Console.SetOut() Method in C#

Console.SetOut(TextWriter) Method in C# is used to redirect the stream of standard output. With the help of this method, a user can specify a StreamWriter as the output object. The Console.SetOut method will receive an object of type TextWriter. The StreamWriter can be passed to Console.SetOut and it is implicitly cast to the TextWriter type. It simply sets the standard output stream property to the specified TextWriter object it gets.


public static System.IO.TextWriter Out { get; }
public static void SetOut (System.IO.TextWriter newOut);
public static void SetOut(TextWriter newOut)

Return Value: It returns the streamWriter to specified TextWriter Object.


  • When the newOut is null ArgumentNullException is thrown which does not accept it as a valid argument.
  • When an I/O error occurred IOException is thrown.

Example 1:

// C# code to demonstrate the use 
// of Console.SetOut method
using System;
using System.IO;
class GFG {
    // Main Method
    static void Main()
        // Creating a text file named "out" in D Drive
        using(StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter("D:\\out.txt"))
    // Method Result
    static void Result()
        // Writing to the file
        Console.WriteLine("A Computer Science portal for Beginner!");

Compiling and Executing:


Example 2:

// C# code to demonstrate the use 
// of Console.SetOut method
using System;
using System.IO;
class GFG {
    // Main Method
    static void Main()
        // will display on console
        // Creating a text file named "Beginner" 
        // at the location of your program
        FileStream Beginner1 = new FileStream("Beginner.txt", FileMode.Create);
        // Standard Output stream is 
        // being saved to a Textwriter
        TextWriter Beginnerave = Console.Out;
        StreamWriter portal1 = new StreamWriter(Beginner1);
        Console.WriteLine("\nThe Computer Science portal for Beginner");
        Console.WriteLine("\nWelcome to w3wiki");
        // will display on console
        Console.WriteLine("This is Console.SetOut Method in C#");
        Console.WriteLine("Get programming practices at your own pace !");

Compiling and Executing:



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