Count of operations to make all elements of array a[] equal to its min element by performing a[i] – b[i]

Given two array a[] and b[] of size N, the task is to print the count of operations required to make all the elements of array a[i] equal to its minimum element by performing a[i] – b[i] where its always a[i] >= b[i]. If it is not possible then return -1.

Input: a[] = {5, 7, 10, 5, 15} b[] = {2, 2, 1, 3, 5} 
Input array is a[] = 5, 7, 10, 5, 15 and b[] = 2, 2, 1, 3, 5. The minimum from a[] is 5. 
Now for a[0] we don’t have to perform any operation since its already 5. 
For i = 1, a[1] – b[1] = 7 – 2 = 5. (1 operation) 
For i = 2, a[2] – b[2] = 10 – 1 = 9 – 1 = 8 – 1 = 7 – 1 = 6 – 1 = 5 (5 operation) 
For i = 3, a[3] = 5 
For i = 4, a[4] – b[4] = 15 – 5= 10 – 5 = 5 (2 operation) 
The total number of operations required is 8.
Input: a[] = {1, 3, 2} b[] = {2, 3, 2} 
It is not possible to convert the array a[] into equal elements. 

Approach: To solve the problem mentioned above follow the steps given below:

  • Find minimum from array a[]. Initialize a variable ans = -1 that stores resultant subtractions operation.
  • Iterate from minimum element of array a[] to 0 and initialize variable curr to 0 that stores the count subtraction to make the array element equal.
  • Traverse in the array and check if a[i] is not equal to x which is the minimum element in the first array, then make it equal to minimum else update curr equal to zero.
  • Check if curr is not equal to 0 then update ans as curr finally return the ans.

Below is the implementation of above approach: 


// C++ program to count the operations
// to make all elements of array a[]
// equal to its min element
// by performing a[i] – b[i]
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to convert all Element of
// first array equal using second array
int findMinSub(int a[], int b[], int n)
    // Get the minimum from first array
    int min = INT_MAX;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        if (a[i] < min)
            min = a[i];
    // Variable that stores count of
    // resultant required subtraction
    // to Convert all elements equal
    int ans = -1;
    for (int x = min; x >= 0; x--)
        // Stores the count subtraction to
        // make the array element
        // equal for each iteration
        int curr = 0;
        // Traverse the array and check if
        // a[i] is not equal to x then
        // Make it equal to minimum else
        // update current equal to zero
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            if (a[i] != x) {
                if (b[i] > 0
                    && (a[i] - x) % b[i] == 0) {
                    curr += (a[i] - x) / b[i];
                else {
                    curr = 0;
        // Check if curr is not equal to
        // zero then update the answer
        if (curr != 0) {
            ans = curr;
    return ans;
// Driver code
int main()
    int a[] = { 5, 7, 10, 5, 15 };
    int b[] = { 2, 2, 1, 3, 5 };
    int n = sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0]);
    cout << findMinSub(a, b, n);
    return 0;


// Java program to count the operations
// to make all elements of array a[]
// equal to its min element
// by performing a[i] – b[i]
import java.util.*;
class GFG{
// Function to convert all element of
// first array equal using second array
static int findMinSub(int a[], int b[], int n)
    // Get the minimum from first array
    int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
    if (a[i] < min)
        min = a[i];
    // Variable that stores count of
    // resultant required subtraction
    // to Convert all elements equal
    int ans = -1;
    for(int x = min; x >= 0; x--)
    // Stores the count subtraction
    // to make the array element
    // equal for each iteration
    int curr = 0;
    // Traverse the array and check
    // if a[i] is not equal to x then
    // Make it equal to minimum else
    // update current equal to zero
    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        if (a[i] != x)
            if (b[i] > 0 &&
                (a[i] - x) % b[i] == 0)
                curr += (a[i] - x) / b[i];
                curr = 0;
    // Check if curr is not equal to
    // zero then update the answer
    if (curr != 0)
        ans = curr;
    return ans;
// Driver code
public static void main(String[] args)
    int a[] = { 5, 7, 10, 5, 15 };
    int b[] = { 2, 2, 1, 3, 5 };
    int n = a.length;
    System.out.print(findMinSub(a, b, n));
// This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar


