Convert given string to a valid mobile number

Given a string M consisting of letters, digits and symbols, the task is to convert the string to a valid mobile number by removing all characters except the digits in the following format:

  • Form a substring of 3 digits while the length of the remaining string is greater than 3.
  • Enclose each substring with brackets “()” and separate them with “-“.

If a valid mobile number cannot be obtained, i.e. if the string does not consist of 10 digits, then print -1. Otherwise, print the string obtained.


Input: M = “91 234rt5%34*0 3”
Output: “(912)-(345)-(340)-(3)”
Explanation: After removing all extra characters, M = “9123453403”. Therefore, the final string obtained is “(912)-(345)-(340)-(3)”.

Input: M=”9 9 ry7%64 9 7″
Output: “Invalid”
Explanation: After removing extra characters M=”9976497″. Since the length of the string is not equal to 10, the required output is -1.

Approach: Follow the below steps to solve the problem:

  • Initialize a string, say S and append all digits of M in S in the given order.
  • Now, if the length of S is not 10, print “Invalid”, and end the program.
  • Otherwise, if the length of the string S is 10, make a group of 3 characters and enclose it within the brackets “()” and make separate it with “-“.
  • Print final string as S.

Below is the solution for the above problem.


// C++ program for the above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to print the valid
// and formatted phone number
void Validate(string M)
    // Length of given string
    int len = M.size();
    // Store digits in temp
    string temp = "";
    // Iterate given M
    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        // If any digit, append it to temp
        if (isdigit(M[i]))
            temp += M[i];
    // Find new length of string
    int nwlen = temp.size();
    // If length is not equal to 10
    if (nwlen != 10) {
        cout << "Invalid\n";
    // Store final result
    string res = "";
    // Make groups of 3 digits and
    // enclose them within () and
    // separate them with "-"
    // 0 to 2 index 1st group
    string x = temp.substr(0, 3);
    res += "(" + x + ")-";
    // 3 to 5 index 2nd group
    x = temp.substr(3, 3);
    res += "(" + x + ")-";
    // 6 to 8 index 3rd group
    x = temp.substr(6, 3);
    res += "(" + x + ")-";
    // 9 to 9 index last group
    x = temp.substr(9, 1);
    res += "(" + x + ")";
    // Print final result
    cout << res << "\n";
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Given string
    string M = "91 234rt5%34*0 3";
    // Function Call
// contributed by ajaykr00kj


// Java program for the above approach
import java.util.*;
class GFG
// Function to print the valid
// and formatted phone number
static void Validate(String M)
    // Length of given String
    int len = M.length();
    // Store digits in temp
    String temp = "";
    // Iterate given M
    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
        // If any digit, append it to temp
        if (Character.isDigit(M.charAt(i)))
            temp += M.charAt(i);
    // Find new length of String
    int nwlen = temp.length();
    // If length is not equal to 10
    if (nwlen != 10)
    // Store final result
    String res = "";
    // Make groups of 3 digits and
    // enclose them within () and
    // separate them with "-"
    // 0 to 2 index 1st group
    String x = temp.substring(0, 3);
    res += "(" + x + ")-";
    // 3 to 5 index 2nd group
    x = temp.substring(3, 6);
    res += "(" + x + ")-";
    // 6 to 8 index 3rd group
    x = temp.substring(6, 9);
    res += "(" + x + ")-";
    // 9 to 9 index last group
    x = temp.substring(9, 10);
    res += "(" + x + ")";
    // Print final result
    System.out.print(res+ "\n");
// Driver Code
public static void main(String[] args)
    // Given String
    String M = "91 234rt5%34*0 3";
    // Function Call
// This code is contributed by shikhasingrajput


# Python3 program for the above approach
# Function to print valid
# and formatted phone number
def Validate(M):
    # Length of given
    lenn = len(M)
    # Store digits in temp
    temp = ""
    # Iterate given M
    for i in range(lenn):
        # If any digit:append it to temp
        if (M[i].isdigit()):
            temp += M[i]
    # Find new length of
    nwlenn = len(temp)
    # If length is not equal to 10
    if (nwlenn != 10):
        print ("Invalid")
    # Store final result
    res = ""
    # Make groups of 3 digits and
    # enclose them within () and
    # separate them with "-"
    # 0 to 2 index 1st group
    x = temp[0:3]
    res += "(" + x + ")-"
    # 3 to 5 index 2nd group
    x = temp[3 : 3 + 3]
    res += "(" + x + ")-"
    # 6 to 8 index 3rd group
    x = temp[6 : 3 + 6]
    res += "(" + x + ")-"
    # 9 to 9 index last group
    x = temp[9 : 1 + 9]
    res += "(" + x + ")"
    # Print final result
# Driver Code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Given
    M = "91 234rt5%34*0 3"
    # Function Call
# This code is contributed by mohit kumar 29


// C# program for the above approach
using System;
class GFG
  // Function to print the valid
  // and formatted phone number
  static void Validate(string M)
    // Length of given String
    int len = M.Length;
    // Store digits in temp
    string temp = "";
    // Iterate given M
    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
      // If any digit, append it to temp
      if (Char.IsDigit(M[i]))
        temp += M[i];
    // Find new length of String
    int nwlen = temp.Length;
    // If length is not equal to 10
    if (nwlen != 10)
    // Store final result
    string res = "";
    // Make groups of 3 digits and
    // enclose them within () and
    // separate them with "-"
    // 0 to 2 index 1st group
    string x = temp.Substring(0, 3);
    res += "(" + x + ")-";
    // 3 to 5 index 2nd group
    x = temp.Substring(3, 3);
    res += "(" + x + ")-";
    // 6 to 8 index 3rd group
    x = temp.Substring(6, 3);
    res += "(" + x + ")-";
    // 9 to 9 index last group
    x = temp.Substring(9, 1);
    res += "(" + x + ")";
    // Print final result
  // Driver Code
  public static void Main(string[] args)
    // Given String
    string M = "91 234rt5%34*0 3";
    // Function Call
// This code is contributed by AnkThon


// JavaScript program for the above approach
// Function to print the valid
// and formatted phone number
function Validate(M)
    // Length of given String
    let len = M.length;
    // Store digits in temp
    let temp = "";
    // Iterate given M
    for (let i = 0; i < len; i++)
        // If any digit, append it to temp
        if (! isNaN( parseInt(M[i]) ))
            temp += M[i];
    // Find new length of String
    let nwlen = temp.length;
    // If length is not equal to 10
    if (nwlen != 10)
    // Store final result
    let res = "";
    // Make groups of 3 digits and
    // enclose them within () and
    // separate them with "-"
    // 0 to 2 index 1st group
    let x = temp.substring(0, 3);
    res += "(" + x + ")-";
    // 3 to 5 index 2nd group
    x = temp.substring(3, 6);
    res += "(" + x + ")-";
    // 6 to 8 index 3rd group
    x = temp.substring(6, 9);
    res += "(" + x + ")-";
    // 9 to 9 index last group
    x = temp.substring(9, 10);
    res += "(" + x + ")";
    // Print final result
    document.write(res+ "<br>");
// Driver Code
// Given String
let M = "91 234rt5%34*0 3";
// Function Call
// This code is contributed by patel2127




Time Complexity: O(|M|+|S|)
Auxiliary Space: O(|M|+|S|)


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