Contest Experiences | Educational Codeforces Round #151 (Div. 2)

About the contest:

This contest is normally similar to other Codeforce contests. This website provides a competitive programming contest, not a DSA-specific question asked in an interview round. This contest provided 6 to 7 problems to solve in only 2 hours, from easy to difficult. So good knowledge of DSA mathematical and number theory, then hit all the problems. There are 3 to 4 problems that are asked as easy to medium, but 5 to 7 are more difficult legal problems.

Educational Codeforces Round #151 (Div. 2)

  • This program hosted the Codeforce platform.
  • These cases are regularly held over the Internet or a local network.
  • Give a lot of people this contest to gain experience.
  • This round will be rated for participants with a rating lower than 2100. It will be held under extended ICPC rules. The penalty for each incorrect submission until the submission with a full solution is 10 minutes. After the end of the contest, you will have 12 hours to hack any solution you want. You will have access to copy any solution and test it locally.
  • You will be given 6 or 7 problems and 2 hours to solve them.

Benefits and Prizes:

Codeforces Educational Rounds usually do not offer physical prizes or monetary rewards. Participants fight for rating points and the comfort of resolving entertaining problems, but your comfort is used in the coding round and interview.

Link to this contest:

Overview of the Challenges:



Problem name

Difficulty Laval

(rating based)

Time taken by me

No.of submition



Forbidden integer






Come Together






Strong Password

Not Define

46 ms




Rating System

Not Define



Compilation error


Boxes and Balls

Not Define


Swimmers in the Pool

Not define

A.Forbidden Integer:

That a easy problem so solve only 10 to 15 minat enough this problem.
Input:The first line contains a single integer t (1≤t≤100)—the number of test cases. The only line in each test case contains three integers n, k, and x (1≤x≤k≤n≤100).


  • 1. For each test case, calculate the maximum available total of integers from 1 to `k`, forbidding `x`. and therefore subtracting `x` from it.
  • 2. Check if the maximum possible total is below `n`. If it is, print “NO” because it’s not possible to get the total `n` without the number `x`.
  • 3. If the maximum possible total is more or equal to `n`, you can get the total `n`. Print “YES.”
  • 4. To find`n` as a total of these integers, you can take `n – x` all at once of the integers. This leaves you with the task of judging a total of `m – 1` integers from the range 1 to `k`, forbidding `x`, such that their total is equal to `n – x`.
  • 5. You can select `m – 1` integers from the range 1 to `k` without delay because their total is effective `n – x`. Print the value of `m`, followed by these `m – 1` integers.

B. Come Together:

This is a simple to moderate problem. This question breaks fundamental geometric concepts, basic mathematics, and conditional statements to decide the maximum number of containers Bob and Carol can walk together while returning home, utilizing the shortest paths.find all absolute values and return the shortest path.

C.Strong Password:

That moderate problem is a number theory and DSA good knowledge,then hit the problem simply way.Approach:As you repeat through the positions of the password, check if you can find a completely individual number for each position, that is, inside the specified range and not in the identification database. If you can, the answer is “yes”; alternatively, it’s “no.”

D.Rating System:

This is a good problem with good knowledge of constraints, so the idea of an underflow or overflow case in your code implementation is a conflict value, namely, big enough to handle all the rating changes as though the performer’s rating remains at the maximum attainable level after all the matches.

E and F problem not solved me because there diffucult problem no find these problem approach.


This contest is very concept-related, and good problems help this approach in the online assessment and build up your confidence.

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