Convert Date To Datetime In Python

When you’re programming, dealing with dates and times is important, and Python provides tools to manage them well. This article is about changing dates into date times in Python. We’ll explore methods that can help you switch between these two types of data. Whether you’re building a website or working with data, mastering this conversion skill is crucial for improving your Python programming skills.

Some Module that is Important to Know for Convert Date To Datetime In Python.

  1. datetime Module: Import this module to work with dates and times.
  2. date Object: It represents a calendar date with year, month, and day attributes.
  3. datetime Object: It represents a specific moment in time, combining date and time information.

Convert Date To Datetime In Python

Below, are the ways to Convert Date To Datetime In Python.

Convert Date To Datetime In Python Using datetime.combine()

In this example, below Python code imports necessary modules for handling dates and times. It creates a date object (MyDate) representing September 24, 1998, and a time object (MyTime) for 10:12:30. The code then combines these into a datetime object (DateTime).


# Importing  Modules
from datetime import datetime, date, time
# Creating Date Objects
MyDate = date(1998, 9, 24) #yyyy/mm/dd
# Creating Time Objects
MyTime = time(10, 12, 30#hr/min/sec
# Combining Date and Time objects
DateTime = datetime.combine(MyDate, MyTime)
# Printing Result


1998-09-24 10:12:30

Convert Date To Datetime In Python Using datetime()

In this example, below Python code imports necessary datetime modules and creates a date object (MyDate) representing April 3, 2004. It then forms a datetime object (DateTime) using the year, month, and day components from MyDate, with the default time set to midnight.


# Importing  Modules
from datetime import datetime, date
# Creating Date Objects
MyDate = date(2004, 4, 3) #yyyy/mm/dd
# creating datetime object from year,month and day and time default is midnight
DateTime = datetime(MyDate.year, MyDate.month,
# Printing Result


2004-04-03 00:00:00

Convert Date To Datetime In Python Using datetime.strptime()

In this example, below Python code imports the necessary datetime module. It initializes a string variable (MyDate) with the date “2003-12-17” and then creates a datetime object (DateTime) by parsing the string using the specified format (“%Y-%m-%d”), with the default time set to midnight.


# Importing  Modules
from datetime import datetime
# Creating string variable and writing date in it
MyDate = "2003-12-17" 
# creating datetime object from string and time default is midnight
DateTime = datetime.strptime(MyDate, "%Y-%m-%d")
# Printing Result


2003-12-17 00:00:00


In conclusion, mastering the skill of converting dates to datetimes in Python is a valuable asset that enhances your programming proficiency. The techniques discussed in this article provide insights that empower you to seamlessly connect dates and datetimes. Efficient data management is crucial across various applications, including web development and data analysis.

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