# Python3 program to count the operations
# to make all elements of array a[]
# equal to its min element
# by performing a[i] – b[i]
# Function to convert all element of
# first array equal using second array
def findMinSub(a, b, n):
    # Get the minimum from first array
    min = a[0]
    for i in range(0, n):
        if a[i] < min:
            min = a[i]
    # Variable that stores count of
    # resultant required subtraction
    # to Convert all elements equal
    ans = -1
    for x in range(min, -1, -1):
        # Stores the count subtraction
        # to make the array element
        # equal for each iteration
        curr = 0
        # Traverse the array and check
        # if a[i] is not equal to x then
        # Make it equal to minimum else
        # update current equal to zero
        for i in range(0, n):
            if a[i] != x:
                if (b[i] > 0 and
                   (a[i] - x) % b[i] == 0):
                    curr += (a[i] - x) // b[i]
                    curr = 0
        # Check if curr is not equal to
        # zero then update the answer
        if curr != 0:
            ans = curr
    return ans
# Driver code
a = [ 5, 7, 10, 5, 15 ]
b = [ 2, 2, 1, 3, 5 ]
n = len(a)
print(findMinSub(a, b, n))
# This code is contributed by jrishabh99


// C# program to count the operations
// to make all elements of array a[]
// equal to its min element
// by performing a[i] – b[i]
using System;
class GFG{
// Function to convert all element of
// first array equal using second array
static int findMinSub(int []a, int []b, int n)
    // Get the minimum from first array
    int min = Int32.MaxValue;
    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        if (a[i] < min)
            min = a[i];
    // Variable that stores count of
    // resultant required subtraction
    // to Convert all elements equal
    int ans = -1;
    for(int x = min; x >= 0; x--)
        // Stores the count subtraction
        // to make the array element
        // equal for each iteration
        int curr = 0;
        // Traverse the array and check
        // if a[i] is not equal to x then
        // Make it equal to minimum else
        // update current equal to zero
        for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            if (a[i] != x)
                if (b[i] > 0 &&
                    (a[i] - x) % b[i] == 0)
                    curr += (a[i] - x) / b[i];
                    curr = 0;
        // Check if curr is not equal to
        // zero then update the answer
        if (curr != 0)
            ans = curr;
    return ans;
// Driver code
public static void Main()
    int []a = { 5, 7, 10, 5, 15 };
    int []b = { 2, 2, 1, 3, 5 };
    int n = a.Length;
    Console.Write(findMinSub(a, b, n));
// This code is contributed by Code_Mech


// javascript program to count the operations
// to make all elements of array a
// equal to its min element
// by performing a[i] – b[i]
    // Function to convert all element of
    // first array equal using second array
    function findMinSub(a , b , n) {
        // Get the minimum from first array
        var min = Number.MAX_VALUE;
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            if (a[i] < min)
                min = a[i];
        // Variable that stores count of
        // resultant required subtraction
        // to Convert all elements equal
        var ans = -1;
        for (x = min; x >= 0; x--) {
            // Stores the count subtraction
            // to make the array element
            // equal for each iteration
            var curr = 0;
            // Traverse the array and check
            // if a[i] is not equal to x then
            // Make it equal to minimum else
            // update current equal to zero
            for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                if (a[i] != x) {
                    if (b[i] > 0 && (a[i] - x) % b[i] == 0) {
                        curr += (a[i] - x) / b[i];
                    } else {
                        curr = 0;
            // Check if curr is not equal to
            // zero then update the answer
            if (curr != 0) {
                ans = curr;
        return ans;
    // Driver code
        var a = [ 5, 7, 10, 5, 15 ];
        var b = [ 2, 2, 1, 3, 5 ];
        var n = a.length;
        document.write(findMinSub(a, b, n));
// This code is contributed by aashish1995




Time Complexity: O(min*n) // min is the minimum element in the array
Auxiliary Space: O(1)

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