia have maintained diplomatic relations, albeit with occasional tensions over Arctic territory.

2. Finland

The border length between Russia and Finland is approximately 1,313 kilometers.

  • The population of the country is 5.5 million
  • The area of the country is 338,424 square kilometers
  • The capital of the country is Helsinki
  • Official Languages of the country are Finnish, Swedish
  • Historically, Finland was part of the Russian Empire until gaining independence in 1917.
  • Cultural ties exist between Finnish and Russian populations, particularly in areas bordering Russia.

3. Estonia

The border length between Russia and Estonia is approximately 294 kilometers.

  • The population of the country is 1.3 million
  • The area of the country is 45,227 square kilometers
  • The capital of the country is Tallinn
  • The official Language of the country is Estonian
  • Estonia gained independence from the Soviet Union in 1991 and has since developed close ties with Western Europe and NATO.
  • Relations with Russia have been strained at times, particularly regarding Estonia’s membership in the EU and NATO.
  • Economic ties include trade in goods and services, with Estonia being a transit point for Russian exports to Europe.

4. Latvia

The border length between Russia and Latvia is approximately 217 kilometers.

  • The population of the country is 1.9 million
  • The area of the country is 64,589 square kilometers
  • The capital of the country is Riga
  • The official Language of the country is Latvian
  • Latvia gained independence from the Soviet Union in 1991 and has since pursued closer integration with Western institutions.
  • Relations with Russia have been influenced by historical and cultural factors, with occasional tensions over minority rights.
  • Economic ties include trade in goods and services, with Latvia serving as a transit point for Russian exports.

5. Lithuania

The border length between Russia and Lithuania is approximately 227 kilometers.

  • The population of the country is 2.8 million
  • The area of the country is 65,300 square kilometers
  • The capital of the country is Vilnius
  • The official Language of the country is Lithuanian
  • Lithuania regained independence in 1990 and has since pursued closer ties with Western Europe and NATO.
  • Relations with Russia have been complex, marked by historical grievances and occasional tensions over energy and security issues.
  • Economic ties include trade and energy cooperation, with Lithuania seeking to diversify its energy sources away from Russian dependence.

6. Poland

The border length between Russia and Poland is approximately 210 kilometers.

  • The population of the country is 38 million.
  • The area of the country is 312,696 square kilometers.
  • The capital of the country is Warsaw
  • The official Language of the country is Polish
  • Relations with Russia have been characterized by historical tensions, particularly regarding security and historical narratives.
  • Economic ties include trade and energy cooperation, although political tensions sometimes impact economic relations.

7. Belarus

Russia and Belarus share a long land border, approximately 1,312 kilometers in length.

  • The population of Belarus is 9.4 million.
  • The area of the country is 207,600 square kilometers.
  • The capital of the country is Minsk.
  • The official Language of the country is Belarusian, and Russian.
  • Relations between Belarus and Russia are characterized by cooperation in economic, military, and political spheres.
  • Economic ties include energy cooperation, with Belarus heavily dependent on Russian oil and gas supplies.

8. Ukraine

The border length between Russia and Ukraine is approximately 1,576 kilometers.

  • The population of the country is 41 million
  • The area of the country is 603,500 square kilometers
  • The capital of the country is Kyiv
  • The official Language of the country is Ukrainian
  • Relations between Ukraine and Russia have been strained, particularly due to the annexation of Crimea by Russia in 2014 and the ongoing conflict in Eastern Ukraine.
  • Economic ties between Ukraine and Russia have been affected by political tensions, with trade disruptions and energy disputes.

9. Georgia

Russia and Georgia share a border approximately 894 kilometers long.

  • The population of the country is 3.7 million
  • The area of the country is 69,700 square kilometers
  • The capital of the country is Tbilisi
  • The official Language of the country is Georgian
  • Relations between Georgia and Russia remain tense, with disputes over the breakaway regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.
  • Economic ties between Georgia and Russia have been limited, with trade affected by political tensions.

10. Azerbaijan

The border length between Russia and Azerbaijan is approximately 338 kilometers.

