Convert two columns of a data frame to a named vector in R

In this article, we will discuss how to convert two columns of a dataframe to a named vector in R Programming Language.

Let see the implementation stepwise:

Example 1: Creating dataframe and convert columns to vector.

Step 1: Here we create a DataFrame with name data. There is a total of two columns in DataFrame, short and name. To create a data frame, we use data.frame() function and then finally checkout our DataFrame by printing it.



short = c("G","F","G")
name = c("Beginner", "For", "Beginner")
data = data.frame(short, name)


Step 2: Convert dataframe columns to a vector called result by use of setNames() function. Inside setNames(), we use as.character() function. For access vectors from DataFrame, we use $ operator and then finally print it.

  • setNames(object): it is a function in R that sets a name on an object and returns the object.
  • as.character(vector): it is the function that returns a string of a character vector and prints out the string representation.



short = c("G","F","G")
name = c("Beginner", "For", "Beginner")
data = data.frame(short, name)
result <- setNames(as.character(data$name), 


Example 2: Now, we take another example for better understanding. Here we use srno and student_name as two columns of student data DataFrame and get the final result in the approach vector.


srno = c(1:5)
student_name = c("John", "Jane", "Bill", "Jeff", "Elon")
studentdata = data.frame(srno, student_name)
approach <- setNames(as.character(studentdata$student_name),


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