Converting MultiDict to proper JSON

In this article, we will see what is MultiDict, and how do we convert a multidict into JSON files in Python.

First, we will convert a multidict to a dictionary data type, and at last, we dump that dictionary into a JSON file.

Functions Used :

  • json.dump(): JSON module in Python module provides a method called dump() which converts the Python objects into appropriate JSON objects. It is a slight variant of the dumps() method.

Syntax : json.dump(d, skipkeys=False, ensure_ascii=True, check_circular=True, allow_nan=True, cls=None, indent=None, separators=None)


indent: It improves the readability of the JSON file. The possible values that can be passed to this parameter are simply double 

quotes(“”), any integer values. Simple double quotes make every key-value pair appear in a new line.

Example :

json.dump(dic,file_name, indent=4)

  • Converting MultiDict to proper JSONMultiDict: It is a class that is present in multidict python module

Syntax : 

  • multidict.MultiDict(**kwargs)
  • multidict.MultiDict(mapping, **kwargs)
  • multidict.MultiDict(iterable, **kwargs)

Return : 

  • It will create a mutable multidict instance.
  • It has all the same functions that are available for dictionaries.

Example : 

from multidict import MultiDict

dic = [(‘Beginner’, 1), (‘for’,2), (‘nerds’, 3)]

multi_dict = MultiDict(dic)



# import multidict module
from multidict import MultiDict
# import json module
import json
# create multi dict
dic = [('', 'Ram'), ('Student.Age', 20),
       ('Student.Phone', 'xxxxxxxxxx'),
       ('', 'Shyam'), ('Student.Age',18),
       ('Student.Phone', 'yyyyyyyyyy'),
       ('Batch', 'A'), ('Batch_Head', 'XYZ')]
multi_dict = MultiDict(dic)
# get the required dictionary
req_dic = {}
for key, value in multi_dict.items():
      # checking for any nested dictionary
    l = key.split(".")
    # if nested dictionary is present
    if len(l) > 1
        i = l[0]
        j = l[1]
        if req_dic.get(i) is None:
            req_dic[i] = {}
            req_dic[i][j] = []
            if req_dic[i].get(j) is None:
                req_dic[i][j] = []
    else# if single dictionary is there
        if req_dic.get(l[0]) is None:
            req_dic[l[0]] = value
            req_dic[l[0]] = value
# save the dict in json format
with open('multidict.json', 'w') as file:
    json.dump(req_dic, file, indent=4)


<class ‘multidict._multidict.MultiDict’>

<MultiDict(‘’: ‘Ram’, ‘Student.Age’: 20, ‘Student.Phone’: ‘xxxxxxxxxx’, ‘’: ‘Shyam’, ‘Student.Age’: 18, ‘Student.Phone’: ‘yyyyyyyyyy’, ‘Batch’: ‘A’, ‘Batch_Head’: ‘XYZ’)>

JSON file output:

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