  • The population of the country is 10.2 million
  • The area of the country is 86,600 square kilometers
  • The capital of the country is Baku
  • The official Language of the country is Azerbaijani
  • Relations with Russia have been characterized by cooperation in the energy and security spheres, although occasional tensions exist.
  • Economic ties include energy cooperation, with Azerbaijan exporting oil and gas to Russia and beyond.

11. Kazakhstan

Russia and Kazakhstan share a long land border, approximately 7,644 kilometers in length.

  • The population of the country is 19.1 million The area of the country is 2,724,900 square kilometers
  • The capital of the country is NurSultan.
  • Kazakhstan gained independence in 1991 and has pursued a multivector foreign policy, balancing relations between Russia, China, and the West.
  • Relations with Russia are characterized by cooperation in economic, military, and political spheres, with Kazakhstan being a key partner in the Eurasian Economic Union and the Collective Security Treaty Organization.
  • Economic ties include energy cooperation, with Kazakhstan being a major producer of oil and gas.

12. China

The border length between Russia and China is approximately 4,209 kilometers.

  • The population of the country is 1.4 billion
  • The area of the country is 9,596,961 square kilometers
  • The capital of the country is Beijing
  • The official Language of the country is Standard Chinese
  • Economic ties between China and Russia have grown significantly, with cooperation in trade, investment, and energy projects, including the construction of pipelines and infrastructure.

13. Mongolia

Russia and Mongolia share a border approximately 3,485 kilometers long.

  • The population of the country is 3.3 million
  • The area of the country is 1,564,110 square kilometers
  • The capital of the country is Ulaanbaatar
  • The official Language of the country is Mongolian
  • Relations between Mongolia and Russia are characterized by cooperation in economic, military, and cultural spheres, with Russia being a key trade partner and investor.
  • Economic ties include trade, investment, and infrastructure projects, particularly in the mining sector.

14. North Korea

The border length between Russia and North Korea is difficult to determine precisely, as it mainly consists of a river border along the Tumen River. However, it is relatively short compared to other borders, spanning approximately 17 kilometers.

  • The population of the country is 25.8 million
  • Shares a small border with Russia along the Tumen River in the Far East and has a complex relationship with Russia, including historical ties dating back to the Cold War.
  • Political tensions on the Korean Peninsula have occasionally impacted relations between Russia and North Korea, particularly regarding security issues.

Conclusion – List of Countries Bordering Russia

Russia’s relations with its neighboring countries are diverse and multifaceted, influenced by historical legacies, geopolitical considerations, and domestic politics. While some neighboring countries share close ties with Russia, based on cultural, economic, and historical connections, others maintain a more cautious or adversarial stance. Tensions and disputes exist in various regions, such as the Baltic states, Ukraine, and Georgia. However, there are also examples of cooperation and partnership, particularly with countries like Belarus and Kazakhstan, with whom Russia shares strong economic, military, and cultural ties.

FAQs on List of Countries Bordered By Russia

Who is Russia’s neighbor to the west?

Belarus shares a western border with Russia.

What is the capital of Finland, a neighboring country of Russia?

Helsinki is the capital of Finland.

Which neighboring country of Russia has a maritime boundary in the Baltic Sea?

Estonia shares a maritime boundary with Russia in the Baltic Sea.

What is the official language of Latvia, a neighbor of Russia?

Latvian is the official language of Latvia.

Which neighboring country of Russia is a member of the European Union?

Lithuania is a member of the European Union and shares a border with Russia.

What is the population of Ukraine, a neighboring country of Russia?

Ukraine has a population of approximately 41 million people.

Which neighboring country of Russia is known for its disputes over the Kuril Islands?

Japan has disputes with Russia over the Kuril Islands.

What is the capital of Kazakhstan, a neighboring country of Russia?

NurSultan is the capital of Kazakhstan.

Which neighboring country of Russia is the largest by land area?

Kazakhstan is the largest neighboring country of Russia by land area.

What is the official language of China, a neighboring country of Russia?

Standard Chinese is the official language of China.

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